All notable changes to this project are documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
This project aims to adhere to Semantic Versioning.
- Add support to read non-manifold meshes by duplicating vertices
- Add SurfaceFactory class to generate basic shapes. Thanks to
u/lycium on Reddit for suggesting a
simplification of the
function. - Add support to render colors per face
- Add support to render colors per vertex, thanks to Xiewei Zhong
- Add function to compute volume of a mesh, thanks to Xiewei Zhong
- Add post-increment iterators and make low level functions to add elements public. This makes it possible to use CGAL algorithms on a PMP SurfaceMesh. Thanks to @afabri for contributing the changes!
- Add PMP_INSTALL option to CMake.
- Add PMP_BUILD_VIS CMake option to enable / disable building the pmp_vis library and its dependencies.
- Build shared libraries on all platforms by default
- Bump CMake minimum required version to 3.16.3
- Make SurfaceTriangulation::Objective a scoped enum
- Remove SurfaceMesh::triangulate() functions to avoid redundancy with SurfaceTriangulation
- Improve API by reporting errors using exceptions (see #16).
- SurfaceFeatures now returns the number of boundary / feature edges detected.
- Update Eigen to version 3.4.0-rc1
- Update googletest to version 1.11.0
- Update stb_image to version 2.26 and stb_image_writer to version 1.15.
- Update GLFW to branch 3.3-stable to fix keyboard input on Linux.
- Change CMake policy CMP0072 to "NEW" behavior preferring GLVND
no longer includes deleted vertices. Thanks to Paul Du.- Fix crash in SurfaceHoleFilling when a vertex selection already exists.
- Fix bug in SurfaceHoleFilling leading to artifacts in the filled surface patch. See #64.
- Change sign of vec2::perp() to correctly model CCW rotation by 90 degrees.
- Fix bug in OpenGL buffer clean-up in SurfaceMeshGL.
- Fix rendering issues around sharp edges
- Fix bug in adaptive remeshing leading to over-refinement of corner vertices.
- Fix bug in bounding box computation. Thanks a lot to Jascha Achenbach for reporting this bug!
- Upgrade Eigen to current master version to get rid of a compile error on Windows
- Upgrade ImGui to version 1.75
- Upgrade stb_image to current master version
- Add constructors using initializer lists to Matrix/Vector classes
- Add assignment from and cast from Eigen matrices and vectors
- Improved rendering of general polygons, avoiding erroneous tessellation into overlapping/flipped triangles in case of non-convex polygons.
- Added support for rendering using MatCaps. Thanks to Alec Jacobson for suggesting this!
- Fix erroneous header install path (visualization)
- Fix bug hole filling (when filling single-triangle holes). Thanks a lot to Pierre Buyssens for reporting this bug!
- Fix bug when fairing a mesh w/o boundary constraints. Thanks a lot to Pierre Buyssens for reporting this bug!
- Compile-time switch
to choose between float/double as Scalar - Support point set rendering for surface meshes without faces
- Add hole filling based on Liepa algorithm
- Add explicit warranty and liability disclaimer
- Breaking change: Public members in Window and TrackballViewer classes made private and encapsulated through access functions
- Change SurfaceSmoothing to avoid model shrinking
- Improve normal computation for polygonal faces
- Upgrade GLFW to version 3.3
- Upgrade ImGui to version 1.70
- Upgrade Eigen to version 3.3.7
- Documentation updates
- Fix a bug in OFF reader when loading faces with high valence
- Fix a bug SurfaceGeodesic that lead to dist(v0,v1) != dist(v1,v0). As a consequence, the Novotni method has been removed from SurfaceGeodesic.
- Algorithms module
- Visualization tools
- Support for range-based for loops
- Configurable index type
- Global object properties
- Support for emscripten
- Unit test suite
- Continuous integration
- Coding standard
- Version API
- Switched to MIT license
- Library scope handle and property types
- Enhanced IO capabilities