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Carlos Quiros edited this page Jul 5, 2016 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the FormShare wiki!

This wiki has the purpose of laying down some of the ideas I have for FormShare. Please feel free to comment or suggest ideas to move FormShare forward.

Short term ideas

  1. Fix the the data views and allow the user to visualize it data.
  2. Fix photos and media uploads. Currently it does not work.
  3. Support Open Street Map. This was left out from OnaData because its implementation was merged into other pieces of code that crippled the software.

Mid term ideas

  1. Remove the REST Framework. FormShare **is not ** a software as service application and will not be an API based application so there is no need for a REST Framework unless it serves a specific interoperable function.
  2. Redesign the API so it allows FormShare to be interoperable (catalogue and data).
  3. Support plugins and extensions. Right now to extend or customize FormShare you need to change the source code. If you have seen software like CKAN it brilliantly supports customization through extension plugins. I want FormShare to have such capability.
  4. Allow users to clean their data.
  5. Any other request from users are welcome.
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