#ansible-ossec-server Release
Below an overview of all changes in the releases.
Version (Release date)
0.2.0 (2017-02-14)
- Added molecule testing
- do not look for specific key ID. It appears that OSSEC released a new… #3 (By pull request: recunius (Thanks!))
- Updates #4 (By pull request: recunius (Thanks!))
- allow providing own local_rules.xml template with var ossec_server_… #5 (By pull request: recunius (Thanks!))
- Update CIS filename to CentOS & Redhat 7 #6 (By pull request: jlruizmlg (Thanks!))
- add ossec authd as service #7 (By pull request: jlruizmlg (Thanks!))
- Fix the permissions in the wazuh-authd in upstart system. #8 (By pull request: jlruizmlg (Thanks!))
- Remove ssl files and add task to generate them + Fix script init task #10 (By pull request: aarnaud (Thanks!))
0.1.0 (2015-11-16)
- Fixes for CentOS/EL7 #1 (By pull request: andskli (Thanks!))
- Updates to support Ubuntu and also adds more configuration options #2 (By pull request: recunius (Thanks!))
- Added kitchen test and serverspec tests
0.0.2 (2014-12-11)
- Added possibilty to use other mail settings
- Reworked module for better setup. Updated readme
0.0.1 (2014-12-04)
- Initial creation