This is a basic input component it supports the following input types:
- text
- number
- password
- tel
- search
- color
- date
- file
<tw-imput color="primary" v-model="someReactiveVar">A label</tw-imput>
You can add a description
as a property and a label in the default slot. Errors are passed (as a string) to the error
property. When
There is an error passed the color scheme changes to the errorColor
You can add an icon to the left hand side of the input by passing a string (a font awesome name without the fa-) to the icon
When using this component as a file selector the @changed
event will send the selected file. There is no need nor reason to use
as two-way binding is not possible as you cannot set the file.
Property | Type | Required | default | notes |
v-model | string | no | false | The value of the input |
type | String | no | 'text' | The type of input |
color | String | no | 'primary' | The color scheme of the Input |
error-color | String | no | 'danger' | The color scheme when there is an error present |
disabled | Boolean | no | false | Disables the switch |
form-name-and-id | String | no | random string | Sets the id and name of the hidden select (for use in forms) |
icon | String | no | '' | A Font Awesome name |
description | String | no | '' | A description of the input placed underneath it |
error | String | no | '' | An error (such as a validation error) to be shown |
placeholder | String | no | '' | Any placeholder text you want to show |
accept | String | no | '' | Accept string for file browser |
this event, fired by a change in the input, sends the value of the component as a string or file (if the type of the component is set to file)