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856 lines (734 loc) · 27.1 KB

File metadata and controls

856 lines (734 loc) · 27.1 KB


Capture payment

$api->payment->fetch($paymentId)->capture(array('amount'=>$amount,'currency' => 'INR'));


Name Type Description
paymentId* string Id of the payment to capture
amount* integer The amount to be captured (should be equal to the authorized amount, in paise)
currency* string The currency of the payment (defaults to INR)


  "id": "pay_G8VQzjPLoAvm6D",
  "entity": "payment",
  "amount": 1000,
  "currency": "INR",
  "status": "captured",
  "order_id": "order_G8VPOayFxWEU28",
  "invoice_id": null,
  "international": false,
  "method": "upi",
  "amount_refunded": 0,
  "refund_status": null,
  "captured": true,
  "description": "Purchase Shoes",
  "card_id": null,
  "bank": null,
  "wallet": null,
  "vpa": "gaurav.kumar@exampleupi",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "contact": "+919999999999",
  "customer_id": "cust_DitrYCFtCIokBO",
  "notes": [],
  "fee": 24,
  "tax": 4,
  "error_code": null,
  "error_description": null,
  "error_source": null,
  "error_step": null,
  "error_reason": null,
  "acquirer_data": {
    "rrn": "033814379298"
  "created_at": 1606985209

Fetch all payments



Name Type Description
from timestamp timestamp after which the payments were created
to timestamp timestamp before which the payments were created
count integer number of payments to fetch (default: 10)
skip integer number of payments to be skipped (default: 0)
expand[] string Used to retrieve additional information about the payment. Possible value is cards or emi


  "entity": "collection",
  "count": 2,
  "items": [
      "id": "pay_G8VaL2Z68LRtDs",
      "entity": "payment",
      "amount": 900,
      "currency": "INR",
      "status": "captured",
      "order_id": "order_G8VXfKDWDEOHHd",
      "invoice_id": null,
      "international": false,
      "method": "netbanking",
      "amount_refunded": 0,
      "refund_status": null,
      "captured": true,
      "description": "Purchase Shoes",
      "card_id": null,
      "bank": "KKBK",
      "wallet": null,
      "vpa": null,
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "contact": "+919999999999",
      "customer_id": "cust_DitrYCFtCIokBO",
      "notes": [],
      "fee": 22,
      "tax": 4,
      "error_code": null,
      "error_description": null,
      "error_source": null,
      "error_step": null,
      "error_reason": null,
      "acquirer_data": {
        "bank_transaction_id": "0125836177"
      "created_at": 1606985740

Fetch a payment



Name Type Description
paymentId* string Id of the payment to be retrieved


  "id": "pay_G8VQzjPLoAvm6D",
  "entity": "payment",
  "amount": 1000,
  "currency": "INR",
  "status": "captured",
  "order_id": "order_G8VPOayFxWEU28",
  "invoice_id": null,
  "international": false,
  "method": "upi",
  "amount_refunded": 0,
  "refund_status": null,
  "captured": true,
  "description": "Purchase Shoes",
  "card_id": null,
  "bank": null,
  "wallet": null,
  "vpa": "gaurav.kumar@exampleupi",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "contact": "+919999999999",
  "customer_id": "cust_DitrYCFtCIokBO",
  "notes": [],
  "fee": 24,
  "tax": 4,
  "error_code": null,
  "error_description": null,
  "error_source": null,
  "error_step": null,
  "error_reason": null,
  "acquirer_data": {
    "rrn": "033814379298"
  "created_at": 1606985209

Fetch payments for an order



Name Type Description
orderId* string The id of the order to be retrieve payment info


  "count": 1,
  "entity": "collection",
  "items": [
      "id": "pay_DovGQXOkPBJjjU",
      "entity": "payment",
      "amount": 600,
      "currency": "INR",
      "status": "captured",
      "order_id": "order_DovFx48wjYEr2I",
      "method": "netbanking",
      "amount_refunded": 0,
      "refund_status": null,
      "captured": true,
      "description": "A Wild Sheep Chase is a novel by Japanese author Haruki Murakami",
      "card_id": null,
      "bank": "SBIN",
      "wallet": null,
      "vpa": null,
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "contact": "9364591752",
      "fee": 70,
      "tax": 10,
      "error_code": null,
      "error_description": null,
      "error_source": null,
      "error_step": null,
      "error_reason": null,
      "notes": [],
      "acquirer_data": {
        "bank_transaction_id": "0125836177"
      "created_at": 1400826750

Update a payment

$api->payment->fetch($paymentId)->edit(array('notes'=> array('key_1'=> 'value1','key_2'=> 'value2')));


Name Type Description
paymentId* string Id of the payment to update
notes* array A key-value pair


  "id": "pay_CBYy6tLmJTzn3Q",
  "entity": "payment",
  "amount": 1000,
  "currency": "INR",
  "status": "authorized",
  "order_id": null,
  "invoice_id": null,
  "international": false,
  "method": "netbanking",
  "amount_refunded": 0,
  "refund_status": null,
  "captured": false,
  "description": null,
  "card_id": null,
  "bank": "UTIB",
  "wallet": null,
  "vpa": null,
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "customer_id": "cust_JR4BVKjKyJ7enk",
  "notes": {
    "key1": "value1",
    "key2": "value2"
  "fee": null,
  "tax": null,
  "error_code": null,
  "error_description": null,
  "error_source": null,
  "error_step": null,
  "error_reason": null,
  "acquirer_data": {
    "bank_transaction_id": "0125836177"
  "created_at": 1553504328

Fetch expanded card or emi details for payments

Request #1: Card


Request #2: EMI


For expanded card or emi details for payments response please click here

Fetch card details with paymentId



Name Type Description
paymentId* string Id of the payment to update


  "id": "card_6krZ6bcjoeqyV9",
  "entity": "card",
  "name": "Gaurav",
  "last4": "3335",
  "network": "Visa",
  "type": "debit",
  "issuer": "SBIN",
  "international": false,
  "emi": null,
  "sub_type": "business"

Fetch Payment Downtime Details


For payment downtime response please click here

Fetch Payment Downtime



Name Type Description
downtimeId* string Id to fetch payment downtime

For payment downtime by id response please click here

Payment capture settings API

$api->order->create(array('amount' => 50000,'currency' => 'INR','receipt' => 'rcptid_11','payment' => array('capture' => 'automatic','capture_options' => array('automatic_expiry_period' => 12,'manual_expiry_period' => 7200,'refund_speed' => 'optimum'))));


Name Type Description
amount* integer Amount of the order to be paid
currency* string Currency of the order. Currently only INR is supported.
receipt string Your system order reference id.
payment array please refer this doc for params


  "id": "order_DBJOWzybf0sJbb",
  "entity": "order",
  "amount": 50000,
  "amount_paid": 0,
  "amount_due": 50000,
  "currency": "INR",
  "receipt": "rcptid_11",
  "status": "created",
  "attempts": 0,
  "notes": [],
  "created_at": 1566986570

Create Payment Json

$api->payment->createPaymentJson(array('amount' => 100,'currency' => 'INR','email' => '[email protected]','contact' => '9123456789','order_id' => 'order_I6LVPRQ6upW3uh','method' => 'card','card' => array('number' => '4854980604708430','cvv' => '123','expiry_month' => '12','expiry_year' => '21','name' => 'Gaurav Kumar')));


Name Type Description
amount* integer Amount of the order to be paid
currency* string The currency of the payment (defaults to INR)
order_id* string The unique identifier of the order created.
email* string Email of the customer
contact* string Contact number of the customer
method* string Possible value is card, netbanking, wallet,emi, upi, cardless_emi, paylater.
card array All keys listed here are supported
bank string Bank code of the bank used for the payment. Required if the method is netbanking.
bank_account array All keys listed here are supported
vpa string Virtual payment address of the customer. Required if the method is upi.
wallet string Wallet code for the wallet used for the payment. Required if the method is wallet.
notes array A key-value pair

please refer this doc for params


  "razorpay_payment_id": "pay_FVmAstJWfsD3SO",
  "next": [
      "action": "redirect",
      "url": ""
      "action": "otp_generate",
      "url": "<YOUR_KEY_ID>"

OTP Generate

$api = new Api("key","");  // Use Only razorpay key



Name Type Description
paymentId* integer Unique identifier of the payment


 "razorpay_payment_id": "pay_FVmAstJWfsD3SO",
 "next": [
   "action": "otp_submit",
   "url": "<YOUR_KEY_ID>"
   "action": "otp_resend",
   "url": "<YOUR_KEY_ID>"
 "metadata": {
  "issuer": "HDFC",
  "network": "MC",
  "last4": "1111",
  "iin": "411111"

OTP Submit

$api->payment->fetch($paymentId)->otpSubmit(array('otp'=> '12345'));


Name Type Description
paymentId* integer Unique identifier of the payment
otp* string The customer receives the OTP using their preferred notification medium - SMS or email


 "razorpay_payment_id": "pay_D5jmY2H6vC7Cy3",
 "razorpay_order_id": "order_9A33XWu170gUtm",
 "razorpay_signature": "9ef4dffbfd84f1318f6739a3ce19f9d85851857ae648f114332d8401e0949a3d"


  "error": {
    "code" : "BAD_REQUEST_ERROR",
    "description": "payment processing failed because of incorrect otp"
  "next": ["otp_submit", "otp_resend"]

Create Payment Json (Third party validation)

$api->payment->createPaymentJson(array('amount' => 100,'currency' => 'INR','email' => '[email protected]','contact' => '9123456789','order_id' => 'order_I6LVPRQ6upW3uh','method' => 'netbanking', 'bank'=>'HDFC'));


Name Type Description
amount* integer Amount of the order to be paid
currency* string The currency of the payment (defaults to INR)
order_id* string The unique identifier of the order created.
email* string Email of the customer
contact* string Contact number of the customer
method* string Possible value is netbanking
bank* string The customer's bank code.For example, HDFC.

please refer this doc for params


  "razorpay_payment_id": "pay_GAWOYqPlvrtPSi",
  "next": [
      "action": "redirect",
      "url": ""

Create Payment UPI s2s / VPA token (Third party validation)

$api->payment->createUpi(array("amount" => 200,"currency" => "INR","order_id" => "order_Jhgp4wIVHQrg5H","email" => "[email protected]","contact" => "9123456789","method" => "upi","customer_id" => "cust_EIW4T2etiweBmG","save" => 1,"ip" => "","referer" => "http","user_agent" => "Mozilla/5.0","description" => "Test flow","notes" => array("note_key" => "value1"),"upi" => array("flow" => "collect","vpa" => "gauravkumar@exampleupi","expiry_time" => 5)));


Name Type Description
amount* integer Amount of the order to be paid
currency* string The currency of the payment (defaults to INR)
order_id* string The unique identifier of the order created.
email* string Email of the customer
customer_id* string The id of the customer to be fetched
contact* string Contact number of the customer
notes array A key-value pair
description string Descriptive text of the payment.
save boolean Specifies if the VPA should be stored as tokens.Possible value is 0, 1
callback_url string URL where Razorpay will submit the final payment status.
ip* string The client's browser IP address. For example
referer* string Value of referer header passed by the client's browser. For example,
user_agent* string Value of user_agent header passed by the client's browser. For example, Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.130 Safari/537.36
upi* (for Upi only) array All keys listed here are supported


  "razorpay_payment_id": "pay_EAm09NKReXi2e0"

Create Payment UPI s2s / VPA token (Third party validation)

$api->payment->createUpi(array("amount" => 200,"currency" => "INR","order_id" => "order_Jhgp4wIVHQrg5H","email" => "[email protected]","contact" => "9123456789","method" => "upi","customer_id" => "cust_EIW4T2etiweBmG","ip" => "","referer" => "http","user_agent" => "Mozilla/5.0","description" => "Test flow","notes" => array("note_key" => "value1"),"upi" => array("flow" => "intent")));


Name Type Description
amount* integer Amount of the order to be paid
currency* string The currency of the payment (defaults to INR)
order_id* string The unique identifier of the order created.
email* string Email of the customer
customer_id* string The id of the customer to be fetched
contact* string Contact number of the customer
notes array A key-value pair
description string Descriptive text of the payment.
save boolean Specifies if the VPA should be stored as tokens.Possible value is 0, 1
callback_url string URL where Razorpay will submit the final payment status.
ip* string The client's browser IP address. For example
referer* string Value of referer header passed by the client's browser. For example,
user_agent* string Value of user_agent header passed by the client's browser. For example, Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.130 Safari/537.36
upi* (for Upi only) array All keys listed here are supported


  "razorpay_payment_id": "pay_CMeM6XvOPGFiF",
  "link": "upi://pay?pa=success@razorpay&pn=xyz&tr=xxxxxxxxxxx&tn=gourav&am=1&cu=INR&mc=xyzw"

Valid VPA (Third party validation)



Name Type Description
vpa* string The virtual payment address (VPA) you want to validate. For example, gauravkumar@exampleupi

please refer this doc for params


  "vpa": "gauravkumar@exampleupi",
  "success": true,
  "customer_name": "Gaurav Kumar"

Fetch payment methods (Third party validation)

$api = new Api("key",""); // // Use Only razorpay key


please refer this doc for response

OTP Resend



Name Type Description
paymentId* integer Unique identifier of the payment

Doc reference doc


  "next": [
  "razorpay_payment_id": "pay_JWaNvYmrx75sXo"

Fetch a Payment (With Expanded Card Details)

$paymentId = "pay_MLzFlOC98cJmHQ";

$api->payment->fetch($paymentId)->expandedDetails(["expand[]"=> "card"]);


Name Type Description
paymentId* integer Unique identifier of the payment
expand[] string Use to expand the card details when the payment method is card.


  "id": "pay_H9oR0gLCaVlV6m",
  "entity": "payment",
  "amount": 100,
  "currency": "INR",
  "status": "failed",
  "order_id": "order_H9o58N6qmLYQKC",
  "invoice_id": null,
  "terminal_id": "term_G5kJnYM9GhhLYT",
  "international": false,
  "method": "card",
  "amount_refunded": 0,
  "refund_status": null,
  "captured": false,
  "description": null,
  "card_id": "card_H9oR0ocen1cmZq",
  "card": {
    "id": "card_H9oR0ocen1cmZq",
    "entity": "card",
    "name": "Gaurav",
    "last4": "1213",
    "network": "RuPay",
    "type": "credit",
    "issuer": "UTIB",
    "international": false,
    "emi": false,
    "sub_type": "business"
  "bank": null,
  "wallet": null,
  "vpa": null,
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "contact": "+919000090000",
  "notes": {
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "phone": "09000090000"
  "fee": null,
  "tax": null,
  "error_code": "BAD_REQUEST_ERROR",
  "error_description": "Card issuer is invalid",
  "error_source": "customer",
  "error_step": "payment_authentication",
  "error_reason": "incorrect_card_details",
  "acquirer_data": {
    "auth_code": null,
    "authentication_reference_number": "100222021120200000000742753928"
  "created_at": 1620807547

Fetch a Payment (With Expanded Offers Details)

$paymentId = "pay_MLzFlOC98cJmHQ";

$api->payment->fetch($paymentId)->expandedDetails(["expand[]"=> "emi"]);


Name Type Description
paymentId* integer Unique identifier of the payment
expand[] string Use to expand the emi details when the payment method is emi.


  "id": "pay_DG4ZdRK8ZnXC3k",
  "entity": "payment",
  "amount": 200000,
  "currency": "INR",
  "status": "authorized",
  "order_id": null,
  "invoice_id": null,
  "international": false,
  "method": "emi",
  "amount_refunded": 0,
  "refund_status": null,
  "captured": false,
  "description": null,
  "card_id": "card_DG4ZdUO3xABb20",
  "bank": "ICIC",
  "wallet": null,
  "vpa": null,
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "contact": "+919972000005",
  "notes": [],
  "fee": null,
  "tax": null,
  "error_code": null,
  "error_description": null,
  "error_source": null,
  "error_step": null,
  "error_reason": null,
  "emi": {
    "issuer": "ICIC",
    "rate": 1300,
    "duration": 6
  "acquirer_data": {
    "auth_code": "828553"
  "created_at": 1568026077

Fetch a Payment (With Expanded UPI Details)

$paymentId = "pay_MLzFlOC98cJmHQ";

$api->payment->fetch($paymentId)->expandedDetails(["expand[]"=> "upi"]);


Name Type Description
paymentId* integer Unique identifier of the payment
expand[] string Use to expand the UPI details when the payment method is upi.


  "id": "pay_DG4ZdRK8ZnXC3k",
  "entity": "payment",
  "amount": 100,
  "currency": "INR",
  "status": "captured",
  "order_id": "order_GjCr5oKh4AVC51",
  "invoice_id": null,
  "international": false,
  "method": "upi",
  "amount_refunded": 0,
  "refund_status": null,
  "captured": true,
  "description": "Payment for Adidas shoes",
  "card_id": null,
  "bank": null,
  "wallet": null,
  "vpa": "gaurav.kumar@upi",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "contact": "9000090000",
  "customer_id": "cust_K6fNE0WJZWGqtN",
  "token_id": "token_KOdY$DBYQOv08n",
  "notes": [],
  "fee": 1,
  "tax": 0,
  "error_code": null,
  "error_description": null,
  "error_source": null,
  "error_step": null,
  "error_reason": null,
  "acquirer_data": {
    "rrn": "303107535132"
  "created_at": 1605871409,
  "upi": {
    "payer_account_type": "credit_card",
    "vpa": "gaurav.kumar@upi",
    "flow": "in_app" // appears only for Turbo UPI Payments.

PN: * indicates mandatory fields

For reference click here