- Purpose: Navigate between different sections of the app.
- Components:
- Application logo
- Navigation links (Home, Profile, etc.)
- Sign-in/Sign-out button
- Purpose: Provide a welcome message and general introduction.
- Components:
- Welcome text
- Brief description of the app
- Navigation options to other sections
- Purpose: Add and edit participants for initiative tracking.
- Components:
- Input fields for participant name, DEX modifier, and HP
- Buttons for adding, editing, or removing participants
- Purpose: Display and manage the initiative order.
- Components:
- Sorted list of participants by initiative score
- Highlight active participant
- "Next Turn" button
- Editable HP fields with color-coded statuses (green, yellow, red)
- Purpose: Manage user profile settings.
- Components:
- Input fields for username and password
- Save button
- Optional profile picture upload