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get List all the sub accounts under the master account
post Create a sub account under the master account. <aside>Your account must be a master account and have this privilege to create sub account. Zoom only assigns this privilege to trusted partners. The created user will not receive a confirmation email.</aside>.
get Retrieve a sub account under the master account. <aside>Your account must be a master account and have this privilege to read sub accounts. Zoom only assigns this privilege to trusted partners</aside>.
delete Disassociate a sub account from the master account. This will leave the account intact but the sub account will not longer be associated with the master account.
put Update a sub account's options under the master account
get Retrieve a sub account's settings under the master account
put Update a sub account's settings under the master account
get Retrieve a sub account's managed domains under the master account
get Retrieve billing information for a sub account under the master account
put Update billing information for a sub account under the master account <aside>Only for the sub account which is a paid account and paid by master account</aside>
get Retrieve plan information for a sub account under the master account <aside>Only for the sub account which is paid by master account</aside>
post Subscribe plans for a sub account of the master account <aside>Can only subscribe plans for the sub account which is a free account and paid by master account</aside>
put Update a base plan for a sub account <aside>Can only update a base plan for the sub account which is a paid account and paid by master account</aside>
post Add an additional plan for sub account <aside>Can only add an Additional plan for the sub account which is a paid account and paid by master account</aside>
put Update an additional plan for sub account<aside>Can only update an Additional plan for the sub account which is a paid account and paid by master account</aside>
get List groups under your account
post Create a group under your account
get Retrieve a group under your account
put Update a group under your account
delete Delete a group under your account
get List a group's members under your account
post Add members to a group under your account
delete Delete a member from a group under your account
get List H.323/SIP Devices on your Zoom account.
post Create a H.323/SIP Device on your Zoom account
put Update a H.323/SIP Device on your Zoom account
delete Delete a H.323/SIP Device on your Zoom account
get List Tracking Fields on your Zoom account.
post Create a Tracking Field on your Zoom account
get Retrieve a tracking field
put Update a Tracking Field on your Zoom account
delete Delete a Tracking Field on your Zoom account
get List IM groups under your account
post Create a IM Group under your account
get Retrieve an IM Group under your account
put Update an IM Group under your account
delete Delete an IM Group under your account
get List an IM Group's members under your account
post Add members to an IM Group under your account
delete Delete a member from an IM Group under your account
get Retrieve IM Chat sessions for a specified period <aside>This API only supports oauth2.</aside>
get Retrieve IM Chat messages for a specified period <aside>This API only supports oauth2.</aside>
get List meetings for a user
post Create a meeting for a user <aside>The expiration time of start_url is two hours. But for API users, the expiration time is 90 days.</aside>
get Retrieve a meeting's details
put Update a meeting's details
delete Delete a meeting
put Update a meeting's status
get Retrieve a meeting invitation
get List registrants of a meeting
post Register a participant for a meeting
put Update a meeting registrant's status
put Update a meeting's live stream
put Update a meeting's live stream status
get Retrieve ended meeting details
get Retrieve ended meeting participants
get List of ended meeting instances
get List polls of a meeting
post Create a poll for a meeting
get Retrieve a meeting's poll
put Update a meeting's poll
delete Delete a meeting's Poll
get List all the recordings
get Retrieve a meeting’s all recordings
delete Delete a meeting's recordings
delete Delete one meeting recording file
put Recover a meeting's recordings
put Recover a single recording
get Retrieve a meeting recording's settings
put Update a meeting recording's settings
get List live meetings or past meetings for a specified period
get Retrieve live or past meetings detail
get Retrieve live or past meetings participants
get Retrieve live or past meetings participant quality of service
get Retrieve list of live or past meetings participants quality of service
get Retrieve sharing/recording details of live or past meetings participant
get List live webinars or past webinars for a specified period
get Retrieve live or past webinars detail
get Retrieve live or past webinar participants
get Retrieve live or past webinar participant quality of service
get Retrieve list of live or past webinar participants quality of service
get Retrieve sharing/recording details of live or past webinar participant
get List all zoom rooms on account
get Retrieve zoom room on account
get Get CRC Port usage hour by hour for a specified time period <aside class='notice'>We will report a maximum of one month. For example, if "from" is set to "2017-08-05" and "to" is "2017-10-10" we will adjust "from" to "2017-09-10"</aside>.
get Retrieve metrics of Zoom IM
get Retrieve daily report for one month, can only get daily report for recent 6 months
get Retrieve active or inactive hosts report for a specified period
get Retrieve ended meetings report for a specified period
get Retrieve ended meeting details report
get Retrieve ended meeting participants report
get Retrieve ended meeting polls report
get Retrieve ended webinar details report
get Retrieve ended webinar participants report
get Retrieve ended webinar polls report
get Retrieve ended webinar Q&A report
get Retrieve telephone report for a specified period <aside>Toll Report option would be removed.</aside>.
get Retrieve cloud recording usage report for a specified period. You can only get cloud recording reports for the most recent period of 6 months. The date gap between from and to dates should be smaller or equal to 30 days.
get Retrieve TSP information on account level
put Update TSP information on account level
get List users on your account
post Create a user on your account
get Retrieve a user on your account
put Update a user on your account
delete Delete a user on your account
get List a user's assistants
post Add assistants to a user
delete Delete all of a user'sassitants
delete Delete one of a user's assistants
get List a user's schedulers
delete Delete all of a user'schedulers
delete Delete one of a user's schedulers
post Upload a user's profile picture
get Retrieve a user's settings
put Update a user's settings
put Update a user's status
put Update a user's password
get Retrieve a user's permissions
get List user's PAC accounts
get List user's TSP accounts
post Add a user's TSP account
get Retrieve a user's TSP account
put Update a user's TSP account
delete Delete a user's TSP account
get Retrieve a user's token
delete Revoke a user's SSO token
put Update a user's email
get Check if the zpk is expired. The zpk is used to authenticate a user.
get Check if the user email exists
get Check if the user's personal meeting room name exists
get List webinars for a user
post Create a webinar for a user <aside>The expiration time of start_url is two hours. But for API users, the expiration time is 90 days.</aside>
get Retrieve a webinar
put Update a webinar
delete Delete a webinar
put Update a webinar's status
get List panelists for a webinar
post Add panelist to webinar
delete Remove all panelists from a webinar
delete Remove a panelist from a webinar
get List registrants for a webinar
post Add a registrant for a webinar
put Update a webinar registrant's status
get List of ended webinar instances
get List polls of a webinar
post Create a poll for a webinar
get Retrieve a webinar's poll
put Update a webinar's poll
delete Delete a webinar's Poll
put Switch webhook version
get List webhooks for a account
post Create a webhook for a account
get Retrieve a webhook
put Update a webhook
delete Delete a webhook
get Get Hypermedia links to resources accessible in GitHub's REST API
get Returns the GitHub App associated with the authentication credentials used. To see how many app installations are associated with this GitHub App, see the `installations_count` in the response. For more details about your app's installations, see the "[List installations for the authenticated app](https://docs.github.com/rest/reference/apps#list-installations-for-the-authenticated-app)" endpoint.
post Use this endpoint to complete the handshake necessary when implementing the [GitHub App Manifest flow](https://docs.github.com/apps/building-github-apps/creating-github-apps-from-a-manifest/). When you create a GitHub App with the manifest flow, you receive a temporary `code` used to retrieve the GitHub App's `id`, `pem` (private key), and `webhook_secret`.
get Returns the webhook configuration for a GitHub App. For more information about configuring a webhook for your app, see "[Creating a GitHub App](/developers/apps/creating-a-github-app)."
put Updates the webhook configuration for a GitHub App. For more information about configuring a webhook for your app, see "[Creating a GitHub App](/developers/apps/creating-a-github-app)."
delete Uninstalls a GitHub App on a user, organization, or business account. If you prefer to temporarily suspend an app's access to your account's resources, then we recommend the "[Suspend an app installation](https://docs.github.com/rest/reference/apps/#suspend-an-app-installation)" endpoint.
get Enables an authenticated GitHub App to find an installation's information using the installation id. The installation's account type (`target_type`) will be either an organization or a user account, depending which account the repository belongs to.
post Creates an installation access token that enables a GitHub App to make authenticated API requests for the app's installation on an organization or individual account. Installation tokens expire one hour from the time you create them. Using an expired token produces a status code of `401 - Unauthorized`, and requires creating a new installation token. By default the installation token has access to all repositories that the installation can access. To restrict the access to specific repositories, you can provide the `repository_ids` when creating the token. When you omit `repository_ids`, the response does not contain the `repositories` key.
delete Removes a GitHub App installation suspension.
delete Suspends a GitHub App on a user, organization, or business account, which blocks the app from accessing the account's resources. When a GitHub App is suspended, the app's access to the GitHub API or webhook events is blocked for that account.
get You can use this API to list the set of OAuth applications that have been granted access to your account. Unlike the [list your authorizations](https://docs.github.com/rest/reference/oauth-authorizations#list-your-authorizations) API, this API does not manage individual tokens. This API will return one entry for each OAuth application that has been granted access to your account, regardless of the number of tokens an application has generated for your user. The list of OAuth applications returned matches what is shown on [the application authorizations settings screen within GitHub](https://github.com/settings/applications#authorized). The `scopes` returned are the union of scopes authorized for the application. For example, if an application has one token with `repo` scope and another token with `user` scope, the grant will return `["repo", "user"]`.
delete Deleting an OAuth application's grant will also delete all OAuth tokens associated with the application for your user. Once deleted, the application has no access to your account and is no longer listed on [the application authorizations settings screen within GitHub](https://github.com/settings/applications#authorized).
delete OAuth application owners can revoke a grant for their OAuth application and a specific user. You must use [Basic Authentication](https://docs.github.com/rest/overview/other-authentication-methods#basic-authentication) when accessing this endpoint, using the OAuth application's `client_id` and `client_secret` as the username and password. You must also provide a valid OAuth `access_token` as an input parameter and the grant for the token's owner will be deleted.Deleting an OAuth application's grant will also delete all OAuth tokens associated with the application for the user. Once deleted, the application will have no access to the user's account and will no longer be listed on [the application authorizations settings screen within GitHub](https://github.com/settings/applications#authorized).
post Creates an attachment under a content reference URL in the body or comment of an issue or pull request. Use the `id` of the content reference from the [`content_reference` event](https://docs.github.com/webhooks/event-payloads/#content_reference) to create an attachment.
get Lists all the emojis available to use on GitHub.
get Gets the GitHub Actions permissions policy for organizations and allowed actions in an enterprise.
put Replaces the list of selected organizations that are enabled for GitHub Actions in an enterprise. To use this endpoint, the enterprise permission policy for `enabled_organizations` must be configured to `selected`. For more information, see "[Set GitHub Actions permissions for an enterprise](#set-github-actions-permissions-for-an-enterprise)."
delete Removes an organization from the list of selected organizations that are enabled for GitHub Actions in an enterprise. To use this endpoint, the enterprise permission policy for `enabled_organizations` must be configured to `selected`. For more information, see "[Set GitHub Actions permissions for an enterprise](#set-github-actions-permissions-for-an-enterprise)."
put Adds an organization to the list of selected organizations that are enabled for GitHub Actions in an enterprise. To use this endpoint, the enterprise permission policy for `enabled_organizations` must be configured to `selected`. For more information, see "[Set GitHub Actions permissions for an enterprise](#set-github-actions-permissions-for-an-enterprise)."
post Creates a new self-hosted runner group for an enterprise.
delete Deletes a self-hosted runner group for an enterprise.
put Updates the `name` and `visibility` of a self-hosted runner group in an enterprise.
put Replaces the list of organizations that have access to a self-hosted runner configured in an enterprise.
get Gets the free and paid storage used for GitHub Packages in gigabytes.
invalid Allows you to update or delete a gist file and rename gist files. Files from the previous version of the gist that aren't explicitly changed during an edit are unchanged.
delete Revokes the installation token you're using to authenticate as an installation and access this endpoint.
get Shows whether the user or organization account actively subscribes to a plan listed by the authenticated GitHub App. When someone submits a plan change that won't be processed until the end of their billing cycle, you will also see the upcoming pending change.
get Returns meta information about GitHub, including a list of GitHub's IP addresses. For more information, see "[About GitHub's IP addresses](https://help.github.com/articles/about-github-s-ip-addresses/)."
get Returns repository and organization accounts associated with the specified plan, including free plans. For per-seat pricing, you see the list of accounts that have purchased the plan, including the number of seats purchased. When someone submits a plan change that won't be processed until the end of their billing cycle, you will also see the upcoming pending change.
invalid Marks all notifications as "read" removes it from the [default view on GitHub](https://github.com/notifications). If the number of notifications is too large to complete in one request, you will receive a `202 Accepted` status and GitHub will run an asynchronous process to mark notifications as "read." To check whether any "unread" notifications remain, you can use the [List notifications for the authenticated user](https://docs.github.com/rest/reference/activity#list-notifications-for-the-authenticated-user) endpoint and pass the query parameter `all=false`.
post Mutes all future notifications for a conversation until you comment on the thread or get an **@mention**. If you are watching the repository of the thread, you will still receive notifications. To ignore future notifications for a repository you are watching, use the [Set a thread subscription](https://docs.github.com/rest/reference/activity#set-a-thread-subscription) endpoint and set `ignore` to `true`.
put If you are watching a repository, you receive notifications for all threads by default. Use this endpoint to ignore future notifications for threads until you comment on the thread or get an **@mention**.
put Enables an authenticated organization owner with the `admin:org` scope to update the organization's profile and member privileges.
put Sets the actions that are allowed in an organization. To use this endpoint, the organization permission policy for `allowed_actions` must be configured to `selected`. For more information, see "[Set GitHub Actions permissions for an organization](#set-github-actions-permissions-for-an-organization)."
post Creates a new self-hosted runner group for an organization.
put Updates the `name` and `visibility` of a self-hosted runner group in an organization.
delete Removes a repository from the list of selected repositories that can access a self-hosted runner group. The runner group must have `visibility` set to `selected`. For more information, see "[Create a self-hosted runner group for an organization](#create-a-self-hosted-runner-group-for-an-organization)."
put Adds a self-hosted runner to a runner group configured in an organization.
delete Forces the removal of a self-hosted runner from an organization. You can use this endpoint to completely remove the runner when the machine you were using no longer exists.
get Gets a specific self-hosted runner configured in an organization.
invalid Creates or updates an organization secret with an encrypted value. Encrypt your secret using
get Lists all secrets available in an organization without revealing their encrypted values. You must authenticate using an access token with the `admin:org` scope to use this endpoint. GitHub Apps must have the `secrets` organization permission to use this endpoint.
get Gets your public key, which you need to encrypt secrets. You need to encrypt a secret before you can create or update secrets. You must authenticate using an access token with the `admin:org` scope to use this endpoint. GitHub Apps must have the `secrets` organization permission to use this endpoint.
delete Deletes a secret in an organization using the secret name. You must authenticate using an access token with the `admin:org` scope to use this endpoint. GitHub Apps must have the `secrets` organization permission to use this endpoint.
get Gets a single organization secret without revealing its encrypted value. You must authenticate using an access token with the `admin:org` scope to use this endpoint. GitHub Apps must have the `secrets` organization permission to use this endpoint.
get Lists all repositories that have been selected when the `visibility` for repository access to a secret is set to `selected`. You must authenticate using an access token with the `admin:org` scope to use this endpoint. GitHub Apps must have the `secrets` organization permission to use this endpoint.
put Replaces all repositories for an organization secret when the `visibility` for repository access is set to `selected`. The visibility is set when you [Create or update an organization secret](https://docs.github.com/rest/reference/actions#create-or-update-an-organization-secret). You must authenticate using an access token with the `admin:org` scope to use this endpoint. GitHub Apps must have the `secrets` organization permission to use this endpoint.
delete Removes a repository from an organization secret when the `visibility` for repository access is set to `selected`. The visibility is set when you [Create or update an organization secret](https://docs.github.com/rest/reference/actions#create-or-update-an-organization-secret). You must authenticate using an access token with the `admin:org` scope to use this endpoint. GitHub Apps must have the `secrets` organization permission to use this endpoint.
put Adds a repository to an organization secret when the `visibility` for repository access is set to `selected`. The visibility is set when you [Create or update an organization secret](https://docs.github.com/rest/reference/actions#create-or-update-an-organization-secret). You must authenticate using an access token with the `admin:org` scope to use this endpoint. GitHub Apps must have the `secrets` organization permission to use this endpoint.
get Listing and deleting credential authorizations is available to organizations with GitHub Enterprise Cloud. For more information, see [GitHub's products](https://help.github.com/github/getting-started-with-github/githubs-products). An authenticated organization owner with the `read:org` scope can list all credential authorizations for an organization that uses SAML single sign-on (SSO). The credentials are either personal access tokens or SSH keys that organization members have authorized for the organization. For more information, see [About authentication with SAML single sign-on](https://help.github.com/en/articles/about-authentication-with-saml-single-sign-on).
delete Listing and deleting credential authorizations is available to organizations with GitHub Enterprise Cloud. For more information, see [GitHub's products](https://help.github.com/github/getting-started-with-github/githubs-products). An authenticated organization owner with the `admin:org` scope can remove a credential authorization for an organization that uses SAML SSO. Once you remove someone's credential authorization, they will need to create a new personal access token or SSH key and authorize it for the organization they want to access.
post Here's how you can create a hook that posts payloads in JSON format:
get Returns a webhook configured in an organization. To get only the webhook `config` properties, see "[Get a webhook configuration for an organization](/rest/reference/orgs#get-a-webhook-configuration-for-an-organization)."
put Updates a webhook configured in an organization. When you update a webhook, the `secret` will be overwritten. If you previously had a `secret` set, you must provide the same `secret` or set a new `secret` or the secret will be removed. If you are only updating individual webhook `config` properties, use "[Update a webhook configuration for an organization](/rest/reference/orgs#update-a-webhook-configuration-for-an-organization)."
get Returns the webhook configuration for an organization. To get more information about the webhook, including the `active` state and `events`, use "[Get an organization webhook ](/rest/reference/orgs#get-an-organization-webhook)."
put Updates the webhook configuration for an organization. To update more information about the webhook, including the `active` state and `events`, use "[Update an organization webhook ](/rest/reference/orgs#update-an-organization-webhook)."
put Enables an authenticated GitHub App to find the organization's installation information.
get Lists all GitHub Apps in an organization. The installation count includes all GitHub Apps installed on repositories in the organization. You must be an organization owner with `admin:read` scope to use this endpoint.
delete Removes all interaction restrictions from public repositories in the given organization. You must be an organization owner to remove restrictions.
get Lists all GitHub Apps in an organization. The installation count includes all GitHub Apps installed on repositories in the organization. You must be an organization owner with `admin:read` scope to use this endpoint.
delete Removes all interaction restrictions from public repositories in the given organization. You must be an organization owner to remove restrictions.
get Shows which type of GitHub user can interact with this organization and when the restriction expires. If there is no restrictions, you will see an empty response.
put Temporarily restricts interactions to a certain type of GitHub user in any public repository in the given organization. You must be an organization owner to set these restrictions. Setting the interaction limit at the organization level will overwrite any interaction limits that are set for individual repositories owned by the organization.
get The return hash contains a `role` field which refers to the Organization Invitation role and will be one of the following values: `direct_member`, `admin`, `billing_manager`, `hiring_manager`, or `reinstate`. If the invitee is not a GitHub member, the `login` field in the return hash will be `null`.
post Invite people to an organization by using their GitHub user ID or their email address. In order to create invitations in an organization, the authenticated user must be an organization owner. This endpoint triggers [notifications](https://docs.github.com/en/github/managing-subscriptions-and-notifications-on-github/about-notifications).
post Initiates the generation of a migration archive.
post Creates an organization project board. Returns a `404 Not Found` status if projects are disabled in the organization. If you do not have sufficient privileges to perform this action, a `401 Unauthorized` or `410 Gone` status is returned.
post Restores a specific package version in an organization.
post The user can publicize their own membership. (A user cannot publicize the membership for another user.)
post Creates a new repository in the specified organization. The authenticated user must be a member of the organization.
post To create a team, the authenticated user must be a member or owner of `{org}`. By default, organization members can create teams. Organization owners can limit team creation to organization owners. For more information, see "[Setting team creation permissions](https://help.github.com/en/articles/setting-team-creation-permissions-in-your-organization)." When you create a new team, you automatically become a team maintainer without explicitly adding yourself to the optional array of `maintainers`. For more information, see "[About teams](https://help.github.com/en/github/setting-up-and-managing-organizations-and-teams/about-teams)".
put To edit a team, the authenticated user must either be an organization owner or a team maintainer.
post Creates a new discussion post on a team's page. OAuth access tokens require the `write:discussion` [scope](https://docs.github.com/apps/building-oauth-apps/understanding-scopes-for-oauth-apps/).
put Edits the title and body text of a discussion post. Only the parameters you provide are updated. OAuth access tokens require the `write:discussion` [scope](https://docs.github.com/apps/building-oauth-apps/understanding-scopes-for-oauth-apps/).
post Creates a new comment on a team discussion. OAuth access tokens require the `write:discussion` [scope](https://docs.github.com/apps/building-oauth-apps/understanding-scopes-for-oauth-apps/).
put Edits the body text of a discussion comment. OAuth access tokens require the `write:discussion` [scope](https://docs.github.com/apps/building-oauth-apps/understanding-scopes-for-oauth-apps/).
post Create a reaction to a [team discussion comment](https://docs.github.com/rest/reference/teams#discussion-comments). OAuth access tokens require the `write:discussion` [scope](https://docs.github.com/apps/building-oauth-apps/understanding-scopes-for-oauth-apps/). A response with a `Status: 200 OK` means that you already added the reaction type to this team discussion comment.
put Team synchronization is available for organizations using GitHub Enterprise Cloud. For more information, see [GitHub's products](https://help.github.com/github/getting-started-with-github/githubs-products) in the GitHub Help documentation.
put Adds an organization project to a team. To add a project to a team or update the team's permission on a project, the authenticated user must have `admin` permissions for the project. The project and team must be part of the same organization.
put To add a repository to a team or update the team's permission on a repository, the authenticated user must have admin access to the repository, and must be able to see the team. The repository must be owned by the organization, or a direct fork of a repository owned by the organization. You will get a `422 Unprocessable Entity` status if you attempt to add a repository to a team that is not owned by the organization. Note that, if you choose not to pass any parameters, you'll need to set `Content-Length` to zero when calling out to this endpoint. For more information, see "[HTTP verbs](https://docs.github.com/rest/overview/resources-in-the-rest-api#http-verbs)."
put Updates a project board's information. Returns a `404 Not Found` status if projects are disabled. If you do not have sufficient privileges to perform this action, a `401 Unauthorized` or `410 Gone` status is returned.
put Adds a collaborator to an organization project and sets their permission level. You must be an organization owner or a project `admin` to add a collaborator.
put Sets the GitHub Actions permissions policy for enabling GitHub Actions and allowed actions in the repository. If the repository belongs to an organization or enterprise that has set restrictive permissions at the organization or enterprise levels, such as `allowed_actions` to `selected` actions, then you cannot override them for the repository. You must authenticate using an access token with the `repo` scope to use this endpoint. GitHub Apps must have the `administration` repository permission to use this API.
put Sets the actions that are allowed in a repository. To use this endpoint, the repository permission policy for `allowed_actions` must be configured to `selected`. For more information, see "[Set GitHub Actions permissions for a repository](#set-github-actions-permissions-for-a-repository)." If the repository belongs to an organization or enterprise that has `selected` actions set at the organization or enterprise levels, then you cannot override any of the allowed actions settings. To use the `patterns_allowed` setting for private repositories, the repository must belong to an enterprise. If the repository does not belong to an enterprise, then the `patterns_allowed` setting only applies to public repositories. You must authenticate using an access token with the `repo` scope to use this endpoint. GitHub Apps must have the `administration` repository permission to use this API.
post Returns a token that you can pass to the `config` script. The token expires after one hour. You must authenticate using an access token with the `repo` scope to use this endpoint. #### Example using registration token Configure your self-hosted runner, replacing `TOKEN` with the registration token provided by this endpoint. ```./config.sh --url https://github.com/octo-org/octo-repo-artifacts --token TOKEN```
post Returns a token that you can pass to remove a self-hosted runner from a repository. The token expires after one hour. You must authenticate using an access token with the `repo` scope to use this endpoint. #### Example using remove token To remove your self-hosted runner from a repository, replace TOKEN with the remove token provided by this endpoint.```./config.sh remove --token TOKEN```
delete Forces the removal of a self-hosted runner from a repository. You can use this endpoint to completely remove the runner when the machine you were using no longer exists. You must authenticate using an access token with the `repo` scope to use this endpoint.
get Anyone with read access to the repository can use this endpoint. If the repository is private, you must use an access token with the `repo` scope. GitHub Apps must have the `actions:read` permission to use this endpoint.
post Cancels a workflow run using its `id`. You must authenticate using an access token with the `repo` scope to use this endpoint. GitHub Apps must have the `actions:write` permission to use this endpoint.
post Approve or reject pending deployments that are waiting on approval by a required reviewer.
post Re-runs your workflow run using its `id`. You must authenticate using an access token with the `repo` scope to use this endpoint. GitHub Apps must have the `actions:write` permission to use this endpoint.
invalid Creates or updates a repository secret with an encrypted value. Encrypt your secret using
invalid Disables a workflow and sets the `state` of the workflow to `disabled_manually`. You can replace `workflow_id` with the workflow file name. For example, you could use `main.yaml`.
invalid Enables a workflow and sets the `state` of the workflow to `active`. You can replace `workflow_id` with the workflow file name. For example, you could use `main.yaml`.
post Enables automated security fixes for a repository. The authenticated user must have admin access to the repository. For more information, see "[Configuring automated security fixes](https://help.github.com/en/articles/configuring-automated-security-fixes)".
put Updates a check run for a specific commit in a repository. Your GitHub App must have the `checks:write` permission to edit check runs.
post By default, check suites are automatically created when you create a [check run](https://docs.github.com/rest/reference/checks#check-runs). You only need to use this endpoint for manually creating check suites when you've disabled automatic creation using "[Update repository preferences for check suites](https://docs.github.com/rest/reference/checks#update-repository-preferences-for-check-suites)". Your GitHub App must have the `checks:write` permission to create check suites.
post Changes the default automatic flow when creating check suites. By default, a check suite is automatically created each time code is pushed to a repository. When you disable the automatic creation of check suites, you can manually [Create a check suite](https://docs.github.com/rest/reference/checks#create-a-check-suite). You must have admin permissions in the repository to set preferences for check suites.
post Triggers GitHub to rerequest an existing check suite, without pushing new code to a repository. This endpoint will trigger the [`check_suite` webhook](https://docs.github.com/webhooks/event-payloads/#check_suite) event with the action `rerequested`. When a check suite is `rerequested`, its `status` is reset to `queued` and the `conclusion` is cleared.
put Updates the status of a single code scanning alert. You must use an access token with the `security_events` scope to use this endpoint. GitHub Apps must have the `security_events` write permission to use this endpoint.
post Uploads SARIF data containing the results of a code scanning analysis to make the results available in a repository. You must use an access token with the `security_events` scope to use this endpoint. GitHub Apps must have the `security_events` write permission to use this endpoint.
post Create a comment for a commit using its `:commit_sha`.
post Creates a new file or replaces an existing file in a repository.
post Users with `push` access can create deployment statuses for a given deployment.
post Create a fork for the authenticated user.
post Creates a new Git [commit object](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v1/Git-Internals-Git-Objects#Commit-Objects).
post The tree creation API accepts nested entries. If you specify both a tree and a nested path modifying that tree, this endpoint will overwrite the contents of the tree with the new path contents, and create a new tree structure.
put Updates a webhook configured in a repository. If you previously had a `secret` set, you must provide the same `secret` or set a new `secret` or the secret will be removed. If you are only updating individual webhook `config` properties, use "[Update a webhook configuration for a repository](/rest/reference/repos#update-a-webhook-configuration-for-a-repository)."
put Updates the webhook configuration for a repository. To update more information about the webhook, including the `active` state and `events`, use "[Update a repository webhook](/rest/reference/orgs#update-a-repository-webhook)."
post This will trigger a [ping event](https://docs.github.com/webhooks/#ping-event) to be sent to the hook.
post This will trigger the hook with the latest push to the current repository if the hook is subscribed to `push` events. If the hook is not subscribed to `push` events, the server will respond with 204 but no test POST will be generated.
put An import can be updated with credentials or a project choice by passing in the appropriate parameters in this API
post Start a source import to a GitHub repository using GitHub Importer.
put Update an author's identity for the import. Your application can continue updating authors any time before you push new commits to the repository.
post Enables an authenticated GitHub App to find the repository's installation information. The installation's account type will be either an organization or a user account, depending which account the repository belongs to.
put Temporarily restricts interactions to a certain type of GitHub user within the given repository. You must have owner or admin access to set these restrictions. If an interaction limit is set for the user or organization that owns this repository, you will receive a `409 Conflict` response and will not be able to use this endpoint to change the interaction limit for a single repository.
post Any user with pull access to a repository can create an issue. If [issues are disabled in the repository](https://help.github.com/articles/disabling-issues/), the API returns a `410 Gone` status.
post Create a reaction to an [issue comment](https://docs.github.com/rest/reference/issues#comments). A response with a `Status: 200 OK` means that you already added the reaction type to this issue comment.
put Issue owners and users with push access can edit an issue.
put Adds up to 10 assignees to an issue. Users already assigned to an issue are not replaced.
delete Removes any previous labels and sets the new labels for an issue.
put Users with push access can unlock an issue's conversation.
put Users with push access can lock an issue or pull request's conversation.
post Create a reaction to an [issue](https://docs.github.com/rest/reference/issues/). A response with a `Status: 200 OK` means that you already added the reaction type to this issue.
post You can create a read-only deploy key.
invalid Marks all notifications in a repository as "read" removes them from the [default view on GitHub](https://github.com/notifications). If the number of notifications is too large to complete in one request, you will receive a `202 Accepted` status and GitHub will run an asynchronous process to mark notifications as "read." To check whether any "unread" notifications remain, you can use the [List repository notifications for the authenticated user](https://docs.github.com/rest/reference/activity#list-repository-notifications-for-the-authenticated-user) endpoint and pass the query parameter `all=false`.
post Configures a GitHub Pages site. For more information, see "[About GitHub Pages](/github/working-with-github-pages/about-github-pages)."
put Updates information for a GitHub Pages site. For more information, see "[About GitHub Pages](/github/working-with-github-pages/about-github-pages).
post Creates a repository project board. Returns a `404 Not Found` status if projects are disabled in the repository. If you do not have sufficient privileges to perform this action, a `401 Unauthorized` or `410 Gone` status is returned.
post Enables you to edit a review comment.
post Create a reaction to a [pull request review comment](https://docs.github.com/rest/reference/pulls#comments). A response with a `Status: 200 OK` means that you already added the reaction type to this pull request review comment.
put Update the review summary comment with new text.
put Updates the pull request branch with the latest upstream changes by merging HEAD from the base branch into the pull request branch.
post Users with push access to the repository can create a release.
put Users with push access to the repository can edit a release asset.
put Users with push access to the repository can edit a release.
put Updates the status of a secret scanning alert in a private repository. To use this endpoint, you must be an administrator for the repository or organization, and you must use an access token with the `repo` scope or `security_events` scope.
post Users with push access in a repository can create commit statuses for a given SHA.
put If you would like to watch a repository, set `subscribed` to `true`. If you would like to ignore notifications made within a repository, set `ignored` to `true`. If you would like to stop watching a repository, [delete the repository's subscription](https://docs.github.com/rest/reference/activity#delete-a-repository-subscription) completely.
post Disables dependency alerts and the dependency graph for a repository. The authenticated user must have admin access to the repository. For more information, see "[About security alerts for vulnerable dependencies](https://help.github.com/en/articles/about-security-alerts-for-vulnerable-dependencies)".
post Enables dependency alerts and the dependency graph for a repository. The authenticated user must have admin access to the repository. For more information, see "[About security alerts for vulnerable dependencies](https://help.github.com/en/articles/about-security-alerts-for-vulnerable-dependencies)".
post Creates a new repository using a repository template. Use the `template_owner` and `template_repo` route parameters to specify the repository to use as the template. The authenticated user must own or be a member of an organization that owns the repository. To check if a repository is available to use as a template, get the repository's information using the [Get a repository](https://docs.github.com/rest/reference/repos#get-a-repository) endpoint and check that the `is_template` key is `true`.
delete Deletes a secret in an environment using the secret name. You must authenticate using an access token with the `repo` scope to use this endpoint. GitHub Apps must have the `secrets` repository permission to use this endpoint.
invalid **Note:** The SCIM API endpoints for enterprise accounts are currently in beta and are subject to change. Provision an enterprise group, and invite users to the group. This sends invitation emails to the email address of the invited users to join the GitHub organization that the SCIM group corresponds to.
put **Note:** The SCIM API endpoints for enterprise accounts are currently in beta and are subject to change. Allows you to change a provisioned groups individual attributes. To change a groups values, you must provide a specific Operations JSON format that contains at least one of the add, remove, or replace operations. For examples and more information on the SCIM operations format, see the [SCIM specification](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7644#section-3.5.2).
put Allows you to change a provisioned user's individual attributes. To change a user's values, you must provide a specific `Operations` JSON format that contains at least one of the `add`, `remove`, or `replace` operations. For examples and more information on the SCIM operations format, see the [SCIM specification](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7644#section-3.5.2).
put To edit a team, the authenticated user must either be an organization owner or a team maintainer.
post Creates a new discussion post on a team's page. OAuth access tokens require the `write:discussion`.
put Edits the title and body text of a discussion post. Only the parameters you provide are updated. OAuth access tokens require the `write:discussion`.
post Creates a new comment on a team discussion. OAuth access tokens require the `write:discussion`.
put To add a repository to a team or update the team's permission on a repository, the authenticated user must have admin access to the repository, and must be able to see the team. The repository must be owned by the organization, or a direct fork of a repository owned by the organization. You will get a `422 Unprocessable Entity` status if you attempt to add a repository to a team that is not owned by the organization.
invalid Creates, updates, or removes a connection between a team and an IdP group. When adding groups to a team, you must include all new and existing groups to avoid replacing existing groups with the new ones. Specifying an empty `groups` array will remove all connections for a team.
put Sets the visibility for your primary email addresses.
get This endpoint is accessible with the `user` scope.
post Unfollowing a user requires the user to be logged in and authenticated with basic auth or OAuth with the `user:follow` scope.
put Adds a GPG key to the authenticated user's GitHub account. Requires that you are authenticated via Basic Auth, or OAuth with at least `write:gpg_key`.
delete Remove a single repository from an installation. The authenticated user must have admin access to the repository.
delete Removes any interaction restrictions from your public repositories.#
delete Removes a public SSH key from the authenticated user's GitHub account. Requires that you are authenticated via Basic Auth or via OAuth with at least `admin:public_key`.
post Initiates the generation of a user migration archive.
post Unlocks a repository. You can lock repositories when you [start a user migration](https://docs.github.com/rest/reference/migrations#start-a-user-migration). Once the migration is complete you can unlock each repository to begin using it again or [delete the repository](https://docs.github.com/rest/reference/repos#delete-a-repository) if you no longer need the source data. Returns a status of `404 Not Found` if the repository is not locked.
post Restores a package version owned by the authenticated user.
invalid add and update something
invalid update and add x
invalid add and update something
invalid update and add x
invalid update and remove a form from db
invalid update and remove
invalid update and remove an object from db
invalid update and remove a table from sql
get retrieve food from db
get retrieve data from db
get retrieve table from sql-db
delete remove class from db
delete remove data from db
delete remove table from sql-db
delete remove a form from db
delete remove an object from the source
get retrieve data-source from database
get retrieve an object from a database
get retrieve an object
get retrieve food from local
get get something
get get data from x
get request to get following data
get request to get specific data about the user
get get specific name of user
get get name of user
get get name
get get surname
get get information about the user
get get cat food
delete delete food
post create new object
put update new object
get retrieve new object from db
delete remove object from db
invalid add and remove something
invalid update and remove x
get List Messages
post Create Message
delete Delete Message
get Get Message
put Update Message
get Gets a list of favorites defined within an Application Insights component.
delete Remove a favorite that is associated to an Application Insights component.
get Get a single favorite by its FavoriteId, defined within an Application Insights component.
put Updates a favorite that has already been added to an Application Insights component.
put Adds a new favorites to an Application Insights component.
get Gets the list of annotations for a component for given time range
post Create an Annotation of an Application Insights component.
delete Delete an Annotation of an Application Insights component.
get Get the annotation for given id.
get Returns an object with the current configuration that Buffer is using, including supported services, their icons and the varying limits of character and schedules.
get Returns an object with a the numbers of shares a link has had using Buffer.
post "Set the posting schedules for the specified social media profile.
get Returns details of the posting schedules associated with a social media profile.
get "Returns an array of updates that are currently in the buffer for an individual social media profile.
post Edit the order at which statuses for the specified social media profile will be sent out of the buffer.
get Returns an array of updates that have been sent from the buffer for an individual social media profile.
post Randomize the order at which statuses for the specified social media profile will be sent out of the buffer.
get Returns details of the single specified social media profile.
get Returns an array of social media profiles connected to a users account.
post Create one or more new status updates.
delete Permanently delete an existing status update.
get Returns the detailed information on individual interactions with the social media update such as favorites, retweets and likes.
invalid Move an existing status update to the top of the queue and recalculate times for all updates in the queue. Returns the update with its new posting time.
invalid Immediately shares a single pending update and recalculates times for updates remaining in the queue.
put Edit an existing, individual status update.
get Returns a single social media update.
get Returns a single user.
get Get API usage by application for time frame specified. You can go as far back as 30 days ago, and can ask for up to a 48 hour window of time in a single request. You must be authenticated with at least the ReadUserData permission to access this endpoint.
get Get list of applications created by Bungie.
get Returns community content.
get Returns a content item referenced by id
get Returns the newest item that matches a given tag and Content Type.
get Gets an object describing a particular variant of content.
get Gets content based on querystring information passed in. Provides basic search and text search capabilities.
get Searches for Content Items that match the given Tag and Content Type.
get Search for Help Articles.
post Equip an item. You must have a valid Destiny Account, and either be in a social space, in orbit, or offline.
post Equip a list of items by itemInstanceIds. You must have a valid Destiny Account, and either be in a social space, in orbit, or offline. Any items not found on your character will be ignored.
put Insert a plug into a socketed item. I know how it sounds, but I assure you it's much more G-rated than you might be guessing. We haven't decided yet whether this will be able to insert plugs that have side effects, but if we do it will require special scope permission for an application attempting to do so. You must have a valid Destiny Account, and either be in a social space, in orbit, or offline. Request must include proof of permission for 'InsertPlugs' from the account owner.
post Extract an item from the Postmaster, with whatever implications that may entail. You must have a valid Destiny account. You must also pass BOTH a reference AND an instance ID if it's an instanced item.
put Set the Lock State for an instanced item. You must have a valid Destiny Account.
put Set the Tracking State for an instanced item, if that item is a Quest or Bounty. You must have a valid Destiny Account. Yeah, it's an item.
post Transfer an item to/from your vault. You must have a valid Destiny account. You must also pass BOTH a reference AND an instance ID if it's an instanced item. itshappening.gif
get Gets a page list of Destiny items.
get Provide the result of the user interaction. Called by the Bungie Destiny App to approve or reject a request.
get Returns the action token if user approves the request.
post Initialize a request to perform an advanced write action.
get Returns information on the weekly clan rewards and if the clan has earned them or not. Note that this will always report rewards as not redeemed.
get Returns the current version of the manifest as a json object.
get Returns the static definition of an entity of the given Type and hash identifier. Examine the API Documentation for the Type Names of entities that have their own definitions. Note that the return type will always *inherit from* DestinyDefinition, but the specific type returned will be the requested entity type if it can be found. Please don't use this as a chatty alternative to the Manifest database if you require large sets of data, but for simple and one-off accesses this should be handy.
get Gets public information about currently available Milestones.
get Gets custom localized content for the milestone of the given hash, if it exists.
get Returns a list of Destiny memberships given a full Gamertag or PSN ID. Unless you pass returnOriginalProfile=true, this will return membership information for the users' Primary Cross Save Profile if they are engaged in cross save rather than any original Destiny profile that is now being overridden.
get Gets aggregated stats for a clan using the same categories as the clan leaderboards. PREVIEW: This endpoint is still in beta, and may experience rough edges. The schema is in final form, but there may be bugs that prevent desirable operation.
get Gets historical stats definitions.
get Gets leaderboards with the signed in user's friends and the supplied destinyMembershipId as the focus. PREVIEW: This endpoint is still in beta, and may experience rough edges. The schema is in final form, but there may be bugs that prevent desirable operation.
get Gets leaderboards with the signed in user's friends and the supplied destinyMembershipId as the focus. PREVIEW: This endpoint is still in beta, and may experience rough edges. The schema is in final form, but there may be bugs that prevent desirable operation.
get Gets the available post game carnage report for the activity ID.
post Report a player that you met in an activity that was engaging in ToS-violating activities. Both you and the offending player must have played in the activityId passed in. Please use this judiciously and only when you have strong suspicions of violation, pretty please.
get Get items available from vendors where the vendors have items for sale that are common for everyone. If any portion of the Vendor's available inventory is character or account specific, we will be unable to return their data from this endpoint due to the way that available inventory is computed. As I am often guilty of saying: 'It's a long story...'
get Gets historical stats for indicated character.
get Gets activity history stats for indicated character.
get Gets all activities the character has participated in together with aggregate statistics for those activities.
get Gets details about unique weapon usage, including all exotic weapons.
get Gets aggregate historical stats organized around each character for a given account.
get Gets leaderboards with the signed in user's friends and the supplied destinyMembershipId as the focus. PREVIEW: This endpoint has not yet been implemented. It is being returned for a preview of future functionality, and for public comment/suggestion/preparation.
get Returns Destiny Profile information for the supplied membership.
get Returns character information for the supplied character.
get Given a Presentation Node that has Collectibles as direct descendants, this will return item details about those descendants in the context of the requesting character.
get Get currently available vendors from the list of vendors that can possibly have rotating inventory. Note that this does not include things like preview vendors and vendors-as-kiosks, neither of whom have rotating/dynamic inventories. Use their definitions as-is for those.
get Get the details of a specific Vendor.
get Retrieve the details of an instanced Destiny Item. An instanced Destiny item is one with an ItemInstanceId. Non-instanced items, such as materials, have no useful instance-specific details and thus are not queryable here.
get Returns a summary information about all profiles linked to the requesting membership type/membership ID that have valid Destiny information. The passed-in Membership Type/Membership ID may be a Bungie.Net membership or a Destiny membership. It only returns the minimal amount of data to begin making more substantive requests, but will hopefully serve as a useful alternative to UserServices for people who just care about Destiny data. Note that it will only return linked accounts whose linkages you are allowed to view.
get Gets a count of all active non-public fireteams for the specified clan. Maximum value returned is 25.
get Gets a listing of all of this clan's fireteams that are have available slots. Caller is not checked for join criteria so caching is maximized.
get Gets a listing of all fireteams that caller is an applicant, a member, or an alternate of.
get Gets a specific fireteam.
get Gets a listing of all public fireteams starting now with open slots. Caller is not checked for join criteria so caching is maximized.
get Gets a listing of all topics marked as part of the core group.
get Gets tag suggestions based on partial text entry, matching them with other tags previously used in the forums.
get Returns the post specified and its immediate parent.
get Returns the post specified and its immediate parent of posts that are awaiting approval.
get Returns a thread of posts at the given parent, optionally returning replies to those posts as well as the original parent.
get Returns a thread of posts starting at the topicId of the input childPostId, optionally returning replies to those posts as well as the original parent.
get Gets the post Id for the given content item's comments, if it exists.
get Get topics from any forum.
get Gets the specified forum poll.
get Allows the caller to get a list of to 25 recruitment thread summary information objects.
get List of available localization cultures
get Gets any active global alert for display in the forum banners, help pages, etc. Usually used for DOC alerts.
get Returns a list of all available group avatars for the signed-in user.
get Returns a list of all available group themes.
get Gets the state of the user's clan invite preferences for a particular membership type - true if they wish to be invited to clans, false otherwise.
get Get information about a specific group with the given name and type.
get Get information about a specific group with the given name and type. The POST version.
get Gets groups recommended for you based on the groups to whom those you follow belong.
get Allows a founder to manually recover a group they can see in game but not on bungie.net
post Search for Groups.
get Get information about the groups that a given member has applied to or been invited to.
get Get information about the groups that a given member has joined.
get Get information about a specific group of the given ID.
post An administrative method to allow the founder of a group or clan to give up their position to another admin permanently.
get Get the list of members in a given group who are of admin level or higher.
get Get the list of banned members in a given group. Only accessible to group Admins and above. Not applicable to all groups. Check group features.
put Edit an existing group. You must have suitable permissions in the group to perform this operation. This latest revision will only edit the fields you pass in - pass null for properties you want to leave unaltered.
put Edit an existing group's clan banner. You must have suitable permissions in the group to perform this operation. All fields are required.
put Edit group options only available to a founder. You must have suitable permissions in the group to perform this operation.
get Get the list of members in a given group.
post Approve the given membershipId to join the group/clan as long as they have applied.
post Approve all of the pending users for the given group.
post Approve all of the pending users for the given group.
post Deny all of the pending users for the given group.
post Deny all of the pending users for the given group that match the passed-in .
post Invite a user to join this group.
post Cancels a pending invitation to join a group.
get Get the list of users who have been invited into the group.
get Get the list of users who are awaiting a decision on their application to join a given group. Modified to include application info.
post Bans the requested member from the requested group for the specified period of time.
post Kick a member from the given group, forcing them to reapply if they wish to re-join the group. You must have suitable permissions in the group to perform this operation.
put Edit the membership type of a given member. You must have suitable permissions in the group to perform this operation.
post Unbans the requested member, allowing them to re-apply for membership.
get Gets a list of available optional conversation channels and their settings.
post Add a new optional conversation/chat channel. Requires admin permissions to the group.
put Edit the settings of an optional conversation/chat channel. Requires admin permissions to the group.
get Get the common settings used by the Bungie.Net environment.
post Apply a partner offer to the targeted user. This endpoint does not claim a new offer, but any already claimed offers will be applied to the game if not already.
post Claim a partner offer as the authenticated user.
get Returns the partner sku and offer history of the targeted user. Elevated permissions are required to see users that are not yourself.
get Returns trending items for Bungie.net, collapsed into the first page of items per category. For pagination within a category, call GetTrendingCategory.
get Returns paginated lists of trending items for a category.
get Returns the detailed results for a specific trending entry. Note that trending entries are uniquely identified by a combination of *both* the TrendingEntryType *and* the identifier: the identifier alone is not guaranteed to be globally unique.
get Returns a list of all available user themes.
post Loads a bungienet user by membership id.
get Returns a list of credential types attached to the requested account
get Gets any hard linked membership given a credential. Only works for credentials that are public (just SteamID64 right now). Cross Save aware.
get Returns a list of accounts associated with the supplied membership ID and membership type. This will include all linked accounts (even when hidden) if supplied credentials permit it.
get Returns a list of accounts associated with signed in user. This is useful for OAuth implementations that do not give you access to the token response.
get Returns a list of possible users based on the search string
get Get the user-specific system overrides that should be respected alongside common systems.
post To search for all calls sent or received by the user. Use "id=0" for the campaignId parameter to query for all calls sent through the POST /calls API. See [call states and results](https://developers.callfire.com/results-responses-errors.html)
post Use the /calls API to send individual calls quickly. A verified Caller ID and sufficient credits are required to make a call. CallRecipient represents a single recipient identified by phone number or contact id in CallFire system. You can attach user-defined attributes to a Call action via CallRecipient.attributes property, attributes are available in Call action response
get Searches for all voice broadcasts created by user. Can query on label, name, and the current running status of the campaign. Returns a paged list of voice broadcasts
post Creates a call broadcast campaign using the Call Broadcast API. Send a CallBroadcast in the message body to add details in a voice broadcast campaign. The campaign can be created without contacts and bare minimum configuration, but contacts will have to be added further on to use the campaign
get Returns a single CallBroadcast instance for a given call broadcast campaign id
put This operation lets the user modify the configuration of a voice broadcast campaign after call broadcast campaign is created. See CallBroadcast for more information on what can/can't be updated on this API
post Archives a voice broadcast (voice broadcast will be hidden in search results)
get This endpoint will enable the user to page through all of the batches for a particular voice broadcast campaign
post The 'add batch' API allows user to add additional batches to an already created voice broadcast campaign. The added batch will go through the CallFire validation process, unlike in the recipients version of this API. That is why you can use the scrubDuplicates flag to remove duplicates from your batch. Batches may be added as a contact list id, a list of contact ids, or a list of numbers
get This endpoint will enable the user to page through all calls for a particular call broadcast campaign
post Use this API to add the recipients to an existing voice broadcast. Post a list of Recipient objects to be added to the voice broadcast campaign. These contacts will not go through validation process, and will be acted upon as they are added. Recipients may be added as a list of contact ids, or list of numbers
post Start a voice broadcast
get Returns broadcast statistics like total number of sent/received actions, total cost, number of remaining outbound actions, error count, etc
post Stop a voice broadcast
post This operation lets the user to disable/enable undialed recipients in created broadcast
get Returns metadata of recording of a particular call. Metadata contains a link to a MP3 recording
get Returns an MP3 recording of particular call, response contains binary data, content type is 'audio/mpeg'
get Returns a single Call instance for a given call id.
get Returns a list of recordings metadata of particular call. Metadata contains link to a MP3 recording
get Returns recording metadata of particular call. Metadata contains link to a MP3 recording
get Returns a MP3 recording of a particular call, response contains binary data, content type is 'audio/mpeg'
get Returns a single Batch instance for a given batch id. This API is useful for determining the state of a validating batch
put Updates a single Batch instance, currently batch can only be turned "on/off"
get To find all campaign sounds which were created by user. Returns all sounds available to be used in campaigns
post Use this API to create a sound via a phone call. Provide the required phone number in the CallCreateSound object inside the request, and user will receive a call shortly after with instructions on how to record a sound over the phone.
post Create a campaign sound file via a supplied .mp3 or .wav file
post Use this API to create a sound file via a supplied string of text. Add a text in the TextToSpeech.message field, and pick a voice in the TextToSpeech.voice field. Available voices are: MALE1, FEMALE1, FEMALE2, SPANISH1, FRENCHCANADIAN1
delete Deletes a single campaign sound instance for a specific campaign sound id, this operation does not delete sound completely, it sets sound status to ARCHIVED which means that sound will no longer appear in 'find' operation results, but still accessible via 'get' operation
get Returns a single CampaignSound instance for a given sound id in campaign. This is a meta data to the sounds. No audio data is returned from this API
post Download the MP3 version of a hosted file. This is an audio data endpoint. Returns binary response of the 'audio/mpeg' content type
post Download the WAV version of the hosted file. This is an audio data endpoint. Returns binary response of the 'audio/mpeg' content type
post Find user's contacts by id, contact list, or on any property name. Returns a paged list of contacts
post Creates contacts in CallFire system. Only values from the next list can be used as external system parameter in contact creation: **NATION_BUILDER, SALES_FORCE_CONTACTS, SALES_FORCE_LEADS, SALES_FORCE_REPORTS, ZOHO, NETSUITE, MAIL_CHIMP**. See [contacts validation rules](https://www.callfire.com/help/docs/getting-started/managing-contacts/validating-contacts#section1)
get Searches for all Do Not Contact (DNC) objects created by user. These DoNotContact entries only affect calls/texts/campaigns on this account. Returns a paged list of DoNotContact objects
invalid Add or update a list of Do Not Contact (DNC) contact entries. Can toggle whether the DNCs are enabled for calls/texts.
delete Delete Do Not Contact (DNC) contact entries contained in source.
get Searches for a UniversalDoNotContact object for a given phone number. Shows whether inbound/outbound actions are allowed for a given number
delete Delete a Do Not Contact (DNC) contact entry.
get Get Do Not Contact (DNC) object create by user. This DoNotContact entry only affects calls/texts/campaigns on this account.
put Update a Do Not Contact (DNC) contact entry. Can toggle whether the DNC is enabled for calls/texts.
get Searches for all contact lists which are available for the current user. Returns a paged list of contact lists
post Creates a contact list for use with campaigns using 1 of 3 inputs. A List of Contact objects, a list of String E.164 numbers, or a list of CallFire contactIds can be used as the data source for the created contact list. After contact list is added into the CallFire system, contact lists goes through seven system safeguards that check the accuracy and consistency of the data. For example, our system checks that contact number is formatted correctly, is valid, is not duplicated in another contact list, or is not added on a specific DNC list. You can configure to keep/merge or remove contacts which do not complies these rules. If contacts were not added to a contact list after the validation, this means the data needs to be properly formatted and corrected before calling this API
post Creates a contact list to be used with campaigns through uploading a .csv file. Returns the id of created list
delete Deletes a contact list, included contacts will not be deleted.
get Returns a single ContactList instance for a given contact list id
put Updates contact list instance.
delete Deletes contacts from a contact list. List the contact ids in request to delete multiple contacts with one request.
get Searches for all entries in a contact list with specified id. Returns a paged list of contact entries
put Adds contacts to a contact list. Available contact sources are: list of the contact entities, list of ids of existing contacts in user's account, list of phone numbers in E.164 format (11-digits)
delete Deletes a single contact from a contact list
delete Deletes a contact instance from account
get Returns a Contact instance for a given contact id. Deleted contacts can be still retrieved but will be marked as deleted. Deleted contacts will not be shown in search request.
put Updates a single contact instance with id specified. See [contact validation rules](https://www.callfire.com/help/docs/getting-started/managing-contacts/validating-contacts#section1)
get Searches for all texts and calls attributed to a contact. Returns a list of calls and texts a contact has been involved with
get Searches for all keywords available for purchase on the CallFire platform. If a keyword appears in the response, it is available for purchase. List the 'keywords' in a query parameter to search for multiple keywords (at least one keyword should be sent in request). Keyword should only consist of uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers. Number of characters must be greater than 2, but less than 65.
get Searches for all keywords owned by user. A keyword lease is the ownership information involving a keyword
get Searches for all keyword lease configs for the user. Returns a paged list of KeywordConfig
get Returns a single KeywordConfig instance for a given keyword lease
put Updates a keyword lease configuration. Use this API endpoint to enable/disable inbound SMS forwarding, set forward number. Forward number must be in E.164 format)
get Get keyword by id
get Searches for all keywords owned by user
put Updates a keyword lease. Turns the autoRenew on/off. Configure double opt in feature. Add/remove contact list from keyword.
get Searches for the specific keyword to purchase on the CallFire platform. Returns 'true' if keyword is available. Keyword should only consist of uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers. Number of characters must be greater than 2, but less than 65.
get Searches for the user account details. Details include name, email, and basic account permissions. For authentication use api credentials.
get Searches for all credentials generated by user. Returns a paged list of the API credentials. Only ACCOUNT_HOLDER can invoke this API. For authentication use account credentials.
post Creates an API credentials for the CallFire API. This endpoint requires full CallFire account credentials to be used, authenticated using Basic Authentication. At the moment user provides only the name for the credentials. The generated credentials can be used to access any CallFire APIs. For authentication use account credentials.
delete Deletes a specified API credential. Currently, removes the ability to access the API. Only ACCOUNT_HOLDER can invoke this API. For authentication use account credentials.
get Returns an API credential instance for a given api credential id. Only ACCOUNT_HOLDER can invoke this API. For authentication use account credentials.
post Disables a specified API credential. Currently, removes the ability to access the API. Only ACCOUNT_HOLDER can invoke this API. For authentication use account credentials.
post Enables a specified API credential. Currently, adds the ability to access the API. Only ACCOUNT_HOLDER can invoke this API. For authentication use account credentials.
get Find credit usage for the user. Returns credits usage for time period specified or if unspecified then total for all time. For authentication use api credentials.
get Searches for the data of a billing plan usage for the user. Returns the data of a billing plan usage for the current month. For authentication use api credentials.
get Returns a list of verified caller ids. If the number is not shown in the list, then it is not verified. In this case sending of a verification code is required. For authentication use api credentials.
post Generates and sends a verification code to the phone number provided in the path. The verification code is delivered via a phone call. This code needs to be submitted to the verify caller id API endpoint to complete verification. For authentication use api credentials.
post With the verification code received from the Create caller id endpoint, a call to this endpoint is required to finish verification. For authentication use api credentials.
get Find media files created by user
post Uploads media file to account, acceptable media formats: bmp, gif, jpg, m4a, mp3, mp4, png, wav
get Download a media file. Available types of files: bmp, gif, jpg, m4a, mp3, mp4, png, wav. Content type in response depends on 'extension' parameter, e.g. image/jpeg, image/png, audio/mp3, etc
get Get media resource by id
post Download a media file. Available types of files: bmp, gif, jpg, m4a, mp3, mp4, png, wav. Content type in response depends on 'extension' parameter, e.g. image/jpeg, image/png, audio/mp3, etc
post Download a MP3 media, endpoint returns application/binary content-type
get Searches for all numbers leased by account user. This API is useful for finding all numbers currently owned by the user. Returns a paged list of number leases.
get Searches for all number lease configs for the user. Returns a paged list of NumberConfig
get Returns a single NumberConfig instance for a given number lease
put Updates a phone number lease configuration. Use this API endpoint to add an Inbound IVR or Call Tracking feature to a CallFire phone number. Call tracking configuration allows you to track the incoming calls, to analyze and to respond customers using sms or voice replies. For more information see [call tracking page](https://www.callfire.com/products/call-tracking)
get Returns a single NumberLease instance for a given number
put Updates a number lease instance. Ability to turn on/off autoRenew and toggle call/text features for a particular number
get Searches for numbers available for purchase in CallFire local numbers catalog . At least one additional parameter is required. User may filter local numbers by their region information. If all numbers with desirable zip code is already busy search will return available numbers with nearest zip code.
get Searches for region information. Use this API to obtain detailed region information that can be used to query for more specific phone numbers than a general query.
get Searches for the toll free numbers which are available for purchase in the CallFire catalog
get Searches for account orders
post Purchase keywords. Send a list of available keywords into this API to purchase them using CallFire credits. Make sure the account has enough credits before trying to purchase the keywords. Keyword should only consist of uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers. Number of characters must be greater than 2, but less than 65.
post Purchase numbers. There are many ways to purchase a number. Set either 'tollFreeCount' or 'localCount' along with some querying fields to purchase numbers by bulk query. Set the list of numbers to purchase by list. Available numbers will be purchased using CallFire credits owned by the user. Make sure the account has enough credits before trying to purchase
get Returns a single NumberOrder instance for a given order id. Order contains information about purchased keywords, local, toll-free numbers
get Get delivery reports
get Searches for texts sent or received by user. Use "campaignId=0" parameter to query for all texts sent through the POST /texts API. See [call states and results](https://developers.callfire.com/results-responses-errors.html)
post Use the /texts API to send individual texts quickly. By default all texts are going out from CallFire's dedicated short code. Example: 67076, 818818 etc
get Find all text autoreplies created by user. Returns a paged list of TextAutoReply
post CallFire gives you possibility to set up auto reply messages for your numbers and keywords. You can set a general auto reply for anyone who texts your number, keyword, and/or include a text to match, so that the auto reply would be sent only to those who text the matched text
delete Deletes a text auto reply and removes the configuration. Can not delete a TextAutoReply which is currently active for a campaign
get Returns a single TextAutoReply instance for a given text auto reply id
get Searches for all text broadcasts created by user. Can query on label, name, and the current running status of the campaign. Returns a paged list of text broadcasts
post Creates a text broadcast campaign using the Text Broadcast API. Send a TextBroadcast object in the message body to detail a text broadcast campaign. A campaign can be created without contacts and with bare minimum configuration, but contacts have to be added further on to use the campaign. It supports scheduling, retry logic, pattern-based messages.
get Returns a single TextBroadcast instance for a given text broadcast id
put Allows modifying the configuration of existing text broadcast campaign. See TextBroadcast for more information on what can/can't be updated on this API
post Archives a text broadcast (and hides it in the search results)
get This endpoint will enable the user to page through all of the batches for a particular text broadcast campaign
post Allows adding an extra batches to an already created text broadcast campaign. The batches which being added pass the CallFire validation process (unlike in the recipients version of this API). That is why using of a scrubDuplicates flag remove duplicates from your batch. Batches may be added as a contact list id, a list of contact ids, or a list of numbers
put Use this API to add recipients to a text broadcast which is already created. Post a list of Recipient objects to be immediately added to the text broadcast campaign. These contacts will not go through validation process, and will be acted upon as they are added. Recipients may be added as a list of contact ids, or list of numbers
post Starts a text broadcast
get Returns the broadcast statistics. Example: total number of the sent/received actions, total cost, number of remaining outbound actions, error count, etc
post Stops a text broadcast
get This endpoint will enable the user to page through all of the texts for a particular text broadcast campaign
post This operation lets the user to disable/enable undialed contacts in created broadcast
get Returns a single Text instance for a given text id
get Searches all webhooks available for a current user. Searches by name, resource, event, callback URL, or whether they are enabled. Returns a paged list of Webhooks
post Create a Webhook for notification in the CallFire system. Use the webhooks API to receive notifications of important CallFire events. Select the resource to listen to, and then choose the resource events to receive notifications on. When an event triggers, a POST will be made to the callback URL with a payload of notification information. Available resources and their events include 'CccCampaign': ['started', 'stopped', 'finished'], 'CallBroadcast': ['started', 'stopped', 'finished'], 'TextBroadcast': ['started', 'stopped', 'finished'], 'OutboundCall': ['finished'], 'InboundCall': ['finished'], 'OutboundText': ['finished'], 'InboundText': ['finished'], 'ContactList': ['validationFinished', 'validationFailed'], 'MonthlyRenewal': ['failed', 'finished'], 'LowBalance': ['failed', 'finished']. Webhooks support secret token which is used as signing key to HmacSHA1 hash of json payload which is returned in 'X-CallFire-Signature' header. This header can be used to verify callback POST is coming from CallFire. See [security guide](https://developers.callfire.com/security-guide.html)
get Searches for webhook resources. Available resources include 'CccCampaign': ['started', 'stopped', 'finished'], 'CallBroadcast': ['started', 'stopped', 'finished'], 'TextBroadcast': ['started', 'stopped', 'finished'], 'OutboundCall': ['finished'], 'InboundCall': ['finished'], 'OutboundText': ['finished'], 'InboundText': ['finished'], 'ContactList': ['validationFinished', 'validationFailed'], 'MonthlyRenewal': ['failed', 'finished'], 'LowBalance': ['failed', 'finished']
get Returns information about supported events for a given webhook resource
delete Deletes a webhook instance. Will be removed permanently
get Returns a single Webhook instance for a given webhook id
put Updates the information in existing webhook
post Merge and analyse sites within a network channel to determine the best server at a given location. Each site will be dynamically allocated a monochrome colour from a palette and the strongest signal promoted at a given location.
delete Warning! you could lose data. This function will delete the entry from the database and the file from the disk. Accidental deletion can be reversed by contacting support with biscuits who maintain an offsite backup.
delete Warning! you could lose data. This function will delete the entry from the database and the file from the disk. Accidental deletion can be reversed by contacting support with biscuits who maintain an offsite backup.
delete This endpoint removes a Config identified by the `configId` parameter.
get This endpoint returns the metadata of a Configidentified by the `configId`.
put This endpoint updates a Config identified by the `configId` parameter.
get This endpoint returns the list of Feature Flags and Settings that were deleted from the given Config.
get This endpoint returns the SDK Key for your Config in a specified Environment.
delete This endpoint removes an Environment identified by the `environmentId` parameter.
get This endpoint returns the metadata of an Environment identified by the `environmentId`.
put This endpoint updates an Environment identified by the `environmentId` parameter.
get This endpoint returns the list of the Organizations that belongs to the user.
get This endpoint returns the list of Audit log items for a given Organization and the result can be optionally filtered by Product and/or Config and/or Environment.
get This endpoint returns the list of Members that belongs to the given Organization, identified by the `organizationId` parameter.
delete This endpoint removes a Member identified by the `userId` from the given Organization identified by the `organizationId` parameter.
post This endpoint creates a new Product in a specified Organization identified by the `organizationId` parameter, which can be obtained from the [List Organizations](#operation/get-organizations) endpoint.
delete This endpoint removes a Permission Group identified by the `permissionGroupId` parameter.
get This endpoint returns the metadata of a Permission Group identified by the `permissionGroupId`.
put This endpoint updates a Permission Group identified by the `permissionGroupId` parameter.
get This endpoint returns the list of the Products that belongs to the user.
delete This endpoint removes a Product identified by the `productId` parameter.
get This endpoint returns the metadata of a Product identified by the `productId`.
put This endpoint updates a Product identified by the `productId` parameter.
get This endpoint returns the list of Audit log items for a given Product and the result can be optionally filtered by Config and/or Environment.
get This endpoint returns the list of the Configs that belongs to the given Product identified by the`productId` parameter, which can be obtained from the [List Products](#operation/get-products) endpoint.
post This endpoint creates a new Config in a specified Product identified by the `productId` parameter, which can be obtained from the [List Products](#operation/get-products) endpoint.
get This endpoint returns the list of the Environments that belongs to the given Product identified by the`productId` parameter, which can be obtained from the [List Products](#operation/get-products) endpoint.
post This endpoint creates a new Environment in a specified Product identified by the `productId` parameter, which can be obtained from the [List Products](#operation/get-products) endpoint.
get This endpoint returns the list of Members that belongs to the given Product, identified by the `productId` parameter.
post This endpoint invites a Member into the given Product identified by the `productId` parameter.
delete This endpoint removes a Member identified by the `userId` from the given Product identified by the `productId` parameter.
get This endpoint returns the list of the Permission Groups that belongs to the given Product identified by the`productId` parameter, which can be obtained from the [List Products](#operation/get-products) endpoint.
post This endpoint creates a new Permission Group in a specified Product identified by the `productId` parameter, which can be obtained from the [List Products](#operation/get-products) endpoint.
get This endpoint returns the list of the Tags in a specified Product, identified by the `productId` parameter.
post This endpoint creates a new Tag in a specified Product identified by the `productId` parameter, which can be obtained from the [List Products](#operation/get-products) endpoint.
delete This endpoint removes a Feature Flag or Setting from a specified Config, identified by the `configId` parameter.
get This endpoint returns the metadata attributes of a Feature Flag or Setting identified by the `settingId` parameter.
delete This endpoint deletes a Tag identified by the `tagId` parameter. To remove a Tag from a Feature Flag or Setting use the [Update Flag](#operation/update-setting) endpoint.
get This endpoint returns the metadata of a Tag identified by the `tagId`.
put This endpoint updates a Tag identified by the `tagId` parameter.
get This endpoint returns the list of the Settings that has the specified Tag, identified by the `tagId` parameter.
get Retrieves all the Languages that the authenticated user or client has permission to access.
post Creates a Language if it does not yet exist (i.e. if the resource does not have an `id` property yet), or replaces the existing Language resource if it does. Note that this replaces the *entire* Language. It is not a partial update.
put Performs a partial update the Language whose ID is specified in the URL. If the Language object has an `id` property, is ignored in favor of the ID in the URL.
get Retrieve all Lexemes that the authenticated user has permission to access. Include a `languageID` query parameter to limit results to Lexemes from a particular Language.
post Add a new Lexeme. A `languageID` must be provided either as a query parameter, or as an attribute on the Lexeme body.
invalid Upsert (add or replace) a Lexeme. A `languageID` must be provided either as a query parameter, or as an attribute on the Lexeme body.
put Perform a partial update on a Lexeme.
get Retrieve or search patient allergies
post Create patient allergy
get Retrieve an existing patient allergy
put Update an existing patient allergy
put Update an existing patient allergy
get Retrieve or search patient amendments. You can only interact with amendments created by your API application
post Create patient amendments to a patient's clinical records
delete Delete an existing patient amendment, you can only interact with amendments created by your API application
get Retrieve an existing patient amendment, you can only interact with amendments created by your API application
put Update an existing patient amendment, you can only interact with amendments created by your API application
put Update an existing patient amendment, you can only interact with amendments created by your API application
get Retrieve or search appointment profiles for a doctor's calendar
post Create appointment profiles for a doctor's calendar
delete Delete an existing appointment profile
get Retrieve an existing appointment profile
put Update an existing appointment profile
put Update an existing appointment profile
get Retrieve or search appointment templates for a doctor's calendar
post Create appointment templates for a doctor's calendar
delete Delete an existing appointment template
get Retrieve an existing appointment template
put Update an existing appointment template
put Update an existing appointment template
get Retrieve or search appointment or breaks.
post Create a new appointment or break on doctor's calendar
delete Delete an existing appointment or break
get Retrieve an existing appointment or break
put Update an existing appointment or break
put Update an existing appointment or break
get Retrieve or search billing profiles
get Retrieve an existing billing profiles
get Retrieve or search care plans
get Retrieve an existing care plan
get Retrieve or search billing notes
post Create a new billing note
get Retrieve an existing billing note
get Retrieve or search clinical note field types
get Retrieve an existing clinial note field type
get Retrieve or search clinical note field values
post Create clinical note field value
get Retrieve an existing clinical note field value
put Update an existing clinical note field value
put Update an existing clinical note field value
get Retrieve or search clinical note templates
get Retrieve an existing clinical note tempalte
get Retrieve or search communicatioin (phone call) logs
post Create communication (phone call) logs
get Retrieve an existing communication (phone call) logs
put Update an existing communication (phone call) logs
put Update an existing communication (phone call) logs
get Retrieve or search patient consent forms
post Create a patient consent form
get Retrieve an existing patient consent form
put Update an existing patient consent form
put Update an existing patient consent form
post Assign (apply) a consent form to appointment
post Unassign (unapply) a consent form from appointment
get Retrieve or search custom appointment fields
post Create custom appointment fields
get Retrieve an existing custom appointment field
put Update an existing custom appointment field
put Update an existing custom appointment field
get Retrieve or search custom demographics fields
post Create custom demographics fields
get Retrieve an existing custom demographics field
put Update an existing custom demographics field
put Update an existing custom demographics field
get Retrieve or search custom insurance plan names
get Retrieve an existing custom insurance plan name
get Retrieve or search custom vital types
get Retrieve an existing custom vital type
get Retrieve or search doctors within practice group
get Retrieve an existing dcotor
get Retrieve or search documents
post Create documents
delete Delete an existing appointment template
get Retrieve an existing appointment template
put Update an existing appointment template
put Update an existing appointment template
get Retrieve or search past eligibility checks for patient
get Retrieve an existing past eligibility check
get Retrieve or search EOB objects
post Create EOB object
get Retrieve an existing EOB object
get Retrieve or search implantable devices
get Retrieve an existing implantable device
get Retrieve or search inventory categories
get Retrieve an existing inventory category
get Retrieve or search vaccine inventories
post Create vaccine inventory
get Retrieve an existing vaccine inventory
get Retrieve or search lab order documents
post Create lab order documents. An example lab workflow is as following:
delete Delete an existing lab order document
get Retrieve an existing lab order document
put Update an existing lab order document
put Update an existing lab order document
get Retrieve or search lab orders
post Create lab orders. An example lab workflow is as following:
delete Delete an existing lab order
get Retrieve an existing lab order
put Update an existing lab order
put Update an existing lab order
get Retrieve or search lab results
post Create lab results. An example lab workflow is as following:
delete Delete an existing lab result
get Retrieve an existing lab result
put Update an existing lab result
put Update an existing lab result
get Retrieve or search lab tests
post Create lab tests. An example lab workflow is as following:
delete Delete an existing lab test
get Retrieve an existing lab test
put Update an existing lab test
put Update an existing lab test
get Retrieve or search billing line items
post Create billing line item for appointments
get Retrieve an existing billing line item
get Retrieve or search patient medications
post Create patient medications
get Retrieve an existing patient medications
put Update an existing patient medications
put Update an existing patient medications
put Append a message to the "pharmacy_note" section of the prescription, in a new paragraph
get Retrieve or search messages in doctor's message center
post Create messages in doctor's message center
delete Delete an existing message in doctor's message center
get Retrieve an existing message in doctor's message center
put Update an existing message in doctor's message center
put Update an existing message in doctor's message center
get Retrieve or search offices
get Retrieve an existing office
put Update an existing office
put Update an existing office
put Add an exam room to the office
get Retrieve or search patient communications for CQM
post Create patient communication for CQM
get Retrieve an existing patient communication for CQM
put Update an existing patient communication for CQM
put Update an existing patient communication for CQM
get Retrieve or search patient flag types
post Create patient flag types
get Retrieve an existing patient flag type
put Update an existing patient flag type
put Update an existing patient flag type
get Retrieve or search patient interventions for CQM
post Create patient intervention for CQM
get Retrieve an existing patient intervention for CQM
put Update an existing patient intervention for CQM
put Update an existing patient intervention for CQM
get Retrieve or search patient payment logs
get Retrieve an existing patient payment log
get Retrieve or search patient payments
post Create patient payment
get Retrieve an existing patient payment
get Retrieve or search patient physical exams for CQM
post Create patient physical exam for CQM
get Retrieve an existing patient physical exam for CQM
put Update an existing patient physical exam for CQM
put Update an existing patient physical exam for CQM
get Retrieve or search patient vaccine records
post Create patient vaccine records
get Retrieve an existing patient vaccine records
put Update an existing patient vaccine records
put Update an existing patient vaccine records
get Retrieve or search patients
post Create patient
delete Delete an existing patient
get Retrieve an existing patient
put Update an existing patient
put Update an existing patient
get Retrieve patient CCDA
delete Revoke sent onpatient invites
get Retrieve or search existing onpatient access invites
post Send new onpatient invite to patient
get Retrieve patient QRDA1
get Retrieve or search prescription messages
get Retrieve an existing prescription message
get Retrieve or search patient problems
post Create patient problems
get Retrieve an existing patient problems
put Update an existing patient problems
put Update an existing patient problems
get Retrieve or search reminder profiles
post Create reminder profile
delete Delete an existing reminder profile
get Retrieve an existing reminder profile
put Update an existing reminder profile
put Update an existing reminder profile
get Retrieve or search sub vendors
post Create sub-vendors
delete Delete an existing sub vendor
get Retrieve an existing sub vendor
put Update an existing sub vendor
put Update an existing sub vendor
get Retrieve or search task categories
post Create a task category
get Retrieve an existing task category
put Update an existing task category
put Update an existing task category
get Retrieve or search task notes
post Create a task note
get Retrieve an existing task note
put Update an existing task note
put Update an existing task note
get Retrieve or search task statuses
post Create a task status
get Retrieve an existing task status
put Update an existing task status
put Update an existing task status
get Retrieve or search task templates
post Create a task template
get Retrieve an existing task template
put Update an existing task template
put Update an existing task template
get Retrieve or search tasks
post Create a task
get Retrieve an existing task
put Update an existing task
put Update an existing task
get Retrieve or search insurance transactions associated with billing line items
get Retrieve an existing insurance transaction
get Retrieve or search user groups
get Retrieve an existing user group
get Retrieve or search users, `/api/users/current` can be used to identify logged in user, it will redirect to `/api/users/{current_user_id}`
get Retrieve an existing user, `/api/users/current` can be used to identify logged in user, it will redirect to `/api/users/{current_user_id}`
get This method retrieves the details of specific items that the buyer needs to make a purchasing decision. Note: This is a (Limited Release) available only to select Partners. For this method, only the following fields are returned: eligibleForInlineCheckout, estimatedAvailabilities, itemAffiliateWebURL, itemID, ItemWebURL, legacyItemID, price, sellerItemRevision, and topRatedBuyingExperience. URLs for this method Production URL: https://api.ebay.com/buy/browse/v1/item/ Sandbox URL: https://api.sandbox.ebay.com/buy/browse/v1/item/ Request headers This method uses the X-EBAY-C-ENDUSERCTX request header to support revenue sharing for eBay Partner Networks and to improve the accuracy of shipping and delivery time estimations. For details see, Request headers in the Buying Integration Guide. Restrictions For a list of supported sites and other restrictions, see API Restrictions. eBay Partner Network: In order to be commissioned for your sales, you must use the URL returned in the itemAffiliateWebUrl field to forward your buyer to the ebay.com site.
get This method is a bridge between the eBay legacy APIs, such as Shopping, and Finding and the eBay Buy APIs. There are differences between how legacy APIs and RESTful APIs return the identifier of an "item" and what the item ID represents. This method lets you use the legacy item ids retrieve the details of a specific item, such as description, price, and other information the buyer needs to make a purchasing decision. It also returns the RESTful item ID, which you can use with all the Buy API methods. For more information about how to use legacy ids with the Buy APIs, see Legacy API compatibility in the Buying Integration guide. This method returns the item details and requires you to pass in either the item ID of a non-variation item or the item ids of both the parent and child of an item group. An item group is an item that has various aspect differences, such as color, size, storage capacity, etc. When an item group is created, one of the item variations, such as the red shirt size L, is chosen as the "parent". All the other items in the group are the children, such as the blue shirt size L, red shirt size M, etc. The fieldgroups URI parameter lets you control what is returned in the response. Setting fieldgroups to PRODUCT, adds additional fields to the default response that return information about the product of the item. For more information, see fieldgroups. URLs for this method Production URL: https://api.ebay.com/buy/browse/v1/item/get_item_by_legacy_id/ Sandbox URL: https://api.sandbox.ebay.com/buy/browse/v1/item/get_item_by_legacy_id/ Request headers This method uses the X-EBAY-C-ENDUSERCTX request header to support revenue sharing for eBay Partner Networks and to improve the accuracy of shipping and delivery time estimations. For details see, Request headers in the Buying Integration Guide. Restrictions For a list of supported sites and other restrictions, see API Restrictions. eBay Partner Network: In order to be commissioned for your sales, you must use the URL returned in the itemAffiliateWebUrl field to forward your buyer to the ebay.com site.
get This method retrieves the details of the individual items in an item group. An item group is an item that has various aspect differences, such as color, size, storage capacity, etc. You pass in the item group ID as a URI parameter. You use this method to show the item details of items with multiple aspects, such as color, size, storage capacity, etc. This method returns two main containers; items and commonDescriptions. The items container has an array of containers with the details of each item in the group. The commonDescriptions container has an array of containers for a description and the item ids of all the items that have this exact description. Because items within an item group often have the same description, this decreases the size of the response. URLs for this method Production URL: https://api.ebay.com/buy/browse/v1/item/get_items_by_item_group/ Sandbox URL: https://api.sandbox.ebay.com/buy/browse/v1/item/get_items_by_item_group/ Request headers This method uses the X-EBAY-C-ENDUSERCTX request header to support revenue sharing for eBay Partner Networks and to improve the accuracy of shipping and delivery time estimations. For details see, Request headers in the Buying Integration Guide. Restrictions For a list of supported sites and other restrictions, see API Restrictions. eBay Partner Network: In order to be commissioned for your sales, you must use the URL returned in the itemAffiliateWebUrl field to forward your buyer to the ebay.com site.
get This method retrieves the details of a specific item, such as description, price, category, all item aspects, condition, return policies, seller feedback and score, shipping options, shipping costs, estimated delivery, and other information the buyer needs to make a purchasing decision. The Buy APIs are designed to let you create an eBay shopping experience in your app or website. This means you will need to know when something, such as the availability, quantity, etc., has changed in any eBay item you are offering. You can do this easily by setting the fieldgroups URI parameter. This parameter lets you control what is returned in the response. Setting fieldgroups to COMPACT reduces the response to only the five fields that you need in order to check if any item detail has changed. Setting fieldgroups to PRODUCT, adds additional fields to the default response that return information about the product of the item. You can use either COMPACT or PRODUCT but not both. For more information, see fieldgroups. URLs for this method Production URL: https://api.ebay.com/buy/browse/v1/item/ Sandbox URL: https://api.sandbox.ebay.com/buy/browse/v1/item/ Request headers This method uses the X-EBAY-C-ENDUSERCTX request header to support revenue sharing for eBay Partner Networks and to improve the accuracy of shipping and delivery time estimations. For details see, Request headers in the Buying Integration Guide. Restrictions For a list of supported sites and other restrictions, see API Restrictions. eBay Partner Network: In order to be commissioned for your sales, you must use the URL returned in the itemAffiliateWebUrl field to forward your buyer to the ebay.com site.
post This method checks if a product is compatible with the specified item. You can use this method to check the compatibility of cars, trucks, and motorcycles with a specific part listed on eBay. For example, to check the compatibility of a part, you pass in the item ID of the part as a URI parameter and specify all the attributes used to define a specific car in the compatibilityProperties container. If the call is successful, the response will be COMPATIBLE, NOT_COMPATIBLE, or UNDETERMINED. See compatibilityStatus for details. Note: The only products supported are cars, trucks, and motorcycles. To find the attributes and values for a specific marketplace, you can use the compatibility methods in the Taxonomy API. You can use this data to create menus to help buyers specify the product, such as their car. For more details and a list of the required attributes for the US marketplace that describe motor vehicles, see Check compatibility in the Buy Integration Guide. For an example, see the Samples section. URLs for this method Production URL: https://api.ebay.com/buy/browse/v1/item/ Note: This method is supported only on Production. Restrictions For a list of supported sites and other restrictions, see API Restrictions.
get This method searches for eBay items by various query parameters and retrieves summaries of the items. You can search by keyword, category, eBay product ID (ePID), or GTIN, charity ID, or a combination of these. Note: Only FIXED_PRICE (Buy It Now) items are returned by default. However, this method does return items where both FIXED_PRICE and AUCTION are available as a buying option. After a bid has been placed, items become active auction items and are no longer returned by default, but they remain accessible by filtering for the AUCTION buying option. This method also supports the following: Filtering by the value of one or multiple fields, such as listing format, item condition, price range, location, and more. For the fields supported by this method, see the filter parameter. Retrieving the refinements (metadata) of an item , such as item aspects (color, brand), condition, category, etc. using the fieldgroups parameter. Filtering by item aspects and other refinements using the aspect_filter parameter. Filtering for items that are compatible with a specific product, using the compatibility_filter parameter. Creating aspects histograms, which enables shoppers to drill down in each refinement narrowing the search results. For details and examples of these capabilities, see Browse API in the Buying Integration Guide. Pagination and sort controls There are pagination controls (limit and offset fields) and sort query parameters that control/sort the data that is returned. By default, the results are sorted by "Best Match". For more information about Best Match, see the eBay help page Best Match. URLs for this method Production URL: https://api.ebay.com/buy/browse/v1/item_summary/ Sandbox URL: https://api.sandbox.ebay.com/buy/browse/v1/item_summary/ Request headers This method uses the X-EBAY-C-ENDUSERCTX request header to support revenue sharing for eBay Partner Networks and to improve the accuracy of shipping and delivery time estimations. For details see, Request headers in the Buying Integration Guide. Restrictions This method can return a maximum of 10,000 items. For a list of supported sites and other restrictions, see API Restrictions. eBay Partner Network: In order to receive a commission for your sales, you must use the URL returned in the itemAffiliateWebUrl field to forward your buyer to the ebay.com site.
post This is an Experimental method. This method searches for eBay items based on a image and retrieves summaries of the items. You pass in a Base64 image in the request payload and can refine the search by category, or eBay product ID (ePID), or a combination of these using URI parameters. To get the Base64 image string, you can use sites such as https://codebeautify.org/image-to-base64-converter. This method also supports the following: Filtering by the value of one or multiple fields, such as listing format, item condition, price range, location, and more. For the fields supported by this method, see the filter parameter. Filtering by item aspects using the aspect_filter parameter. For details and examples of these capabilities, see Browse API in the Buying Integration Guide. Pagination and sort controls There are pagination controls (limit and offset fields) and sort query parameters that control/sort the data that is returned. By default, the results are sorted by "Best Match". For more information about Best Match, see the eBay help page Best Match. URLs for this method Production URL: https://api.ebay.com/buy/browse/v1/item_summary/search_by_image/ Sandbox URL: Due to the data available, this method is not supported in the eBay Sandbox. To test your integration, use the Production URL. Request headers This method uses the X-EBAY-C-ENDUSERCTX request header to support revenue sharing for eBay Partner Networks and to improve the accuracy of shipping and delivery time estimations. For details see, Request headers in the Buying Integration Guide. URL Encoding for Parameters Query parameter values need to be URL encoded. For details, see URL encoding query parameter values. For readability, code examples in this document have not been URL encoded. Restrictions This method can return a maximum of 10,000 items. For a list of supported sites and other restrictions, see API Restrictions. eBay Partner Network: In order to receive a commission for your sales, you must use the URL returned in the itemAffiliateWebUrl field to forward your buyer to the ebay.com site.
get This is an experimental method. This method retrieves all the items in the eBay member's cart; items added to the cart while on ebay.com as well as items added to the cart using the Browse API. There are no URI parameters or request payload. The response returns the summary details of all the items in the eBay member's cart; items added to the cart while on ebay.com as well as items added to the cart using the Browse API. If the cart is empty, the response is HTTP 204. The quantity and state of an item changes often. If the item becomes "unavailable" such as, when the listing has ended or the item is out of stock, the item will be returned in the unavailableCartItems container. URLs for this method Production URL: https://api.ebay.com/buy/browse/v1/shopping_cart/ Sandbox URL: https://api.sandbox.ebay.com/buy/browse/v1/shopping_cart/ Note: This method is not available in the eBay API Explorer. Restrictions This method can be used only for eBay members. For a list of supported sites and other restrictions, see API Restrictions.
post This is an Experimental method. This method creates an eBay cart for the eBay member, if one does not exist, and adds items to that cart. Because a cart never expires, any item added to the cart will remain in the cart until it is removed. To use this method, you must submit a RESTful item ID and the quantity of the item. If the quantity value is greater than the number of available, the quantity value is changed to the number available and a warning is returned. For example, if there are 15 baseballs available and you set the quantity value to 50, the service automatically changes the value of quantity to 15. The response returns all the items in the eBay member's cart; items added to the cart while on ebay.com as well as items added to the cart using the Browse API. The quantity and state of an item changes often. If the item becomes "unavailable" such as, when the listing has ended or the item is out of stock, whether it has just been added to the cart or has been in the cart for some time, the item will be returned in the unavailableCartItems container. Note: There are differences between how legacy APIs, such as Finding, and RESTful APIs, such as Browse, return the identifier of an "item" and what the item ID represents. If you have an item ID from one of the legacy APIs, you can use the legacy item ID with the getItemByLegacyId method to retrieve the RESTful ID for that item. For more information about how to use legacy IDs with the Buy APIs, see Legacy API compatibility in the Buying Integration guide. URLs for this method Production URL: https://api.ebay.com/buy/browse/v1/shopping_cart/ Sandbox URL: https://api.sandbox.ebay.com/buy/browse/v1/shopping_cart/ Note: This method is not available in the eBay API Explorer. Restrictions This method can be used only for eBay members. You can add only items with a FIXED_PRICE that accept PayPal as a payment. For a list of supported sites and other restrictions, see API Restrictions.
delete This is an experimental method. This method removes a specific item from the eBay member's cart. You specify the ID of the item in the cart (cartItemId) that you want to remove. The response returns all the items in the eBay member's cart; items added to the cart while on ebay.com as well as items added to the cart using the Browse API. If you remove the last item in the cart, the response is HTTP 204. The quantity and state of an item changes often. If the item becomes "unavailable" such as, when the listing has ended or the item is out of stock, the item will be returned in the unavailableCartItems container. Note: The cartItemId is not the same as the item ID. The cartItemId is the identifier of a specific item in the cart and is generated when the item was added to the cart. URLs for this method Production URL: https://api.ebay.com/buy/browse/v1/shopping_cart/ Sandbox URL: https://api.sandbox.ebay.com/buy/browse/v1/shopping_cart/ Note: This method is not available in the eBay API Explorer. Restrictions This method can be used only for eBay members. For a list of supported sites and other restrictions, see API Restrictions.
put This is an experimental method. This method updates the quantity value of a specific item in the eBay member's cart. You specify the ID of the item in the cart (cartItemId) and the new value for the quantity. If the quantity value is greater than the number of available, the quantity value is changed to the number available and a warning is returned. For example, if there are 15 baseballs available and you set the quantity value to 50, the service automatically changes the value of quantity to 15. The response returns all the items in the eBay member's cart; items added to the cart while on ebay.com as well as items added to the cart using the Browse API. The quantity and state of an item changes often. If the item becomes "unavailable" such as, the listing has ended or the item is out of stock, the item will be returned in the unavailableCartItems container. Note: The cartItemId is not the same as the item ID. The cartItemId is the identifier of a specific item in the cart and is generated when the item was added to the cart. URLs for this method Production URL: https://api.ebay.com/buy/browse/v1/shopping_cart/ Sandbox URL: https://api.sandbox.ebay.com/buy/browse/v1/shopping_cart/ Note: This method is not available in the eBay API Explorer. Restrictions This method can be used only for eBay members. For a list of supported sites and other restrictions, see API Restrictions.
get List all active player alliances---Alternate route: `/dev/alliances/`Alternate route: `/legacy/alliances/`Alternate route: `/v1/alliances/`---This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
get Public information about an alliance---Alternate route: `/dev/alliances/{alliance_id}/`Alternate route: `/v3/alliances/{alliance_id}/`---This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
get Return contacts of an alliance---Alternate route: `/dev/alliances/{alliance_id}/contacts/`Alternate route: `/v2/alliances/{alliance_id}/contacts/`---This route is cached for up to 300 seconds
get Return custom labels for an alliance's contacts---Alternate route: `/dev/alliances/{alliance_id}/contacts/labels/`Alternate route: `/legacy/alliances/{alliance_id}/contacts/labels/`Alternate route: `/v1/alliances/{alliance_id}/contacts/labels/`---This route is cached for up to 300 seconds
get List all current member corporations of an alliance---Alternate route: `/dev/alliances/{alliance_id}/corporations/`Alternate route: `/legacy/alliances/{alliance_id}/corporations/`Alternate route: `/v1/alliances/{alliance_id}/corporations/`---This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
get Get the icon urls for a alliance---Alternate route: `/dev/alliances/{alliance_id}/icons/`Alternate route: `/legacy/alliances/{alliance_id}/icons/`Alternate route: `/v1/alliances/{alliance_id}/icons/`---This route expires daily at 11:05
post Bulk lookup of character IDs to corporation, alliance and faction---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/affiliation/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/affiliation/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/affiliation/`---This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
get Public information about a character---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/`Alternate route: `/v4/characters/{character_id}/`---This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
get Return a list of agents research information for a character. The formula for finding the current research points with an agent is: currentPoints = remainderPoints + pointsPerDay * days(currentTime - researchStartDate)---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/agents_research/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/agents_research/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/agents_research/`---This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
get Return a list of the characters assets---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/assets/`Alternate route: `/v3/characters/{character_id}/assets/`---This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
get Return locations for a set of item ids, which you can get from character assets endpoint. Coordinates for items in hangars or stations are set to (0,0,0)---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/assets/locations/`Alternate route: `/v2/characters/{character_id}/assets/locations/`
get Return names for a set of item ids, which you can get from character assets endpoint. Typically used for items that can customize names, like containers or ships.---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/assets/names/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/assets/names/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/assets/names/`
get Return attributes of a character---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/attributes/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/attributes/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/attributes/`---This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
get Return a list of blueprints the character owns---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/blueprints/`Alternate route: `/v2/characters/{character_id}/blueprints/`---This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
get A list of your character's personal bookmarks---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/bookmarks/`Alternate route: `/v2/characters/{character_id}/bookmarks/`---This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
get A list of your character's personal bookmark folders---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/bookmarks/folders/`Alternate route: `/v2/characters/{character_id}/bookmarks/folders/`---This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
get Get 50 event summaries from the calendar. If no from_event ID is given, the resource will return the next 50 chronological event summaries from now. If a from_event ID is specified, it will return the next 50 chronological event summaries from after that event---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/calendar/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/calendar/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/calendar/`---This route is cached for up to 5 seconds
get Get all the information for a specific event---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/calendar/{event_id}/`Alternate route: `/v3/characters/{character_id}/calendar/{event_id}/`---This route is cached for up to 5 seconds
put Set your response status to an event---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/calendar/{event_id}/`Alternate route: `/v3/characters/{character_id}/calendar/{event_id}/`
get Get all invited attendees for a given event---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/calendar/{event_id}/attendees/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/calendar/{event_id}/attendees/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/calendar/{event_id}/attendees/`---This route is cached for up to 600 seconds
get A list of the character's clones---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/clones/`Alternate route: `/v3/characters/{character_id}/clones/`---This route is cached for up to 120 seconds
delete Bulk delete contacts---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/contacts/`Alternate route: `/v2/characters/{character_id}/contacts/`
get Return contacts of a character---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/contacts/`Alternate route: `/v2/characters/{character_id}/contacts/`---This route is cached for up to 300 seconds
put Bulk add contacts with same settings---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/contacts/`Alternate route: `/v2/characters/{character_id}/contacts/`
put Bulk edit contacts with same settings---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/contacts/`Alternate route: `/v2/characters/{character_id}/contacts/`
get Return custom labels for a character's contacts---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/contacts/labels/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/contacts/labels/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/contacts/labels/`---This route is cached for up to 300 seconds
get Returns contracts available to a character, only if the character is issuer, acceptor or assignee. Only returns contracts no older than 30 days, or if the status is "in_progress".---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/contracts/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/contracts/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/contracts/`---This route is cached for up to 300 seconds
get Lists bids on a particular auction contract---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/bids/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/bids/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/bids/`---This route is cached for up to 300 seconds
get Lists items of a particular contract---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/items/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/items/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/items/`---This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
get Get a list of all the corporations a character has been a member of---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/corporationhistory/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/corporationhistory/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/corporationhistory/`---This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
invalid Takes a source character ID in the url and a set of target character ID's in the body, returns a CSPA charge cost---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/cspa/`Alternate route: `/v4/characters/{character_id}/cspa/`
get Return a character's jump activation and fatigue information---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/fatigue/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/fatigue/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/fatigue/`---This route is cached for up to 300 seconds
get Return fittings of a character---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/fittings/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/fittings/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/fittings/`---This route is cached for up to 300 seconds
post Save a new fitting for a character---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/fittings/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/fittings/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/fittings/`
delete Delete a fitting from a character---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/fittings/{fitting_id}/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/fittings/{fitting_id}/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/fittings/{fitting_id}/`
get Return the fleet ID the character is in, if any.---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/fleet/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/fleet/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/fleet/`---This route is cached for up to 60 seconds
get Statistical overview of a character involved in faction warfare---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/fw/stats/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/fw/stats/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/fw/stats/`---This route expires daily at 11:05
get Return implants on the active clone of a character---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/implants/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/implants/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/implants/`---This route is cached for up to 300 seconds
get List industry jobs placed by a character---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/industry/jobs/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/industry/jobs/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/industry/jobs/`---This route is cached for up to 300 seconds
get Return a list of a character's kills and losses going back 90 days---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/killmails/recent/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/killmails/recent/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/killmails/recent/`---This route is cached for up to 300 seconds
get Information about the characters current location. Returns the current solar system id, and also the current station or structure ID if applicable---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/location/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/location/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/location/`---This route is cached for up to 5 seconds
get Return a list of loyalty points for all corporations the character has worked for---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/loyalty/points/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/loyalty/points/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/loyalty/points/`---This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
get Return the 50 most recent mail headers belonging to the character that match the query criteria. Queries can be filtered by label, and last_mail_id can be used to paginate backwards---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/mail/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/mail/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/mail/`---This route is cached for up to 30 seconds
post Create and send a new mail---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/mail/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/mail/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/mail/`
get Return a list of the users mail labels, unread counts for each label and a total unread count.---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/mail/labels/`Alternate route: `/v3/characters/{character_id}/mail/labels/`---This route is cached for up to 30 seconds
post Create a mail label---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/mail/labels/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/mail/labels/`Alternate route: `/v2/characters/{character_id}/mail/labels/`
delete Delete a mail label---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/mail/labels/{label_id}/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/mail/labels/{label_id}/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/mail/labels/{label_id}/`
get Return all mailing lists that the character is subscribed to---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/mail/lists/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/mail/lists/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/mail/lists/`---This route is cached for up to 120 seconds
delete Delete a mail---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/mail/{mail_id}/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/mail/{mail_id}/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/mail/{mail_id}/`
get Return the contents of an EVE mail---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/mail/{mail_id}/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/mail/{mail_id}/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/mail/{mail_id}/`---This route is cached for up to 30 seconds
put Update metadata about a mail---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/mail/{mail_id}/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/mail/{mail_id}/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/mail/{mail_id}/`
get Return a list of medals the character has---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/medals/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/medals/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/medals/`---This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
get Paginated record of all mining done by a character for the past 30 days---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/mining/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/mining/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/mining/`---This route is cached for up to 600 seconds
get Return character notifications---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/notifications/`Alternate route: `/v4/characters/{character_id}/notifications/`---This route is cached for up to 600 seconds
get Return notifications about having been added to someone's contact list---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/notifications/contacts/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/notifications/contacts/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/notifications/contacts/`---This route is cached for up to 600 seconds
get Checks if the character is currently online---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/online/`Alternate route: `/v2/characters/{character_id}/online/`---This route is cached for up to 60 seconds
get Return a list of tasks finished by a character---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/opportunities/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/opportunities/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/opportunities/`---This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
get List open market orders placed by a character---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/orders/`Alternate route: `/v2/characters/{character_id}/orders/`---This route is cached for up to 1200 seconds
get List cancelled and expired market orders placed by a character up to 90 days in the past.---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/orders/history/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/orders/history/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/orders/history/`---This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
get Returns a list of all planetary colonies owned by a character.---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/planets/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/planets/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/planets/`---This route is cached for up to 600 seconds
get Returns full details on the layout of a single planetary colony, including links, pins and routes. Note: Planetary information is only recalculated when the colony is viewed through the client. Information will not update until this criteria is met.---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/planets/{planet_id}/`Alternate route: `/v3/characters/{character_id}/planets/{planet_id}/`---This route is cached for up to 600 seconds
get Get portrait urls for a character---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/portrait/`Alternate route: `/v2/characters/{character_id}/portrait/`---This route expires daily at 11:05
get Returns a character's corporation roles---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/roles/`Alternate route: `/v2/characters/{character_id}/roles/`---This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
get Search for entities that match a given sub-string.---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/search/`Alternate route: `/v3/characters/{character_id}/search/`---This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
get Get the current ship type, name and id---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/ship/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/ship/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/ship/`---This route is cached for up to 5 seconds
get List the configured skill queue for the given character---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/skillqueue/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/skillqueue/`Alternate route: `/v2/characters/{character_id}/skillqueue/`---This route is cached for up to 120 seconds
get List all trained skills for the given character---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/skills/`Alternate route: `/v4/characters/{character_id}/skills/`---This route is cached for up to 120 seconds
get Return character standings from agents, NPC corporations, and factions---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/standings/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/standings/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/standings/`---This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
get Returns aggregate yearly stats for a character---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/stats/`Alternate route: `/v2/characters/{character_id}/stats/`---This route is cached for up to 86400 seconds
get Returns a character's titles---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/titles/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/titles/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/titles/`---This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
get Returns a character's wallet balance---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/wallet/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/wallet/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/wallet/`---This route is cached for up to 120 seconds
get Retrieve the given character's wallet journal going 30 days back---Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/wallet/journal/`Alternate route: `/v4/characters/{character_id}/wallet/journal/`---This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds---Warning: This route has an upgrade available---[Diff of the upcoming changes](https://esi.evetech.net/diff/latest/dev/#GET-/characters/{character_id}/wallet/journal/)
get Get wallet transactions of a character---Alternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/wallet/transactions/`Alternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/wallet/transactions/`Alternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/wallet/transactions/`---This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
get Lists bids on a public auction contract---Alternate route: `/dev/contracts/public/bids/{contract_id}/`Alternate route: `/legacy/contracts/public/bids/{contract_id}/`Alternate route: `/v1/contracts/public/bids/{contract_id}/`---This route is cached for up to 300 seconds
get Lists items of a public contract---Alternate route: `/dev/contracts/public/items/{contract_id}/`Alternate route: `/legacy/contracts/public/items/{contract_id}/`Alternate route: `/v1/contracts/public/items/{contract_id}/`---This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
get Returns a paginated list of all public contracts in the given region---Alternate route: `/dev/contracts/public/{region_id}/`Alternate route: `/legacy/contracts/public/{region_id}/`Alternate route: `/v1/contracts/public/{region_id}/`---This route is cached for up to 1800 seconds
get Extraction timers for all moon chunks being extracted by refineries belonging to a corporation.---Alternate route: `/dev/corporation/{corporation_id}/mining/extractions/`Alternate route: `/legacy/corporation/{corporation_id}/mining/extractions/`Alternate route: `/v1/corporation/{corporation_id}/mining/extractions/`---This route is cached for up to 1800 seconds---Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Station_Manager
get Paginated list of all entities capable of observing and recording mining for a corporation---Alternate route: `/dev/corporation/{corporation_id}/mining/observers/`Alternate route: `/legacy/corporation/{corporation_id}/mining/observers/`Alternate route: `/v1/corporation/{corporation_id}/mining/observers/`---This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds---Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Accountant
get Paginated record of all mining seen by an observer---Alternate route: `/dev/corporation/{corporation_id}/mining/observers/{observer_id}/`Alternate route: `/legacy/corporation/{corporation_id}/mining/observers/{observer_id}/`Alternate route: `/v1/corporation/{corporation_id}/mining/observers/{observer_id}/`---This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds---Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Accountant
get Get a list of npc corporations---Alternate route: `/dev/corporations/npccorps/`Alternate route: `/legacy/corporations/npccorps/`Alternate route: `/v1/corporations/npccorps/`---This route expires daily at 11:05
get Public information about a corporation---Alternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/`Alternate route: `/v4/corporations/{corporation_id}/`---This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
get Get a list of all the alliances a corporation has been a member of---Alternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/alliancehistory/`Alternate route: `/v2/corporations/{corporation_id}/alliancehistory/`---This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
get Return a list of the corporation assets---Alternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/assets/`Alternate route: `/v3/corporations/{corporation_id}/assets/`---This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds---Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director
get Return locations for a set of item ids, which you can get from corporation assets endpoint. Coordinates for items in hangars or stations are set to (0,0,0)---Alternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/assets/locations/`Alternate route: `/v2/corporations/{corporation_id}/assets/locations/`---Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director
get Return names for a set of item ids, which you can get from corporation assets endpoint. Only valid for items that can customize names, like containers or ships---Alternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/assets/names/`Alternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/assets/names/`Alternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/assets/names/`---Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director
get Returns a list of blueprints the corporation owns---Alternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/blueprints/`Alternate route: `/v2/corporations/{corporation_id}/blueprints/`---This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds---Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director
get A list of your corporation's bookmarks---Alternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/bookmarks/`Alternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/bookmarks/`Alternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/bookmarks/`---This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
get A list of your corporation's bookmark folders---Alternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/bookmarks/folders/`Alternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/bookmarks/folders/`Alternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/bookmarks/folders/`---This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
get Return contacts of a corporation---Alternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/contacts/`Alternate route: `/v2/corporations/{corporation_id}/contacts/`---This route is cached for up to 300 seconds
get Return custom labels for a corporation's contacts---Alternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/contacts/labels/`Alternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/contacts/labels/`Alternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/contacts/labels/`---This route is cached for up to 300 seconds
get Returns logs recorded in the past seven days from all audit log secure containers (ALSC) owned by a given corporation---Alternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/containers/logs/`Alternate route: `/v2/corporations/{corporation_id}/containers/logs/`---This route is cached for up to 600 seconds---Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director
get Returns contracts available to a corporation, only if the corporation is issuer, acceptor or assignee. Only returns contracts no older than 30 days, or if the status is "in_progress".---Alternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/contracts/`Alternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/contracts/`Alternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/contracts/`---This route is cached for up to 300 seconds
get Lists bids on a particular auction contract---Alternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/bids/`Alternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/bids/`Alternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/bids/`---This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
get Lists items of a particular contract---Alternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/items/`Alternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/items/`Alternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/items/`---This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
get List customs offices owned by a corporation---Alternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/customs_offices/`Alternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/customs_offices/`Alternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/customs_offices/`---This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds---Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director