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How to install yAronet

Getting started

yAronet is using Git submodules for its code dependencies. Please make sure you retreived them when cloning yAronet source code (downloading a ZIP file from GitHub is not OK).

After cloning yAronet source code, browse to root directory and enter git submodule update --init if you're using command line Git or any other equivalent if you're using a GUI.

Install on development server

You can get a working yAronet instance by either using provided Vagrant box in /setup/vagrant or installing manually on your target server.

Option 1: install on Vagrant virtual machine

Following software is required before you can install yAronet on a server using provided Vagrant box:

  • Vagrant 2.2.2 or above (not tested with previous versions):
    • Make sure you also satisfied Vagrant dependencies (e.g. Oracle VirtualBox).

Step by step install instructions:

  • Run vagrant up from directory /setup/vagrant.
  • Wait for machine to be ready.

Vagrant box will take a few minutes for downloading and installing all requirements and display a success message on console when done. Go to "Configure website" section below to continue.

Option 2: run locally with Docker

Required software on your local machine:


Build the image and start the containers.

  • docker-compose build
  • docker-compose up

Open http://localhost:8000/install.php and configure the site.

  • SQL connection string: mysqli://yaronet:password@db:3306/yaronet?charset=utf8mb4

Open http://localhost:8000 to access the site.

Option 3: install manually on a server

Following software is required before you can manually install yAronet on a development server:

  • PHP v7.0.1 or above:
    • php-curl, php-gd, php-mbstring, php-mcrypt, php-mysql & php-xml extensions.
  • Any compatible HTTP server like Apache or Nginx.
  • MariaDB/MySQL server v5.6.41 or above (not tested with previous versions).
  • Node.js v10.13.0 or above (you can skip this dependency but won't be able to deploy to production):
    • less, less-plugin-clean-css & uglify-js packages.
  • Optionally a Unix shell (running it through Cygwin is fine).

Step by step install instructions:

  • Create a new MySQL database and import /setup/database/schema.sql to it.
    • Make sure to have a MySQL user with read/write permissions on this database.
  • Create a new location in HTTP server e.g. /yaronet/ and have it point to /src/ directory.
    • If you are using Apache you'll generate required .htaccess files in next steps.
    • If you are using another HTTP server you will need extra configuration detailed below.
  • If you have a Unix shell and Node.js installed, run /setup/
  • Otherwise if you don't:
    • Retreive file parser.php from latest release of Deval and save it to /setup/module/deval/src/parser.php.
    • Copy /setup/module/amato/src to /src/library/amato (or create a link to it).
    • Copy /setup/module/deval/src to /src/library/deval (or create a link to it).
    • Copy /setup/module/glay/src to /src/library/glay (or create a link to it).
    • Copy /setup/module/losp/src to /src/library/losp (or create a link to it).
    • Copy /setup/module/queros/src to /src/library/queros (or create a link to it).
    • Copy /setup/module/redmap/src to /src/library/redmap (or create a link to it).
  • If you're using Apache HTTP server:
    • Configuration files (/src/.htaccess and /src/static/.htaccess) will automatically be created when running configuration script during next steps.
    • Do not forget to include them when deploying website or run configuration script directly from server to generate them.
  • If you are using another HTTP server you will need to configure it so that:
    • Requests to index.php and install.php are passed to PHP interpreter.
    • Requests to /static/* are replied using corresponding files from src/static/ directory.
    • Other requests are forwarded to index.php, preserving original path & query.

Here is a sample Nginx configuration, assuming you're using php7.0-fpm module for serving PHP-generated contents:

# Pass requests to `/index.php` and `/install.php` through php7.0-fpm socket
location = /index.php {
    # Serve request using PHP
    include fastcgi-php.conf;

location = /install.php {
    # Serve request using PHP
    include fastcgi-php.conf;

# Serve contents from `/static/*` directly
location ^~ /static/ {
    try_files $uri $uri/ =404;

# Redirect other requests to `/index.php`
location ^~ / {
    rewrite "^/(.*)$" / break;
    return 404;

Once your HTTP server configuration is done you can go to "Configure website" section below.

Configure website

After host environment is properly setup, open a web browser and browse to file /src/install.php to configure website. If you used the Vagrant option, full URL should appear in console output at the end of install process. If you used the manual option URL depends on how you configured your server.

Complete and submit form to create an initial configuration for your website. Once done you will be redirected to home page. In case of error you should have a look at your HTTP error logs as well as files in /src/storage/log directory.

Deploy to production server

yAronet can be deployed either by copying files from /src/ directory to your target environment, or using Creep for this purpose. Creep is the preferred deployment method as the manual deployment described in this document doesn't cover all optimizations (namely JavaScript and images minification) but only recommended ones (CSS pre-compilation).

Option 1: deploy using Creep

  • When deploying using Creep, pre-processing of all static files is done automatically:
    • Make sure option "engine.text.display.use-less" is false in /src/config.php.
  • Create Creep configuration files for deployement:
    • Create /src/.creep.env, /src/library/.creep.env and ./static/.creep.env files following Creep's documentation.
    • Three files are needed to take custom deployment configuration into account, read /src/library/.creep.def and /src/static/.creep.def for details.
    • Use the sample files below to see how your configuration should look like.

Sample file /src/.creep.env (using "cascades" directive to delegate deployement of /src/library/ and /src/static/ sub-directories):

    "default": {
        "connection": "ssh://user@host/",
        "cascades": {
            "library": ["default"],
            "static": ["default"]

Sample file /src/library/.creep.env:

    "default": {
        "connection": "ssh://user@host/"

Sample file /src/static/.creep.env:

    "default": {
        "connection": "ssh://user@host/"

After creating environment files you can run creep from /src/ directory to start deployment. First deployment will trigger an extra prompt and take a few minutes due to all static files being pre-processed. Next deployments will only process modified files and should be much faster.

Wait for deployment to complete and go to "Post-deployment actions" section below to continue.

Option 2: deploy manually

When deploying yAronet to a server you can decide to enable pre-processing of static files from /src/static/ or leave them untouched for debugging purpose. The later option has a significant negative impact on performance and should never be used on a production environment.

  • To use pre-compiled CSS file on deployed version:
    • From / directory, run npm install then npm run build.
    • Make sure option "engine.text.display.use-less" is false in /src/config.php.
  • To use on-the-fly CSS compilation (debug) on deployed version:
    • Make sure option "engine.text.display.use-less" is true in /src/config.php.
  • Copy entire /src/ hierarchy to remote server (including generated files if you used CSS compilation).

After files are copied, go to "Post-deployment actions" section below to continue.

Post-deployment actions

If you were not deploying website for the first time, e.g. after an upgrade, browse to /tasks/flush page to reset internal cache and avoid incompatibility issues with cache files generated by previous versions of the code.

This page is restricted to website administrators ; if you were not authenticated then manually remove all files from directories under /src/storage/cache (but not the directories) on server.

Schedule maintenance task

You will need to periodically execute maintenance (cleaning) task to keep website working while taking care of removing obsolete data, otherwise it may gradually slow down and eventually stop working.

Maintenance task can be executed by browsing to /tasks/clean page (e.g. http://yourhost/yourlocation/tasks/clean in our previous example) while being authenticated with an administrator account. This operation should be executed at least once a day.

Since doing this operation manually is not convenient, you will probably want to automate it. Script provided in /setup/schedule/ can be used for this purpose: schedule it so it is executed from a crontab or equivalent, passing base URL to your website as an argument, e.g.:

0 * * * * /path/to/ http://yourhost/yourlocation

Then execute the script manually once and specify "-t" command line option to create authentication token:

/path/to/ -t http://yourhost/yourlocation

Script will prompt for your credentials and save authentication token to a .token file so the schedule can work without having to hardcode user and password anywhere.