LLM服務器程式範例: [AmebaPro2_server/*.py](https://github.com/rkuo2000/EdgeAI-AMB82mini/tree/main/AmebaPro2_server)
Arduino 程式範例: [Arduino/AMB82-mini/](https://github.com/rkuo2000/EdgeAI-AMB82mini/tree/main/Arduino/AMB82-mini)
自強基金會 WiFi
Pass: 035623116
32-bit Arm v8M, up to 500MHz, 768KB ROM, 512KB RAM, 16MB Flash (MCM embedded DDR2/DDR3L up to 128MB)
802.11 a/b/g/n WiFi 2.4GHz/5GHz, BLE 5.1, NN Engine 0.4 TOPS, Crypto Engine, Audio Codec, ...
Arduino IDE 2.3.4 下載 & 安裝
Hub8735 ultra
main https://github.com/Ameba-AIoT/ameba-arduino-pro2/raw/main/Arduino_package/package_realtek_amebapro2_index.json
dev https://github.com/Ameba-AIoT/ameba-arduino-pro2/raw/dev/Arduino_package/package_realtek_amebapro2_early_index.json
Tools > Board Manager > AMB82 package > 4.0.9
首先將AMB82-mini板子用MicroUSB線 連接至電腦的USB port
確認UART com port (Ubuntu OS需 sudo chown usrname /dev/ttyUSB0
- 按下UART_DOWNLOAD按鈕, 再按下RESET按鈕, 放開RESET按鈕, 再放開UART_DOWNLOAD按鈕,板子就進入燒錄模式.
- 然後于Arduino IDE上按下燒錄按鍵
sudo dpkg -i code_1.97.2-1739406807_amd64.deb
Steps to get started
- Install Visual Studio Code
- Install the Arduino extension from the Visual Studio Marketplace
- Configure Arduino settings
- Create a new Arduino project folder and file with the ".ino" extension
- Write and upload your code
- IntelliSense: Provides code suggestions and tips as you type
- Built-in board manager: Manages boards and libraries
- Built-in example list: Provides examples to help you get started
- Built-in serial monitor: Lets you monitor communication with your Arduino board
- Snippets: Provides snippets for common Arduino sketches
- Automatic project scaffolding: Helps you get started on new projects
- 01.Basics> Blink
- 02.Digitial> GPIO> Button
const int buttonPin = 1
; // the number of the pushbutton pin
const int ledPin = LED_BUILTIN
; // the number of the LED pin
- 瀏覽器打開 EdgeAI-AMB82mini, 點[Code]並選 [Download ZIP]
- 解壓縮.zip, 並將 Arduino/AMB82-mini 複製到 文件/Arduino下, 成為
Exmples > AmebaBLE > BLEV7RC_CAR_VIDEO
Serial-monitor baud rate = 115200
Datasheet: VL53L0X - Time-of-Flight ranging sensor
Sketch: IR_VL53L0X
Sketch: MPU6050-DMP6v12
- MOSI: Standard SPI Pin
- MISO: Standard SPI Pin
- SLK: Standard SPI Pin
- CS: Standard SPI Pin
- RESET: Used to reboot LCD.
- D/C: Data/Command. When it is at LOW, the signal transmitted are commands, otherwise the data transmitted are data.
- LED (or BL): Adapt the screen backlight. Can be controlled by PWM or connected to VCC for 100% backlight.
- VCC: Connected to 3V or 5V, depends on its spec.
- GND: Connected to GND.
Sketch: HTTP_Post_ImageText_TFTLCD
- LCD_Screen_ILI9341_TFT : LCD Draw Tests
- Camera_2_Lcd : Camera output , then Jpeg Decoder to TFT-LCD
- Camera_2_Lcd_JPEGDEC : Camera output, saved to SDcard, then Jpeg Decoder to read to TFT-LCD
Examples: AmebaMultimedia > StreamRTSP > RTSP_VideoOnly
Sketch: RTSP_VideoOnly
Examples: AmebaMultimedia > MotionDetection > LoopPostProcessing
- 修改ssid, passwd, 後燒錄到AMB82-mini,
- 按reset後程式即開始運行, 用serial-monitor 查看顯示串流網址
- 啟動手機或電腦上之VLC player, 設定RTSP串流網址
Examples: AmebaMultimedia > MotionDetection > MotionDetectGoogleLineNotify
Audio & Mic
Examples: AmebaMultimedia > Audio >LoopbackTest
AMB82-mini + PAM8403 + 4ohm 3W speaker
Skatch: SDcardMP3
- .mp3 files stored under mp3 directory
Skatch: SDcardMP3_PlayAll
Examples: AmebaMultimedia > Audio > RTSPAudioStream
Examples: AmebaMultimedia > RecordMP4 > AudioOnly
Examples: AmebaNN > AudioClassification
Examples: AmebaNN > RTSPFaceDetection
Examples: AmebaNN > RTSPFaceRecognition
Serial_monitor: REG=RKUO
- Enter the command REG=Name to give the targeted face a name.
- Enter the command DEL=Name to delete a certain registered face. For example,
- Enter the command BACKUP to save a copy of registered faces to flash.
- If a backup exists, enter the command RESTORE to load registered faces from flash.
- Enter the command RESET to forget all previously registered faces.
required in kaggle for AmebaPro2
- pip install tensorflow==2.14.1
- model.save('garbage_cnn.h5', include_optimizer=False)
- Download garbage_cnn.h5 from kaggle.com/rkuo2000/garbage-cnn
- Compress garbage_cnn.h5 to garbage_cnn.zip
- Go to Amebapro2 AI convert model, fill up your E-mail
- Upload garbage_cnn.zip
- Upload one (.jpg) test picture (EX. glass100.jpg from Garbage dataset)
- Email will be sent to you for the link of
- click the recieved Email link to download
- create NN_MDL folder in SDcard, save network_binary.nb under NN_MDL folder, and rename it to
- plugin SDcard back to AMB82-MINI
- modify Sketch RTSP_GarbageClassification.ino
- modify SSID and PASSWD
- modify imgclass.modelSelect (change DEFAULT_IMGCLASS to CUSTOMIZED_IMGCLASS)
- burn code into board AMB82-MINI, and run it with VLC player streaming
- YOLOv7 Facemask detection
- YOLOv7 Pothole detection
- YOLOv7 Sushi detection
- YOLOv7 refrigeratoryfood
- YOLOv7 reparm
- repro https://github.com/WongKinYiu/yolov7
- create pothole.yaml
%%writefile data/pothole.yaml
train: ./Datasets/pothole/train/images
val: ./Datasets/pothole/valid/images
test: ./Datasets/pothole/test/images
# Classes
nc: 1 # number of classes
names: ['pothole'] # class names
- YOLOv7-Tiny Fixed Resolution Training
!sed -i "s/nc: 80/nc: 1/" cfg/training/yolov7-tiny.yaml
!sed -i "s/IDetect/Detect/" cfg/training/yolov7-tiny.yaml
- Download
from kaggle.com/rkuo2000/yolov7-pothole - Compress best.pt to
- Go to Amebapro2 AI convert model, fill up your E-mail
- Upload best.zip
- Upload one (.jpg) test picture (EX. pothole_test.jpg from Pothole dataset)
- Email will be sent to you for the link of
- click the recieved Email link to download
- create NN_MDL folder in SDcard, save network_binary.nb under NN_MDL folder, and rename it to
- plugin SDcard back to AMB82-MINI
- modify Sketch RTSP_YOLOv7_Pothole_Detection.ino
- modify SSID and PASSWD
- burn code into board AMB82-MINI, and run it with VLC player streaming
Download ffmpeg-master-latest-win64-gpl.zip, extract & put ffmpeg.exe into where you run Whisper server.
- 到 https://aistudio.google.com/app/apikey 取得API_Key 填入GOOGLE_API_KEY, 再執行AmebaPro2_Whisper_Gemini_server.py
- 修改server IP位址 in RecordMP4_HTTP_Post_Audio.ino server IP位址, then 燒錄到 AMB82-MINI
- reset AMB82-MINI 來啟動, 按鍵兩秒後即可錄音詢問 LLM/Gemini
Examples: AmebaNN > GenAIVision
- YOLOv7 Alphabet Detection
- GenAI Vision
GenAI Vision + SDcardMP3 + Audio amplifier
Github: https://github.com/youjunjer/AMB82_Bread_POS
- YOLOv7 Object Detection
- GenAI Vision