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A terraform module for Quortex infrastructure EKS cluster layer.

It provides a set of resources necessary to provision the Kubernetes cluster of the Quortex infrastructure on Amazon AWS, via EKS.


This module is available on Terraform Registry.

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Created resources

This module creates the following resources in AWS:

  • An EKS cluster: the control plane for Kubernetes
  • EKS node groups: the Kubernetes worker nodes. There are 2 variants of nodegroups:
    • node_groups: creates an EKS-managed node group (more automation, less features)
    • node_groups_advanced: creates a launch template + autoscaling group, with instances that attach to the created cluster. This provides more customization (spot instances, taints...)
  • An additional security group to grant access to a list of IP addresses

Usage example

Example that creates 1 EKS-managed node group and 2 advanced node group (one On-Demand group and one Spot group):

module "quortex-eks" {
  source = "quortex/eks-cluster/aws"

  name               = "quortexcluster"
  kubernetes_version = "1.22"
  availability_zones = ["eu-west-3b", "eu-west-3c"]

  cluster_addons = {
    coredns = {
      version = "v1.8.7-eksbuild.3"
    kube-proxy = {
      version = "v1.22.6-eksbuild.1"
    vpc-cni = {
      version = "v1.10.1-eksbuild.1"

  # values from the Quortex network module:
  master_subnet_ids         =
  worker_public_subnet_ids  =
  worker_private_subnet_ids =
  vpc_id                    =

  master_authorized_networks = {
    myipaddress = ""

  node_groups = {
    main = {
      public               = false
      instance_types       = ["t3.medium"] # t3.medium: 2 vCPU, 4GiB
      scaling_desired_size = 1
      scaling_max_size     = 1
      scaling_min_size     = 1

  node_groups_advanced = {
    # Example of On-Demand node group:
    workflow-group-ondemand = {
      public                     = false
      instance_types             = ["c5.2xlarge","c5d.2xlarge"]
      scaling_desired_size       = 2
      scaling_max_size           = 3
      scaling_min_size           = 0
      market_type                = "on-demand"
      spot_allocation_strategy   = ""     # not used when market_type is "on-demand", only for spot
      spot_max_price             = ""     # not used when market_type is "on-demand", only for spot
      spot_instance_pools        = 0      # not used when market_type is "on-demand", only for spot
      cluster_autoscaler_enabled = true
      enabled_metrics            = []
      taints                     = {}
      labels                     = {}
    # Example of Spot node group:
    workflow-group-spot = {
      public                     = false
      instance_types             = ["c5.2xlarge","c5d.2xlarge"]
      instance_filter            = "AVAILABLE" # can be "AVAILABLE" (filter available instances in region), "PREFERRED" (a single available instance from an ordered list of preference) or "ALL" (no filter)
      scaling_desired_size       = 2
      scaling_max_size           = 3
      scaling_min_size           = 0
      market_type                = "spot"
      spot_allocation_strategy   = "capacity-optimized"   # can be "capacity-optimized" (prefer instance types with lowest chances of interruption) or "lowest-price" (prefere the cheapest instance types)
      spot_max_price             = ""                     # default max is the on-demand price
      spot_instance_pools        = 0                      # the number of pools across which to allocate your Spot Instances. The pools are determined from the different instance types. Should be between 1 and the number of instance types. Valid only when the Spot allocation strategy is "lowest-price". Should be set to 0 with "capacity-optimized".
      cluster_autoscaler_enabled = true
      enabled_metrics            = []
      taints                     = {} # example taints:  {"spotinstance":"true:PreferNoSchedule"}
      labels                     = {}

Note: all items of node_groups or node_groups_advanced must have the same keys defined (but not necessarily the same values).

Cluster node image

By default, when using node-groups-advanced, the image for the worker nodes instances is the latest AMI found whose name matches "amazon-eks-node-<kubernetes_worker_nodes_version>-v*". The image ID can be overriden using kubernetes_cluster_image_id.

When using EKS-managed nodes, the image version is selected by EKS based on kubernetes_worker_nodes_version.

Related Projects

This project is part of our terraform modules to provision a Quortex infrastructure for AWS.

Check out these related projects.


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