This is a single-page portfolio website.
Home: It contains name and animation about the liking. The code for this is present in 'script.js'. Under this, 3 arrows pointing downward are present. (Code for this in 'style.css')
About Me: A photo and a brief description is presented in this section, along with a button to download the CV.
Education: Styled as a vertical timeline, each qualification presented in the form of a card.
Technical Skills: This section displays all the skills achieved presented using logos.
Projects: Presented as four cards, on hover, the information about the project is displayed from the bottom.
Certifications: Presented as fours cards where each contains the logo of the organisation and the course name. On hover, the card flips that contains the faded certicate and a pop-up button to get a larger view of certificate. The code for the same is present in 'script.js'.
Contact Form: It section contains a box with two partitions:
- Left Side: This sub-section contains social handles.
- Right SIde: A form with 3 details of the person want to get in touch: Name, Email adn Message (Code of the functionality in 'scipt.js').
- The particle.js is used for the animation in the background.
- A side bar to jump to a particular section directly (code in script.js).
- index.html
- particle.js
- style.css
- script.js
- images folder.
ii. CSS
iii. Javascript