- Enhanced layer support
- UI changes
- Fixed Gimp path detection bug
- Fixed macOS support
- Fixed some (not all) UI scaling issues
- Windows fixes
- Gimp compatibility fixes
- Fixed issues when loading some TIFF images
- Improved ImageMagick compatibility
- Fixed compatibility with Qt 5.15
- Updated third-party software (included in binaries)
- Added support for output compression quality
- Added support for ImageMagick 7
- Support for system theme
- Fixed GIMP support on Linux
- Fixed GIMP 2.10 Windows support
- Fixed broken Cyan Python plug-in
- Support XCF (GIMP image format)
- Support reading layers from XCF, TIFF, PSD
- Major "behind-the-scene" changes
- Improved performance
- Save to JPEG
- Enhanced image information
- Third-party software updates
- Fixed issues converting HDR images
- first public release