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Bindlib 6.0.0

Breaking changes:

  • Major change of semantics that impacts variable renaming (and printing). The new semantics is explained in the documentation (see the .mli file), and a guide for porting code is provided below.

Other changes:

  • Compilation using Dune.
  • Generation of the bindlib.opam file using Dune.
  • Require at least OCaml 4.07.0 (not strictly necessary, but solves CI issues with the installation of Dune on older versions).
  • Cleaning up of the documentation in the code (.ml file).
  • Polishing of the interface documentation (.mli file).
  • Add the unbind2_in function (similar to unbind2 but with a context).
  • Add the unmbind2_in function (similar to unmbind2 but with a context).
  • Add the free_vars function to construct a context containing all the free variables in a boxed value.
  • Add the reserve_name function to reserve a variable name in a context.
  • Add a functor Ctxt that can be used to define a custom variable renaming policy, given a type of contexts and a few configurations.

This releases breaks your printing code: here is how to fix it

Note: only the printing code is broken, all the rest is fine.

To understand the problem, recall that variable substitutions does not perform any bound variable renaming in Bindlib. What used to be the case, was that the bound variable names were appropriately updated upon term construction. A term that was freshly constructed was hence guaranteed to be safe for printing, and thus it was advised to do a "cleanup" term traversal before printing (this was done by composing a user-defined boxing function of type t -> t, and the build-in Bindlib.unbox function).

For example, with a type of the terms of the λ-calculus, that would be done as follows, using the appropriate smart constructors.

type term =
  | Var of term Bindlib.var
  | Abs of (term, term) Bindlib.binder
  | App of term * term

let var = Bindlib.box_var
let abs = Bindlib.box_apply (fun b -> Abs(b))
let app = Bindlib.box_apply2 (fun t u -> App(t,u))

let rec box_term: term -> term = fun t ->
  match t with
  | Var(x)   -> var x
  | Abs(b)   -> abs (Bindlib.box_binder box_term b)
  | App(t,u) -> app (box_term t) (box_term u)

let cleanup: term -> term = fun t ->
  Bindlib.unbox (box_term t)

(* Naive printing function assuming correct names. *)
let rec to_string: term -> string = fun t ->
  match t with
  | Var(x)   -> Bindlib.name_of x
  | Abs(b)   -> let (x,t) = Bindlib.unbind b in
                "λ" ^ Bindlib.name_of x ^ "." ^ to_string t
  | App(t,u) -> "(" ^ to_string t ^ ") " ^ to_string u

let to_string t = to_string (cleanup t)

What do we do now?

In this new version of Bindlib, a function that prints or displays a term must rely on a context (of type Bindlib.ctxt) for free variables. All renaming is performed when introducing fresh variables to substitute binders using special functions like Bindlib.new_var_in or Bindlib.unbind_in, which take care of picking a fresh name and maintaining the context.

Going back to the λ-calculus, the printing function must become the following.

(** [to_string_in ctxt t] is safe for printing assuming that [ctxt] is a valid
    context for [t] (i.e., it contains all of its free variables). *)
let rec to_string_in : ctxt -> term -> string = fun ctxt t ->
  match t with
  | Var(x)   -> Bindlib.name_of x
  | Abs(b)   -> let (x,t,ctxt) = Bindlib.unbind_in ctxt b in
                "λ" ^ Bindlib.name_of x ^ "." ^ to_string_in ctxt t
  | App(t,u) -> "(" ^ to_string_in ctxt t ^ ") " ^ to_string_in ctxt u

(** [to_string t] is always safe for printing. *)
let to_string : term -> string = fun t ->
  to_string_in (Bindlib.free_vars (box_term t)) t

In some situations where a form of context is required anyway (e.g., for doing type-checking), it might make sense to maintain a Bindlib context to avoid the cost of a call to box_term at printing time. However, this also means that a small cost for maintaining names is payed early on.

Bindlib 5.0.1 (21/08/2018)

Bug fixes:

  • Partially-applied new_var function could lead to variables with the same unique identifier (fixed by an η-expansion).
  • The case where unmbind2 was called with multiple binders with different arities was not handled, which could lead to problems (fixed by raising Invalid_argument "Arity missmatch in unmbind2" on an arity mismatch).
  • The eq_mbinder function also suffered from the same problem as unmbind2 (fixed by returning false on an arity mismatch).

Other changes:

  • Documentation update for unmbind2 and eq_mbinder.

Bindlib 5.0.0 (27/05/2018)

Breaking changes:

  • Rename type 'a bindbox into 'a box.
  • Variance annotations removed on the ('a,'b) binder type.
  • Remove the bind function (use bind_var instead).
  • Remove the mbind function (use bind_mvar instead).
  • Remove the (unsafe) binder_compose_left function.
  • Rename the (less unsafe) binder_compose_right into binder_compose.
  • Remove the (unsafe) binder_from_fun function (replaced by raw_binder).
  • Remove the (unsafe) mbinder_from_fun function (replaced by raw_mbinder).
  • Remove the bind_in function.
  • Rename the box_of_var function into box_var.
  • Change the order of arguments of copy_var to match new_var.
  • Remove the first argument of eq_binder (not necessary anymore).
  • Remove the first argument of eq_mbinder (not necessary anymore).
  • Remove the fixpoint function (too specific, and expressible).
  • Remove the is_substituted function (semantics not clear).
  • Remove the prefix_of function (abstraction-breaking).
  • Remove the suffix_of function (abstraction-breaking).
  • Remove the first argument of unbind (not necessary anymore).
  • Remove the first argument of unbind2 (not necessary anymore).
  • Remove the first argument of unbind_in (not necessary anymore).
  • Remove the first argument of unmbind (not necessary anymore).
  • Remove the first argument of unmbind2 function (not necessary anymore).
  • Remove the first argument of unmbind_in (not necessary anymore).
  • Remove the vbind function (use bind_var instead).

Other changes:

  • Major improvement of the documentation, and description of the library in a paper.
  • Add the box_binder function (useful helper).
  • Add the box_mbinder function (useful helper).
  • Add the (unsafe) mbinder_compose function.
  • Add the (unsafe) raw_binder function to construct binders "manually".
  • Add the (unsafe) raw_mbinder function (similar to raw_binder).
  • Add the uids_of function (similar to uid_of).

Bindlib 4.0.5 (24/01/2018)

Breaking changes:

  • Remove the free_of function (users must now remember the injection).

Other changes:

  • Add the (unsafe) uid_of function that can be used to obtain the unique identifier associated to a variable (useful for hashing).
  • Add the unbind2 function that destructs two binders at once with the same (fresh) variable.
  • Add the eq_binder function for testing equality of binders given an equality function for the bodies.
  • Add the unmbind2 function (similar to unbind2).
  • Add the eq_binder function (similar to eq_binder).
  • Add the is_substituted function.

Bindlib 4.0.4 (21/08/2017)

Breaking changes:

  • Rename f into lift_box in the signature of the Lift functor.
  • Rename f into lift_box in the signature of the Lift2 functor.
  • Remove the (unsafe) apply_in_box function.
  • Remove the (useless) list_vars function.

Other changes:

  • Require at least OCaml 3.12.1.
  • Major cleaning up and documentation effort.
  • Move from darcs to git.
  • Add the mbinder_from_fun function (similar to binder_from_fun).
  • Add the mbinder_occurs function (similar to binder_occur).
  • Add the mbinder_rank function (similar to binder_rank).
  • Add the suffix_of function to query the suffix of a variable name.

Bindlib 4.0.3

Breaking changes:

  • Rename the 'a variable type into 'a var.
  • Rename the 'a mvariable type into 'a mvar.
  • Rename the compare_variables function into compare_vars.
  • Rename the eq_variables function into eq_vars.
  • Rename the context type into ctxt.
  • Rename the list_variables function into list_vars.

Other changes:

  • Add the prefix_of function to query the prefix of a variable name.
  • Add the unmbind function which destructs a multiple binder (like the unbind function for binders).
  • Add the unbind_in and unmbind_in functions, which are similar to unbind and unmbind but work with a context.
  • Remove the Bindlib_util and Ptmap modules (not meant to be exposed).

Bindlib 4.0.2

Breaking changes:

  • Remove the second (int) argument of the unsafe binder_from_fun function, which also has now a different semantics.

Other changes:

  • Document the binder_from_fun function (unsafe).
  • Add the box_apply4 function.

Bindlib 4.0

Major cleanup/rewriting of the library by Rodolphe Lepigre. First version distributed via Opam.

Earlier versions

All earlier versions of Bindlib were developed by Christophe Raffalli. A version for Haskell was even available at some point.