Releases: qlands/FormShare
Stable 2.11.1
This is a small service release that:
- Updates Celery to 5.2.2 (Security fix)
- Updates NLTK to 3.6.6 (Security fix)
Stable 2.11.0
Happy new year! This is the first release for 2022!
In this release, FormShare supports multiple time zones and adapts dates and times accordingly.
This feature is for organizations that deploy ODK forms across the globe. Is available by default but it can be disabled in the settings. If it is enabled then FormShare handles different time zones:
- FormShare's: This is the time zone of the Linux server running FormShare.
- User: This is the time zone the user logged into FormShare
- By project: Each project can have a different time zone. FormShare will show the time zone of each project.
- Assistant: This is the time zone the assistant logged into FormShare.
- Partner: This is the time zone the partner logged into FormShare.
FormShare will store all date-time information (except those coming from an ODK submission) in the time zone of the server, however users, assistants, and partners can see their activities in their own time zones. If they need a common time zone for discussion they can switch to FormShare's time zone or project time zone in real-time. FormShare will adapt the dates accordingly.
This version also fixes the following bugs:
- Partners can now change their own passwords, API keys, and time zones.
- Other minor fixes.
Stable 2.10.2
This release corrects a few bugs and adds the following features:
- Allow customizing the variables in KML
- Allow customizing select options in CSV and Excel files (only for forms with a repository)
- Allow importing raw XML data from ODK Collect / BriefCase
- Provides extra help in case management
- Remove problems with login and register
- Control the size of table names so they don't exceed 64 characters.
- Block all post to eliminate the possibility of double DB postings.
- Case follow-up forms now need to indicate a date or a datetime variable.
- Cleaning API now uses a route 100% generic (/api_update). Users just need a rowuuid and FormShare will know the project, form and data row to update
Stable 2.10.0
This release has the following changes:
- Partner access. Partners are trusted individuals outside your organization that require access to products and other resources in FormShare to collaborate with you. For example, a professor at a university (a partner in your project) requiring a KML export to match GPS points with weather data. In FormShare now you can create and attach partners to projects and forms. Partners access FormShare via the Partner Access page. Note: This feature is only available for custom installations of FormShare where public users cannot create accounts.
- Uses and checks for Elasticsearch 7.14.X
- Move individual form indices (datasets and records) to one dataset index and record index for all forms.
- Finished the automatic testing (UnitTest). With more than 15,000 lines of UnitTest code, we reached 95% of coverage. :-)
- Control several bugs when merging new versions of a form with changes in languages.
- Other minor bug fixes.
Stable 2.8.6
This stable version of FormShare:
- Fixed some issues with secondary MySQL connections
- Replaces SSE for MQTT for server-client communications
- Other minor bug fixes.
Stable 2.8.4
This release:
- Upgrade most of the dependencies
- Upgrade DB locale to utf8mb4
- Fix celery to properly support task pooling
- Properly abort celery tasks
- Some minor bug fixes
Stable 2.8.3
This release fixes the following issues:
- Support emojis in submissions
- Fixed minor bugs and typos
This release has the following improvements: - Faster Excel output
- Faster CSV output
Enjoy :-)
Stable 2.8.2
This release:
- Supports the use of bar code and QR code widgets in follow-up cases. This will allow having cases around things like "laboratory samples" where each sample has a barcode.
- Control a bit more the variables used for case management
- Control a bit more submission to follow-up cases by checking if the case is active (for follow-up and deactivate) or not (for activate)
- Has intregration with CircleCI and Codecov
Stable 2.8.1
This version just implements security updates:
Upgrade py to version 1.10.0
Upgrade pyxform to 1.4.0
Upgrade black
Some other minimal updates
Stable 2.8.0
Version 2.8.0 is here! This version has several changes and bug fixes:
Infrastructure changes:
- Uses and checks for Elasticsearch 6.8.14 as a first migration step toward 7.X. See upgrading notes in readme
- For users using the docker MySQL, this version will migrate MySQL to 8.0.23
Data management changes:
- Longitudinal/case management workflow at project level. See readme for details
- Data dictionary stored in the database
Bug fixes:
- Fix the online data cleaning when variables descriptions are too long to display.
- Don't show 404 in case of possible bot login or registration
- New extension points at submission
- Updated libraries based on GitHub security alerts