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Table of contents

  1. Testing User Stories
  2. Manual Testing
    1. Common Elements Testing
    2. Page Elements Testing
  3. Automated Testing
  4. User Testing

Delphin Responsivness Example

Testing User Stories

User stories were tested to ensure the needs of the user were being met, with the following results:

General Users

1. As a user I want to view all products, to purchase my desired items.
  • In the Shop dropdown menu on the navigation menu, users have the selection to Shop Apparel, Shop Courses or View All.
  • View All will direct users to the All Products page.
  • There are breadcrumbs on both All Apparel and All Courses pages, allowing users quick access to the All Product page.
2. As a user I want to filter through categories, to only see relevant products.
  • On all Shop pages, there are filters for categories, and sub-categories.
  • The All Products page has the Apparel and Courses category button filters.
  • The Apparel and Courses pages have their respective sub-category button filters (apparel type and age range).
3. As a user I want to use a search query, to find a specific product or product type.
  • Users can use the category filters available on the Shop pages to quickly search for their product category.
  • There is a Search page, distinguished by a conventional search icon on the navigation menu, directing users to the search page, where they can type in their query.
4. As a user I want to add items to my shopping bag, to begin the order process.
  • On all product detail pages, there is a call-to-action button that allows users to add their desired product to their shopping bag.
  • The user will not be able to view items in their shopping bag if they are not authenticated.
5. As a user I want to receive visual feedback that my item has been added to the bag, to confirm my selection.
  • On clicking the Add to Bag button on the product detail page, a toast will provide feedback to the user that the product has been successfully added to their shopping bag.
  • To view their shopping bag they will have to login.
6. As a user I want to select a course on a specific day, to suit my needs.
  • Each course has their own specific class times and days.
  • The user is able to select their preferred time/day using the select dropdown menu on the product details page.
  • Each class provides information to the user of how many places are available for that particular class.
7. As a user I want to select apparel in a specific size, to suit my needs.
  • Similar to the courses, all apparel products have a selection of sizes available.
  • Users can select their size using the select dropdown menu.
  • Each product provides information of the the stock numbers to the user.
8. As a user I want to view contact information for the club, to communicate with team.
  • The Contact page is available in the About dropdown menu of the navigation menu.
  • Clicking it will direct users to the contact page, which provides multiple points of contact:
    • Phone Number link
    • Email address to notable Club Officers |
    • A map pinpointing the clubs location
    • A Contact form for general enquiries |
9. As a user I want to connect with the club on one of their social apps, to communicate with the team.
  • On the footer (displayed on all pages, with the exception of the checkout pages) there are social links, providing quick access to the clubs social accounts:
    • Facebook
    • Whatsapp
    • Mailto
10. As a user I want to get a breakdown of classes offered, to find one that suits my needs.
  • The Academy Programme page is located in the About dropdown list of the navigation menu.
  • The page hosts an accordian feature with each class that the club offers housed in their own accordion, with the class name and age range as the title of each.
  • Clicking their desired class will open the accordion, providing users with the necessary information about each.
11. As a user I want to navigate to a page that could help me with my enquiry, to answer my question.
  • The Frequently Asked Questions page is located in the About dropdown list of the navigation menu.
  • Similar to the Academy Programme page, the FAQs are displayed in a featured accordion, with each question as the title of the accordion card.
  • Clicking the question opens the card, revealing the answer for the user.

New Visitors

1. As a new visitor, I want to create an account, to unlock registered user features.
  • If the user is not authenticated, two links will be displayed on the navigation menu:
    • Register
    • Login
  • Register will lead users to the signup page, allowing the user to enter their details and create their account.
  • The register page is also availble on the login page for convenience.

Returning Visitors

1. As a returning visitor, I want to easily log into my existing account, to unlock registered user features.
  • If the user is not authenticated, the login page will be clearly displayed on the navigation menu.
  • Clicking it directs the user to the login page, where they can enter their details to log into their account.
2. As a returning visitor, I want to view my previous orders, to keep a record of my transaction.
  • When a user is authenticated, a mew dropdown menu is displayed. The Account dropdown menu provides users with quick access to their order history.
  • On the Order History page, the user will be presented with a table of their previous orders (if they have any) or conditional text.
  • Each order displays the date of the order, the number of items and the grand total of the order.
  • A call-to-action View button allows users to view the entire order details.
3. As a returning visitor, I want to save default information, to save time for future orders.
  • On the Account dropdown menu, there is a quick link to the users profile page, there they can enter their default information for faster checkout.
  • Additionally, the user can click the checkbox available on the checkout page to save their information.
4. As a returning visitor, I want to edit default information, to update any necessary fields.
  • Directing to the user's profile page will display the user's saved default information.
  • There they can edit their information, as needed, and click the call-to-action Update button.
5. As a returning visitor, I want to view shopping bag to get an overview of products I wish to order.
  • When the user adds to their shopping bag, a toast will appear providing real-time information that the product was sucessfully added, as well as a snapshot of the contents currently in their bag.
  • Clicking either the toast or the bag icon will direct the user to their shopping bag to view and edit as they wish.
6. As a returning visitor, I want to remove products from my bag, to suit my needs.
  • In the shopping bag, there is a conventional x icon placed at the top-right of each product box.
  • Clicking this item will remove the product from their shopping bag.
7. As a returning visitor, I want to update a product's quantity, to suit my needs.
  • Within the shopping bag, the user can update the quantity of a particular product by using the prepending and appending buttons on the quantity box.
  • They can then save their changes by clicking the call-to-action Update button.
8. As a returning visitor, I want to get real-time feedback on available stock, to make purchase decisions.
  • Each product variation has it's own stock count displayed on the product details page.
  • This provides users with real-time stock numbers, allowing them to select up that number.
  • The buttons on the quantity box dynamically change, based on the stock count of the product selected and the quantity the user has inputted.
9. As a returning visitor, I want to proceed to a secure checkout, to make a purchase.
  • In the shopping bag, a Secure Checkout button directs users to the first page of the checkout process.
10. As a returning visitor, I want to have clear visual feedback of the order process, to understand all steps of the process.
  • Each step of the checkout process provides a Heads Up display of the checkout process.
  • This display changes page to page, with clear feedback to the user of their current location in the process.
11. As a returning visitor, I want to be able to edit my bag at all times, to allow change of mind.
  • The user can edit their bag in the shopping bag.
  • An Edit button is available on every page of the checkout process, allowing the users to return to their shopping bag for editing.
12. As a returning visitor, I want to receive a summary of my order via email to confirm that my transaction has been process.
  • When a user successfully checks out, a confirmation email will be sent to their specified email address.
  • This email will provide order information including the date, total and a list of ordered items.
  • Further information, such as delivery times and course instructions are available in the email.

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Manual Testing

Common Elements Testing

Manual testing was conducted on the following elements that appear on every page:

  • Clicking the Logo located on the top-left of the screen will redirect the user back to the Home Page:

    Logo Click

  • Hovering over the Navigation Links will trigger the hover effect, confirming the page the user is on:

    Navigation Bar Hover class

  • Collapsible hamburger button on mobile and tablet devices reveals Navigation menu:

    Collapsible Navigation Bar

  • Navigational menu differs for authenticated and unauthenticated users:

    Non-Registered User
    Navigation Changes

    Registered User
    Navigation Changes

  • Hovering over the Footer links will trigger the hover effect, confirming the action the user is about to take:

    Footer Hover class

  • Clicking the Footer Social Icons opens the social platform in a new tab:

    • Facebook:
      Facebook Link

    • WhatsApp:
      WhatsApp Link

Page Elements Testing

Home Page

Manual testing was conducted on the following elements on the Home Page:

  • Clicking the Category Links, directs the user to their desired location:


  • Home Page Responsiveness:

    Home Page Responsiveness

All Products Page

Manual testing was conducted on the following elements on the All Products Page:

  • Clicking the Breadcrumb Links, directs the user back:


  • Clicking the Category Filters directs the user to their desired category:


  • Clicking the Products directs users to the product's details page:

    Product Image
    Product Image

    Product Name
    Product Name

  • Clicking the Pagnination Links directs users to the next page:


  • All Products Page Responsiveness:

    All Products Page Responsiveness

Apparel and Courses Pages

Manual testing was conducted on the following elements on the Apparel and Courses Page:

  • Clicking the Breadcrumb Links, directs the user back:


  • Clicking the Sub-category Filters directs the user to their desired category:


  • Clicking the information icon on the Course page opens the Course Information modal:

    Course Modal

  • Apparel and Course Page Responsiveness:

    Apparel and Course Page Responsiveness

Search Page

Manual testing was conducted on the following elements on the Search Page:

  • Using the search bar, users will be provided with the appropriate response:

    With Results
    Search Results

    With No Results
    No Search Results

  • Clicking the Search title will reset the search:

    Search Reset

  • Clicking the Category Buttons directs the user to their desired category:

    Category Buttons

  • Clicking the Category Filters directs the user to their desired category:

    Category Filters

  • Search Page Responsiveness:

    Search Page Responsiveness

Individual Product Page

Manual testing was conducted on the following elements on the Individual Product Page:

  • Clicking the Breadcrumb Links, directs the user back:


  • Clicking the Dropdown menu allows users to select their desired product variation (size or class time). providing stock count for each:


  • Clicking the Quantity Buttons allows users to control their selected quantity:



  • Clicking the course information link on Course pages opens the Course Information modal:

    Course Modal

  • Clicking the Back Button brings user to their previous page:

    Back Button

  • Clicking the Add to Bag Button adds the product to the user's bag, providing a toast for real-time feedback:

    Add to Bag

  • Individual Product Page Responsiveness:

    Individual Product Page Responsiveness

Signup Page

Manual testing was conducted on the following elements on the Signup Page:

  • Using the input field, the user can enter their details and click the Signup button, which directs the user to the verification page:


  • Clicking the link provided in the email will invite the user to confirm their email:

    Verify Button

  • Signup Page Responsiveness:

    Signup Page Responsiveness

Login Page

Manual testing was conducted on the following elements on the Login Page:

  • Using the input field, the user can enter their login details and click the Login button, which directs the user to the Home page:


  • Clicking the Register Button directs the user to the sign up page:


  • Login Page Responsiveness:

    Login Page Responsiveness

Club Ethos Page

Manual testing was conducted on the following elements on the Club Ethos Page:

  • Clicking the External Links opens a new tab:

    Swim Ireland Button

    RLSS Button

  • Club Ethos Page Responsiveness:

    Club Ethos Page Responsiveness

Academy Programme Page

Manual testing was conducted on the following elements on the Academy Programme Page:

  • Clicking the accordion titles opens the accordions, displaying information:

    Accordion Button

  • Clicking Hide/Show all allows user control of the page:

    Hide/Show Button

  • Academy Programme Page Responsiveness:

    Academy Programme Page Responsiveness

FAQs Page

Manual testing was conducted on the following elements on the FAQs Page:

  • Clicking the accordion titles opens the accordions, displaying information:

    Accordion Button

  • Clicking Hide/Show all allows user control of the page:

    Hide/Show Button

  • FAQs Page Responsiveness:

    FAQs Page Responsiveness

Contact Page

Manual testing was conducted on the following elements on the Contact Page:

  • Clicking the Embedded Google Maps allows the user to control the map:

    Accordion Button

  • Sending a message on the contact form, provides real-time feedback to the user:

    Contact form Button

  • Contact Page Responsiveness:

    Contact Page Responsiveness

Shopping Bag Page

Manual testing was conducted on the following elements on the Shopping Bag Page:

  • Clicking the Breadcrumb Links, directs the user back to the home page:


  • Clicking the Keep Shopping button returns user to the All Products page:

    Keep Shopping

  • Clicking the x button removes the product from the bag:

    Remove Button

  • Clicking the Quantity Buttons allows users to control their selected quantity:



  • Clicking the Update Button updates the bag with the user's selected quantity:


  • Clicking the Checkout Button brings the user to the order review page:


  • Shopping Bag Page Responsiveness:

    Shopping Bag Page Responsiveness

Order Review Page

Manual testing was conducted on the following elements on the Order Review Page:

  • Clicking the Logo returns the user to the shopping bag:

    Logo Button

  • Clicking Return to Bag returns the user to the shopping bag:

    Return Button

  • Clicking the Checkout Button brings the user to the order details page:


  • Order Review Page Responsiveness:

    Order Review Page Responsiveness

Order Details Page

Manual testing was conducted on the following elements on the Order Details Page:

  • Clicking the Logo returns the user to the shopping bag:

    Logo Button

  • Clicking the first circle in the HUD returns the user to the Order Review page:

    Circle Button

  • Clicking Edit Bag returns the user to the shopping bag:

    Edit Button

  • On mobile devices, the order summary collapses for convienience:

    Order Summary

  • The input fields allow the user to enter their details and clicking the Complete Order Button brings the user to the order complete page:

    information fields

  • Order Details Page Responsiveness:

    Order Details Page Responsiveness

User Profile Page

Manual testing was conducted on the following elements on the User Profile Page:

  • Clicking the Buttons allows the user to control the page:


  • The input fields allow the user to enter their details and clicking Update Information saves the new default information:

    information fields

  • User Profile Page Responsiveness:

    User Profile Page Responsiveness

Past Orders Page

Manual testing was conducted on the following elements on the Past Orders Page:

  • Clicking the Buttons allows the user to control the page:


  • Clicking View Bag directs the user to their selected past order page:

    View Button

  • Past Orders Page Responsiveness:

    Past Orders Page Responsiveness

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Automated Testing

Code Validation

  • W3C Markup Validator was used to validate the HTML code used, using the Validate by URI method.

    • Duplicate ID errors were highlighted on the Academy Programme and FAQs pages. These are due to the iteration of database data and could not be modified (attempts were made to dynamically change the id according to the object, but the developer was unsuccessful in implementing this).

    • Duplicate ID error for id_select in product page is due to the iteration of product_select objects.

    • All other highlighted errors were resolved.

  • W3C CSS Validator was used to validate the CSS code used with the following result:

    Base CSS
    Style sheet validation results

    Checkout CSS
    Style sheet validation results

    Profile CSS
    Style sheet validation results

  • JSHint was used to validate the JavaScript and JQuery code used.

    • Errors highlighted in contact_email.js pertain to SweetAlert2 (used for contact form feedback) and jQuery Validation(used for validating contact form):

      JS validation results

    • Errors highlighted in strip_elements.js pertain to Stripe import:

      JS validation results

    • There were no errors highlighted in profile.js or base.js files

  • PEP8 Online was used to validate Python code.

    • A line too long linting error was highlighted in within the AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS variable (required by AllAuth).

    • Working with their mentor, the devloper decided to ignore this error as the lines could not be broken down without losing necessary password validation functionality, using the the Flake8 Ignoring Violations comment # noqa, with the final code as:

              'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.UserAttributeSimilarityValidator',  # noqa
              'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.MinimumLengthValidator',  # noqa
              'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.CommonPasswordValidator',  # noqa
              'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.NumericPasswordValidator',  # noqa
    • All other highlighted errors and warnings were resolved.

Browser Validation


Chrome test image


Safari test image


Edge test image


Opera test image


Firefox test image

Lighthouse Auditing


Page Performance Accessibility Best Practice SEO
Home Page 70% 91% 93% 100%
Shop Pages 73% 91% 100% 100%
Login 98% 92% 100% 100%
Register 98% 92% 100% 100%
Search 85% 92% 100% 100%
Ethos Page 95% 91% 87% 100%
Academy Programme 88% 90% 100% 96%
FAQs 98% 90% 100% 100%
Contact 98% 90% 93% 100%
My Profile 97% 92% 100% 100%
Order History 97% 91% 100% 100%
Shopping Bag 85% 78% 100% 100%
Review Order Page 81% 91% 100% 100%
Order Details Page 89% 94% 100% 100%
Order Complete Page 94% 90% 93% 100%


Page Performance Accessibility Best Practice SEO
Home Page 73% 88% 100% 95%
Shop Pages 65% 88% 100% 97%
Login 89% 92% 100% 94%
Register 92% 89% 100% 94%
Search 70% 92% 100% 95%
Ethos Page 89% 88% 97% 93%
Academy Programme 95% 91% 87% 100%
FAQs 88% 86% 100% 96%
Contact 89% 87% 93% 94%
My Profile 85% 92% 100% 95%
Order History 82% 88% 100% 96%
Shopping Bag 74% 71% 100% 94%
Review Order Page 79% 91% 100% 100%
Order Details Page 72% 96% 100% 100%
Order Complete Page 89% 87% 93% 93%

Breakdown of Results

Error / Warning Comment
Reduce unused JavaScript This was pertaining to the jQuery minified link.
Reduce unused CSS This was pertaining to the Boostrap minified link.
Use HTTP/2 The developer chose not to use HTTP/2 as it required additional support for functionality.
Logo image does not specify width and height The developer tried to correct this, but specifying these attributes caused a clash with other bootstrap classes, resulting in sizing issues.
Links to cross-origin destinations are unsafe This was recified by implementing the rel="noopener" attribute to external links.
ARIA IDs are not unique This was cause by the navbar and accordion menus. The #navbarDropdown ID was changed to a more specific ID for each category. The #programmeCollapse and #questionCollapse ID's pertain to the Jinja for loop used to iterate through the content and could not be changed.
Missing accessibility name for input fields This was recified by using the Bootstrap .sr-only class on a label.
Text not appropriately sized This highlighted that the footer text was too small, which was then rectified.
Links do not have a discernible name This was the mailto button on the footer. An aria-label was used to fix this.

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User testing

Family members and friends were asked to review the site and documentation to point out any bugs and/or user experience issues. Their helpful advice throughout the process led to many UX changes in order to create a better experience.

It was through this testing that the following changes were made:

Update Comments
Update to the navigation mobile menu Originally, all links were displayed on the navbar on mobile and tablet devices, but this was quickly changed as it was noted that the menu was too long and not user-friendly.
Button style update Button and anchor links were re-styled to be more consistent in their look and behaviour throughout the site, creating a positive user experience.
Divide of categories Originally, there were only two category filter buttons on the Home, Shopping Bag and Search pages. It was recommended in the early testing stages to include all types of categories, to allow users a more refined experience, as well as removing the dead white space surrounding them.

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