An automated recursive multi-threaded code for downloading HTTPS certificates. Made with python.
Python v3
- urllib
- tldextract
- OpenSSL
The run time parmeters (including number of threads) can be set in file.
The certificates are fetched for the domains mentioned in cert_in_file (can be found in file). For reference see: sample input file
The output folder format can be seen here
The code recursively fetches the certificate from the domains in the Subject Alternative Name field until no new domains are found.
If you want to use non recursive approach, use the manual method in the Manager class.
└── 'i'-round (i = 01,02,03,...)
├── unreachable_domain
│ ├── status_code_404.txt
│ ├── status_others.txt
│ └── status_errors.txt
├── redirection_domains
│ └── status_redirection.txt
├── san_domains
│ └── sans.txt # The san domains obtained from cert.json
├── input
│ └── hosts.txt # The domains file used for fetching certs
├ status_code_200.txt
├ certs.json # certificate file
├ certs_temp.json # intermediate file - can be seen only if some error occurs
└ error_hosts.txt