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This repository was archived by the owner on Mar 24, 2023. It is now read-only.

Releases: replicatedhq/ship


09 Jan 19:56
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Relevant Pull Requests

Publish an official version of the ship image that includes terraformkubectl, and aws-iam-authenticator bundled in. The latest version will be available under the replicatedhq/ship:full tag in docker hub. Tagged versions will be available with the -full suffix, e.g. 0.30.0-full: #768
Don't serialize the "metadata" key into state data when it's nil: #755
Remove heritage and chart metadata labels during init: #776
Resolve local helm dependencies: #778
Add a way to edit the helm release namespace in the UI: #781
The RandomString template function now optionally accepts a character set to use: #785
Improve progress messages during docker operations in render step: #787
Fix missing state file path in error message on "ship update”: #780
Save config with default values instead of needing to edit inputs: #783
Updated resource copy: #792
Better error handling on Kustomize overlay view: #792
Fix empty value for env in helm values: #790


9f9fe11 Fix empty value for env in helm values (#790)
5559036 Merge pull request #792 from 10Dimensional/master
58ad9ef Updated resource copy, removed ---, handle errors better and surface
efc5dfc Fix elastic-stack unfork integration (#791)
f4bf271 remove failing unfork test case (#789)
b00cadc Merge pull request #783 from 10Dimensional/master
f743670 Removed commented code, bumped init component
9c9e3a4 Merge branch 'master' of
9855c17 Merge pull request #788 from marccampbell/cleanup-gitignore
28a4854 Merge pull request #780 from dexhorthy/state-path
7db2e0c fix codeclimate suggestions
6cb926f Remove .idea, already in .gitignore
e52fa60 Merge pull request #787 from dexhorthy/progress-message
4561594 Better progress message detail during docker operations, include image name
3665526 Merge pull request #786 from marccampbell/logo-readme
1293a41 fix tests
813dc0d Remove logo from README
96eb5b9 Fix missing state file path in error message on "ship update"
935f802 Merge branch 'master' of
83eac8b Merge pull request #785 from laverya/allow-specifying-randomstring-charsets
7022796 allow specifying the charset to use with the RandomString template function
f43848c Missing 'field' class name on ConfigCheckbox component preventing it from being hidden by ship.yaml
9285d58 Merge branch 'master' of
389ae13 Save and continue with defaults, remove disabled attr on button, show errors instead
0361aec Add a way to edit the helm release namespace in the UI (#781)
63ee2ca Merge pull request #779 from dexhorthy/fixture-nginx
595bd75 update brew install directions (#782)
f26e62c nginx example with release notes
b18a0ca Resolve local helm dependencies (#778)
6552c4d Remove heritage and chart metadata labels during init (#776)
29cfcec Merge pull request #775 from divolgin/no-nil
aab5c39 Omit metadata from state file when it's nil
70fd8fd Merge pull request #774 from divolgin/instructions
0e22a0a Adding mockgen instructions to
312bf32 Merge pull request #773 from replicatedhq/fix-fixture
fb3c78b Update ship.yaml
729c4fe Merge pull request #772 from laverya/no-trailing-newline-integration-test
70ae0fa add ship update test with patches
5e9349a add ship init integration test for k8s yaml without trailing newlines
b3be2f7 Merge pull request #771 from replicatedhq/nginx-example
8008482 Update ship.yaml
74be725 Create ship.yaml
d8f9925 Create ship.yaml
b358841 Readme updates (#770)
6f4d3d1 Merge pull request #769 from dexhorthy/mas-cass
857d016 I've heard of continuous delivery, but this is ridiculous!
e03b6b5 Merge pull request #768 from dexhorthy/slim-full
036abd1 band-aid for jaeger chart
aec4df8 pull slim
791defd Split full/slim docker builds

Docker images

  • docker pull replicated/ship:latest
  • docker pull replicated/ship:0
  • docker pull replicated/ship:0.30
  • docker pull replicated/ship:0.30.0
  • docker pull replicated/ship:slim
  • docker pull replicated/ship:0-slim
  • docker pull replicated/ship:0.30-slim
  • docker pull replicated/ship:0.30.0-slim


18 Dec 00:54
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Relevant Pull Requests

Add better debug output on proxied github pull failure: #754
Render templated messages in lifecycle for ship.yaml-driven installations: #757
Fix UI for workflows with multiple async lifecycle steps: #759
Template repo ref and path for github assets: #764
Support CMD+S/CTL+S to save your values.yaml: #758
Bug fix for too many undos wiping out entire editor: #758
Allow saving after reaching error state on helm values step in UI: #765
Fixed file leak when running ship watch: #766
Upgrade replicated-lint package: #767


92f4860 Updating contributing instructions. (#763)
ff21ccf Merge pull request #767 from GraysonNull/16836-editor-bugs
2f7b8fd Merge branch 'master' of into 16836-editor-bugs
15ee198 Merge pull request #766 from divolgin/762
d07bcf7 Don't leak watch files
511de89 upgrade replicated-lint package
ef1cda7 Allow saving after reaching error state on helm values step in UI (#765)
04831e9 Merge pull request #758 from GraysonNull/16604-key-commands
469eb29 commit to trigger a new build
cc2b43d [ch16604] use descriptive key var
3e0bbcd [ch16605] setValue on editor to prevent cmd/ctl+z from wiping out editor
28778e2 [ch16604] handle cmd+s ctl+s key events to save values.yaml
66561aa Template repo ref and path for github assets (#764)
619eb77 Update github asset integration test and readme (#761)
4ed00c7 Fix ui test (#760)
9bfedaf Fix UI for workflows with multiple async lifecycle steps (#759)
19e9d15 Merge pull request #757 from dexhorthy/message-navcycle
86f362b Render templated messages in message endpoints for ship.yaml-driven installations.
830f127 Merge pull request #754 from dexhorthy/github-debug
ae57100 better debug output on github failure

Docker images

  • docker pull replicated/ship:latest
  • docker pull replicated/ship:0
  • docker pull replicated/ship:0.29
  • docker pull replicated/ship:0.29.0


10 Dec 20:34
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Relevant Pull Requests

Support more use cases for unfork: #747, #752, #755
Update to kubernetes 1.11.5: #748
Remove github asset property source from being required: #756


64ea658 Merge pull request #756 from laverya/update-required-entries-in-schema
e2c0de6 update mutations.json to no longer require deprecated github property 'source'
7008bee Write and use the correct helm values for unfork (#755)
b382de6 Merge pull request #753 from laverya/update-schema-json
cd0a20a add to CI
c94975a update schema and mutations json
8276617 Make finding the upstream more flexible for unfork (#752)
94f6ac0 Use the metadata release name for k8s yaml from helm (#751)
44d73ae make package-init target depend on package to fix yarn concurrency issues (#750)
1cd9549 Support more use-cases for unfork (#747)
e8881fd Merge pull request #748 from laverya/kubernetes-1.11.5
06f884e Merge pull request #749 from laverya/update-cassandra-in-jaeger-helm
e02f5b5 Merge branch 'update-cassandra-in-jaeger-helm' into kubernetes-1.11.5
61b8502 Update cassandra to match generated files
26447b9 update to kubernetes 1.11.5
54b5225 Merge pull request #746 from marccampbell/deployment-labels
2863ac2 Actually create a deployment label in Jenkins
e1ff2b5 Add integration test for deployment labels

Docker images

  • docker pull replicated/ship:latest
  • docker pull replicated/ship:0
  • docker pull replicated/ship:0.28
  • docker pull replicated/ship:0.28.0


04 Dec 20:32
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Relevant Pull Requests

Add ship unfork command to create patches from an existing fork: #735
Stable, deterministic sort order for patches in kustomization.yaml: #736
Update Masterminds/sprig to latest version: #737
Add support for —helm-values-file to overwrite values.yaml in headless mode: #738
Fix ship update —headed for certain helm charts: #741
Fix template context injection of release metadata for -style applications in ship: #743
Allow unfork command to be pointed to forked k8s yaml: #744
Makefile and other developer improvements: #740, #742, #745


908ad07 Allow unfork command to be pointed to forked k8s yaml (#744)
9bdc2f9 designate Makefile NOTPARALLEL until we can make it parallellable (#745)
c3c6233 expand & simplify how Makefile builds from non-repo tarball (#742)
15dacf9 Merge pull request #743 from dexhorthy/installation_ctx_replicated_app
7b9d683 Add Customer and installation ID to template context for
b04c5d7 Update yaml dep for newline fix (#741)
dad7d42 Update README (correct dl links to 0.26.0)
c4e2331 Merge pull request #738 from marccampbell/values-yaml
e91da1a no viper set
f33a32d add GOPATH/bin to path explicitly for go-bindata-assetfs (#740)
fe4a30c Better CLI description
7f8a4a7 Add support for passing in helm values file
0e957a8 Merge pull request #737 from laverya/update-masterminds-sprig
a32309c update Masterminds/sprig to 2.16.0 from 2.11.0
7a741a0 Merge pull request #736 from marccampbell/deterministic_kustomize
ead2220 Stable sort order for patches
f9f4f8d Merge pull request #735 from marccampbell/unfork
e77cd7f Ship unfork

Docker images

  • docker pull replicated/ship:latest
  • docker pull replicated/ship:0
  • docker pull replicated/ship:0.27
  • docker pull replicated/ship:0.27.0


30 Nov 18:55
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Relevant Pull Requests

Preserve comments from the vendor in the edited helm values.yaml: #717, #722
Use a token from the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable when making GitHub API requests: #723
Allow pinning to the latest GitHub release: #721
Deleting a kustomize patch via the UI no longer deletes the associated base: #724
Automatically focus TO_BE_MODIFIED in the kustomize patch editor: #726
Print "No changes detected" in ship watch after checking upstream: #719
Order yaml passed to kustomize step before displaying it to improve displayed patch diffs: #727
The ship app --runbook /path/to/local/ship.yaml command has been deprecated in favor of ship init /path/to/local/ship.yaml: #725, #731
Added self-signed certificate generation template functions: #729
Support ‘incubator’ Helm chart dependencies: #728
Fix step invalidation, allowing resources to be regenerated when going backwards through the ship lifecycle: #733


7e7e30b Merge pull request #734 from laverya/release-ship-init-web-component
67dce06 release ship init web component
469e80e Fix step invalidation (#733)
e119143 Merge pull request #732 from laverya/fix-ui-bindata-fs-makefile-generation
11f99cc makefile improvements and typo fix
db18fd9 Hide ship app command (#731)
ce279b3 Add incubator helm repo (#728)
1eb71cd Merge pull request #729 from laverya/add-cert-template-functions
0b1810c add ship update test with generated certs
67c0a34 remove unused global cert storage other fixups
f1a7efa support for ship init path/to/local/ship.yaml (#725)
79f78a8 apply 'move k8s types to util from state' refactor to merged code
73d3a1b Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into add-cert-template-functions
3fcaaf3 generate and persist rsa + ecdsa certs and CAs
bdebc84 Run kustomize with base resources (#727)
df7ff6e Merge pull request #719 from areed/areed/ch16107/ship-watch-ui-no-changes
8d172c8 Merge pull request #726 from 10Dimensional/master
9ddfd3d No longer need backspaces with focus issue fixed
6ee60ff Auto focus patch line on base marker click
826a84b Fix positioning of add resource button when filetree is long
e947d34 Fix deleting patch via UI (#724)
57f1c9b ship watch prints message when no changes detected
9a4ef03 refactor moving k8s types to util from state
3064e82 fix expected vs actual ordering
176f1ab Allow istio to be updated based on version releases (#721)
21fa63f Helm values preserve newlines in comments (#722)
130fb1a Github access token from environment (#723)
d13f3e8 Merge pull request #720 from laverya/split-integration-test-ci-step
5daf111 run the four sets of integration tests in parallel
78d7db5 Remove render requirement (#718)
4570878 Preserve helm values yaml comments #473 (#717)

Docker images

  • docker pull replicated/ship:latest
  • docker pull replicated/ship:0
  • docker pull replicated/ship:0.26
  • docker pull replicated/ship:0.26.0


21 Nov 16:25
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Relevant Pull Requests

Remove render requirement for k8s upstream: #718


9224fa2 Remove render requirement (#718)

Docker images

  • docker pull replicated/ship:latest
  • docker pull replicated/ship:0
  • docker pull replicated/ship:0.25
  • docker pull replicated/ship:0.25.2


20 Nov 20:18
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Relevant Pull Requests

Only apply patch on editor marker click vs on key stroke: #713
Hide helm name behind advanced settings toggle: #714


df8ad55 Merge pull request #715 from laverya/update-web-package-version
0a870d6 update ship init component version
6dbeb95 Merge pull request #714 from 10Dimensional/master
9678160 Hide helm name behind advanced settings toggle
89362b1 Merge pull request #713 from 10Dimensional/master
1c013e3 Only apply patch on marker click vs on type
f892a80 Merge pull request #710 from dexhorthy/section-headers
1f3a178 fix section headers

Docker images

  • docker pull replicated/ship:latest
  • docker pull replicated/ship:0
  • docker pull replicated/ship:0.25
  • docker pull replicated/ship:0.25.1


19 Nov 18:48
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Relevant Pull Requests

Download local/no proxy GitHub assets through ship: #704
Ship init helm value keys maintain order after saving and returning to the /values page in the nav cycle: #706
Remove console logs from GKE asset: #708
Check existence of path before downloading repo contents: #709
Allow Helm values editor to be searchable: #711
Move list yaml splitting to the ‘render’ lifecycle step: #712


7c07a65 Move list yaml splitting to render (#712)
c79b88d Allow Helm values editor to be searchable (#711)
a40c14b Check existence of path before downloading repo contents (#709)
36a40a9 Remove log in terraform gke (#708)
cd3a98e Maintain helm values keys order (#706)
6d202fd Merge pull request #707 from emosbaugh/aborts-and-vet
456f811 Return after abort, dont abort on bind, vet fixes
e7aee24 Merge pull request #705 from laverya/add-tag-ref-test
d671808 include a test for a tag as the ref of a github asset
6223a82 Download local/no proxy github assets through ship (#704)
24a0280 update circle config to 2.1 (#703)
a6c6551 restore prev circle config to avoid npx-publishing forks (#702)
864f174 revert to last working circleci config (#701)
aa146ff Add a way to include base resources in UI (#700)
a8f4a84 Merge pull request #699 from 10Dimensional/master
d538d01 Merge branch 'master' of
ecfa4ea Make kustomize intro step helm agnostic
ebbc1e3 Merge pull request #697 from laverya/fix-ship-watch
0f96ec6 minimal integration test for ship watch
1717d0c Merge pull request #698 from marccampbell/markdown-outro
f1ebb8a Improved messaging on outro step
a5e74ef fix case fallthrough in ship watch code
8fabe58 Merge pull request #696 from laverya/reduce-github-api-usage-in-integration
29730e6 reduce the number of integration tests using the github API
776142a Delete base resources from UI (#695)
b4d1c67 Merge pull request #694 from dexhorthy/template_entitlements
29c1454 template entitlement values
c0ad98e Merge pull request #692 from 10Dimensional/master
cb1f417 remove custom debounce and rely on react ace debounce for apply patch handling
e50ccc4 revert the changes that pinned ship-init to specific version (#691)
ffb2b12 Merge pull request #690 from 10Dimensional/master
feea959 Merge branch 'master' of
740c748 Unravel patch yaml on FE unless multi doc (#689)
de45a25 Merge pull request #688 from replicatedhq/only-publish-ui-change-on-replicatedhq
4b4c1cf Only publish UI module from replicatedhq
082a714 Bump ship init component
371a335 Update readme download links

Docker images

  • docker pull replicated/ship:latest
  • docker pull replicated/ship:0
  • docker pull replicated/ship:0.25
  • docker pull replicated/ship:0.25.0


13 Nov 17:10
Choose a tag to compare

Relevant Pull Requests

Unravel patch yaml on FE unless multi doc: #689
Restore embedded ship-init component to use latest code, rather than pinning to an explicit version: #691
Fix weird typing issue and clear lastSavedPatch after discarding an overlay: #692
Add preliminary support for templating Replicated entitlements values via {{repl EntitlementValue "NAME”}}: #694
Allow deleting base resources via Kustomize in the UI: #695, #700
Change default messaging in outro step: #698
Fix ship watch: #697
Make Kustomize intro step helm agnostic: #699


e495ac0 minor change to trigger circle rebuild
83c2bb8 update circle config to 2.1
a6c6551 restore prev circle config to avoid npx-publishing forks (#702)
864f174 revert to last working circleci config (#701)
aa146ff Add a way to include base resources in UI (#700)
a8f4a84 Merge pull request #699 from 10Dimensional/master
d538d01 Merge branch 'master' of
ecfa4ea Make kustomize intro step helm agnostic
ebbc1e3 Merge pull request #697 from laverya/fix-ship-watch
0f96ec6 minimal integration test for ship watch
1717d0c Merge pull request #698 from marccampbell/markdown-outro
f1ebb8a Improved messaging on outro step
a5e74ef fix case fallthrough in ship watch code
8fabe58 Merge pull request #696 from laverya/reduce-github-api-usage-in-integration
29730e6 reduce the number of integration tests using the github API
776142a Delete base resources from UI (#695)
b4d1c67 Merge pull request #694 from dexhorthy/template_entitlements
29c1454 template entitlement values
c0ad98e Merge pull request #692 from 10Dimensional/master
cb1f417 remove custom debounce and rely on react ace debounce for apply patch handling
e50ccc4 revert the changes that pinned ship-init to specific version (#691)
ffb2b12 Merge pull request #690 from 10Dimensional/master
feea959 Merge branch 'master' of
740c748 Unravel patch yaml on FE unless multi doc (#689)
de45a25 Merge pull request #688 from replicatedhq/only-publish-ui-change-on-replicatedhq
4b4c1cf Only publish UI module from replicatedhq
082a714 Bump ship init component
371a335 Update readme download links

Docker images

  • docker pull replicated/ship:latest
  • docker pull replicated/ship:0
  • docker pull replicated/ship:0.24
  • docker pull replicated/ship:0.24.0


08 Nov 00:39
Choose a tag to compare

Relevant Pull Requests

Write a kubeconfig for GKE Terraform: #681
Allow ship init to be pointed to a valid go-getter ship.yaml path: #682
Add markdown formatting to outro step: #683
Remove the hardcoded "CoreOS" app name from the HelmChartInfo component: #684
Fix for Istio 1.0.3 - only update helm dependencies if the repo is defined: #686


d7db438 Fix for Istio 1.0.3 (#686)
d5c597a Fix integration for web asset (#685)
ae4cf97 Merge pull request #684 from 10Dimensional/master
e784505 Typo, use actual chart name
6653987 Merge pull request #683 from marccampbell/markdown-outro
24d2759 Add markdown formatting to outro screen
5067615 Allow ship init to be pointed to valid go-getter ship.yaml path (#682)
5dcc2ff Write a kubeconfig for terraform GKE (#681)
a8239cc Merge pull request #680 from replicatedhq/refer-to-latest-version-in-readme
bcf607c Update to refer to 0.22.0 not 0.16.0

Docker images

  • docker pull replicated/ship:latest
  • docker pull replicated/ship:0
  • docker pull replicated/ship:0.23
  • docker pull replicated/ship:0.23.0