Exception collection and aggregation built on Google App Engine.
The ability to see aggregated exception logs in (near) real time is invaluable for determining how your application is performing.
Here is a demo server running the exception catcher.
Click here to trigger 10 more fake exceptions.
The demo server generates fake exceptions using this fork.
App Engine gave us a lot of what we needed for free (task queues, persistent storage, etc) plus it makes it very easy for other companies to deploy this code base.
This is a very early stage project. It works for our needs. We haven't verified it works beyond that. Issue reports and patches are very much appreciated!
For example, some obviously needed improvements include
Faster data store access, particularly for large data sets.
Email on error spikes.
Over time graphs of specific errors.
Integration with more languages / frameworks.
The visual design could use a lot of love.
git clone https://github.com/Greplin/greplin-exception-catcher.git
cd greplin-exception-catcher/server
cp example-config.json config.json
At this point, update config.json with the name and secret key. Secret key should be any random string of characters.
dev_appserver.py .
You'll need to change the application identifier in app.yaml to an identifier that you own.
GEC currently requires that you attach it to a single Google Apps domain for login security.
cd greplin-exception-catcher/python/logging
python setup.py install
import logging
from greplin.gec import logHandler
gec = logHandler.GecHandler('/path/to/exception/directory', projectName, environmentName, serverName)
cd greplin-exception-catcher/python/twisted
python setup.py install
from greplin.gec import twistedLog
twistedLog.GecLogObserver('/path/to/exception/directory', projectName, environmentName, serverName).start()
cd greplin-exception-catcher/java
mvn install
In log4j.properties:
log4j.appender.gec.project=Project name
log4j.appender.gec.serverName=Server name
Add the following to your crontab:
* * * * * /path/to/greplin-exception-catcher/bin/upload.py http://your.server.com YOUR_SECRET_KEY /path/to/exception/directory
When exceptions occur, they are written to a directory of individual JSON files. A cron job must be set up to scan this directory for new exceptions and send them to the App Engine server.
We chose this model so that exception logging will be resilient to transient server side problems.