3 | 3 | <summary>About</summary>
4 | 4 |
5 | 5 | <p>
6 |
| - RCVerse is a tool for all Recursers, in-batch and alum, remote and in-hub. |
7 |
| - </p> |
8 |
| - |
9 |
| - <p> |
10 |
| - We want to connect. We want tools to help connect us. We know how to build |
11 |
| - them. Let's build them! |
12 |
| - </p> |
13 |
| - |
14 |
| - <p> |
15 |
| - The lofty, long term goal of RCVerse is to be open source, to be a |
16 |
| - website, to be a canvas for the creativity of RCers, to be a practice |
17 |
| - ground for creative web development, to be a space for trying out novel |
18 |
| - collaborative tools. |
19 |
| - </p> |
20 |
| - |
21 |
| - <p> |
22 |
| - The more practical short-term goal for this site is to be the first place |
23 |
| - RCers look when they sign on in the morning, to see what's going on, both |
24 |
| - virtually and physically. To do this, we'll have to keep making it more |
25 |
| - useful over time, and removing any friction which keeps it being as useful |
26 |
| - as it can be. |
27 |
| - </p> |
28 |
| - |
29 |
| - <p> |
30 |
| - To throw your idea at the project, make a PR to |
31 |
| - <a href="https://github.com/reedspool/rc-verse" |
32 |
| - >the source code repository</a |
33 |
| - >. Or you could slap your thoughts on the shared |
34 |
| - <a |
35 |
| - href="https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tLA_BjwM5k93WsMvNKT58kDb4Ksa9S6TFvGMAuK6Ldk/edit#heading=h.8rrvaio0w6r3" |
36 |
| - >google doc</a |
37 |
| - >, or message the |
38 |
| - <a |
39 |
| - href="https://recurse.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/18926-help/topic/Reed's.20Impossible.20Day.3A.20Virtual.20RC.20meets.20MySpace" |
40 |
| - >Zulip thread</a |
41 |
| - >, or message Reed Spool (W2'24) directly. |
42 |
| - </p> |
43 |
| - |
44 |
| - <p> |
45 |
| - The site is now open source! Check it out on |
46 |
| - <a href="https://github.com/reedspool/rc-verse">GitHub</a>. |
47 |
| - </p> |
48 |
| - </details> |
49 |
| - <details> |
50 |
| - <summary>Usage</summary> |
51 |
| - |
52 |
| - <p> |
53 |
| - To view this page without any customizations active, add the query |
54 |
| - parameter <code>?basic</code> or <a href="/?basic">click here</a>. |
55 |
| - </p> |
56 |
| - |
57 |
| - <p> |
58 |
| - Normally, the rooms on the page are sorted in order of most participants |
59 |
| - to least. To disable sorting and use a roughly alphebetical, stable room |
60 |
| - order, add the query parameter <code>?sort=none</code> or |
61 |
| - <a href="/?sort=none">click here</a>. |
62 |
| - </p> |
63 |
| - |
64 |
| - <p> |
65 |
| - To combine URL parameters, combine them in any order with a |
66 |
| - <code>&</code> (ampersand) between them, and only one |
67 |
| - <code>?</code> (question mark) at the start. E.g. |
68 |
| - <code>?basic&sort=none</code> |
69 |
| - </p> |
70 |
| - </details> |
71 |
| - <details> |
72 |
| - <summary>⚠ XSS vulnerability</summary> |
73 |
| - |
74 |
| - <p> |
75 |
| - There's a new section named "Custom Code" at the bottom of the page. All |
76 |
| - room notes are now properly HTML escaped. |
77 |
| - </p> |
78 |
| - |
79 |
| - <p> |
80 |
| - This site has a XSS vulnerability. That means you can inject code which |
81 |
| - will be run when other people load the page in their browser. Don't know |
82 |
| - what that means? See if you can figure it out. Google's your friend. Ask |
83 |
| - other recursers. Poke around. |
84 |
| - </p> |
85 |
| - |
86 |
| - <p> |
87 |
| - You can inject CSS with a <code>style</code> tag or JavaScript with a |
88 |
| - <code>script</code> tag. |
89 |
| - </p> |
90 |
| - |
91 |
| - <p> |
92 |
| - Please be kind. Do not use blocking JS (like <code>alert</code>) or CSS |
93 |
| - which makes the page (totally) unreadable. If you're writing a loop, maybe |
94 |
| - test that out on a test HTML page first so that you don't crash this page |
95 |
| - for others. |
96 |
| - </p> |
97 |
| - |
98 |
| - <p> |
99 |
| - Currently |
100 |
| - <a |
101 |
| - href="https://recurse.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/18926-help/topic/Reed's.20Impossible.20Day.3A.20Virtual.20RC.20meets.20MySpace/near/426768844" |
| 6 | + Visit the |
| 7 | + <a href="https://github.com/recursecenter/wiki/wiki/RCVerse" |
| 8 | + >RCVerse Wiki Page</a |
102 | 9 | >
103 |
| - custom code is ephemeral</a |
104 |
| - >. Changes are likely to disappear any time. So if you make a change you |
105 |
| - like, take a screenshot and post your code in the zulip thread! Later, you |
106 |
| - or someone else can reapply the change. |
107 |
| - </p> |
108 |
| - |
109 |
| - <p> |
110 |
| - Made something you think should be permanent? |
111 |
| - <a href="https://github.com/reedspool/rc-verse">Make a PR!</a> |
112 | 10 | </p>
113 | 11 | </details>
114 | 12 | </div>
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