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403 lines (331 loc) · 23.8 KB

Change Log

You can grab pre-release versions from PyPi. See the available versions from the Arcade PyPi Release History page.

Version 3.1 (unreleased)

  • Drop Python 3.9 support

Version 3.0.2


  • UIWidget.with_background now accepts a tuple for color
  • Many docstring and documentation fixes

Bug Fixes

  • Major fix for smooth frame rates. Due to a weakness with how certain events are handled in the pyglet clock we now trigger on_update, on_draw, and on_fixed_update from a single event in pyglet and dispatch the events manually in Arcade. This should greatly improve the smoothness of scrolling and animations. A new limitation is that the draw rate cannot be faster than the update rate.
  • Fixed division error in box layout algorithm
  • Fix example added buttons to multiple layouts

Version 3.0.1

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed blurriness in UIWidget text during interaction
  • Resolved issue with UIDropdown.hide() when no parent exists
  • Corrected event order bug in UIWidget
  • Clarify error message when the texture atlas is full. The default texture atlas has a limit of 8192 textures. This can be increased by the user if needed or the user can create multiple texture atlases.
  • Many docstring and documentation fixes


  • Added style support for UIDropbox buttons

Version 3.0.0

Version 3.0.0 is a major update to Arcade. It breaks compatibility with the 2.6 API.

Breaking Changes

These are the breaking API changes. Use this as a quick reference for updating 2.6 code. You can find more details in later sections. Lots of behavior has changed even if the interface hasn't. If you are porting old code, read through these logs thoroughly.

  • Dropped Python 3.8 support completely.

  • Texture management has completely changed in 3.0. In the past, we cached everything, which caused issues for larger projects that needed memory management. Functions like Arcade.load_texture no longer cache textures.

  • Removed the poorly named Window.set_viewport and set_viewport methods. Camera2D has completely superseded their functionality.

  • Fixed ArcadeContext assuming that the projection and view matrices were aligned to the xy-plane and Orthographic. It is now safe to use full 3D matrices with Arcade.

  • The Sprite initializer has been simplified. It's no longer possible to slice or transform textures through parameters in the sprite initializer. Use the Texture class to manipulate the sprite's texture. It supports transforms like rotating, scaling, flipping, and slicing.

  • Sprite.angle has changed to clockwise.

  • Sprite.on_update has been removed. Use Sprite.update instead. It has a delta_time parameter and accepts both *args and **kwargs to support custom parameters. The same applies to SpriteList.

  • Sprite.draw has been removed. Use either arcade.draw.draw_sprite or an arcade.SpriteList.

  • Removed Sprite.face_point and Sprite.collision_radius.

  • The deprecated update() function has been removed from the arcade.Window, arcade.View, arcade.Section, and arcade.SectionManager classes. Instead, please use the arcade.Window.on_update() function. It works the same as the update function but has a "delta_time" parameter, which holds the time in seconds since the last update.

  • The update_rate parameter of arcade.Window can no longer be set to None. It previously defaulted to 1 / 60 but could be set to None. The default is still the same, but setting it to None will not do anything.

  • Sprites created from the ~arcade.tilemap.TileMap class would previously set a key in the dictionary named type. This key has been renamed to "class " in keeping with Tiled renaming the key.

  • The arcade.text_pillow and arcade.text_pyglet modules have been completely removed. The Pillow implementation is gone, and the Pyglet version has been renamed arcade.text.

  • Due to the above change. arcade.create_text_sprite has been reworked to use the Pyglet-based text system. It has no API-breaking changes, but the underlying functionality has changed drastically. It may be worth rechecking the docs if you use this function. The main concern is if you are using a custom arcade.TextureAtlas.

  • Buffered shapes (shape list items) have been moved to their sub-module.

  • The use_spatial_hash parameter for SpriteList and TileMap is now a bool instead of Optional[bool]

  • arcade.draw_text() and arcade.text.Text arguments have changed. x and y have replaced start_x and start_y. align no longer interferes with multiline.

  • Moved or removed items from arcade.util:

    • Removed:
      • arcade.util.generate_uuid_from_kwargs
      • arcade.util._Vec2:
        • This was an internal class as indicated by the _ prefix
        • It was an old version of pyglet's pyglet.math.Vec2
        • Arcade code now uses pyglet.math.Vec2 directly
    • Moved to arcade.math:
      • arcade.util.rand_in_circle is now:
        • located at arcade.math.rand_in_circle
        • better at returning an even distribution of points PR2426 (remove any math.sqrt wrapping it)
      • arcade.util.rand_on_circle is now arcade.math.rand_on_circle
      • arcade.util.lerp is now:
        • located at arcade.math.lerp
        • compatible with any type which implements numerical +, -, and * operators
          • NOTE: lerping vectors may be more efficient when using dedicated functions and methods:
            • When lerping pylget.math.Vec2, use one of:
            • When lerping pylget.math.Vec3, use one of:
      • arcade.util.lerp_vec is now arcade.math.lerp_2d
      • arcade.util.rand_in_rect is now arcade.math.rand_in_rect
      • arcade.util.rand_on_line is now arcade.math.rand_on_line
      • arcade.util.rand_angle_360_deg is now arcade.math.rand_angle_360_deg
      • arcade.util.rand_angle_spread_deg is now arcade.math.rand_angle_spread_deg
      • arcade.util.rand_spread_deg is now arcade.math.rand_spread_deg
      • arcade.util.rand_magnitude is now arcade.math.rand_magnitude
  • GUI

    • Removed arcade.gui.widgets.UIWrapper. It is now a part of arcade.gui.widgets.UILayout.
    • Removed arcade.gui.widgets.UIBorder. It is now a part of arcade.gui.widgets.UIWidget.
    • Removed arcade.gui.widgets.UIPadding. It is now a part of arcade.gui.widgets.UIWidget.
    • Removed arcade.gui.widgets.UITexturePane. It is now a part of arcade.gui.widgets.UIWidget.
    • Removed arcade.gui.widgets.UIAnchorWidget has been replaced by arcade.gui.widgets.UIAnchorLayout.
  • Resources

    • Removed unused resources from resources/gui_basic_assets.
      • items/shield_gold.png
      • items/sword_gold.png
      • slider_thumb.png
      • slider_track.png
      • toggle/switch_green.png
      • toggle/switch_red.png

Featured Updates

  • The texture atlas has been heavily reworked to be more efficient.

  • Alpha blending (handling of transparency) is no longer globally enabled but instead enabled when needed. draw functions and objects like SpriteList and ShapeElementList have new arguments to toggle blending states. Blending states are now reset after drawing.

  • Arcade now supports OpenGL ES 3.1/3.2 and has been tested on the Raspberry Pi 4 and 5. Any model using the Cortex-A72 or Cortex-A76 CPU should work. Use images from 2024 or later for best results.

  • Arcade now supports freely mixing Pyglet and Arcade code. You can now freely use Pyglet batches and Labels when preferred over Arcade's types. Note that texture/image handling is still a separate system.

  • A fully functioning 2D camera allows for moving, rotating, and zooming and works with Arcade and Pyglet.

  • Added a new GLOBAL_CLOCK and GLOBAL_FIXED_CLOCK accessable from arcade.clock. which provides global access to elapsed time, number of frames, and the last delta_time.

Window and View

  • Removed the update function in favor of arcade.Window.on_update().
  • The update_rate parameter in the constructor can no longer be set to None and must be a float.
  • A new draw_rate parameter in arcade.Window.__init__, controls the call interval of arcade.Window.on_draw(). It is now possible to separate the draw and update speeds of Arcade windows. Keepingdraw_rateclose to the refresh rate of the user's monitor while settingupdate_rate` to a much shorter interval can greatly improve the perceived smoothness of your application.
  • open_window() now accepts **kwargs to pass additional parameters to the arcade.Window constructor.
  • arcade.View
    • Removal of the update function in favor of arcade.View.on_update().
  • arcade.Section and arcade.SectionManager
    • Removal of the update function in favor of arcade.Section.on_update().
  • Added a whole new on_fixed_update method, which is called with a regular delta time
    • Is also available for arcade. View.
    • Control the rate of fixed updates with the fixed_rate. parameter in Window.__init__.
    • Control the max number of fixed updates per regular update with the fixed_rate_cap parameter in Window.__init__.
  • See the updated event loop docs for an in-depth explanation of on_fixed_update vs. on_update.


  • Created, which allows for easy manipulation of Arcade and Pyglet's rendering matrices.
  • Created and Which can manipulate the matrices in 3D space.
  • Created methods to rotate and move cameras.
  • Created methods to generate view and projection matrices needed by projector objects.
  • Created static projector classes to set the matrices with constant values.
  • Added a default camera that automatically adjusts to the active render target.
  • Added a camera shake object that makes adding a camera shake to a game easy.
  • All Projector classes provide methods to project to and from the screen and world coordinates.


  • arcade.load_texture has been simplified to load the entire image. Use arcade.load_spritesheet to use better versions of the old arguments.
  • arcade.get_default_texture and arcade.get_default_image are new methods to give arcade.Sprite their default texture.
  • Added sync_texture_image to the DefaultTextureAtlas method to sync the texture in the atlas back into the internal pillow image in the arcade.Texture.
  • DefaultTextureAtlas: Added get_texture_image method to get pixel data of a texture in the atlas as a pillow image.


  • arcade.gui.widgets.UIWidget

    • Supports padding, border, and background (color or texture).
    • Visibility: visible=False will prevent widget rendering. It will also not receive any UI events.
    • Dropped arcade.gui.widget.UIWidget.with_space_around.
    • UIWidget.with_ methods no longer wrap the widget. They only change the attributes.
    • Fixed a blending issue when rendering the GUI surface to the screen.
    • Now supports nine-patch background textures.
    • General performance improvements.
    • Some attributes were removed from the public interface; use UIWidget.with_ methods instead.
      • UIWidget.border_width
      • UIWidget.border_color
      • UIWidget.bg_color
      • UIWidget.bg_texture
      • UIWidget.padding_top
      • UIWidget.padding_right
      • UIWidget.padding_bottom
      • UIWidget.padding_left
    • Update and add example code.
    • Iterable (providing direct children)
  • Updated widgets

    • arcade.gui.widgets.text.UIInputText emits an on_change event.
    • arcade.gui.widgets.slider.UITextureSlider texture names changed to fit the naming pattern.
  • New widgets:

    • arcade.gui.widgets.dropdown.UIDropdown
    • arcade.gui.widgets.image.UIImage
    • arcade.gui.widgets.slider.UISlider
    • arcade.gui.widgets.constructs.UIButtonRow (PR1580)
  • arcade.gui.UIInteractiveWidget only reacts to left mouse button events.

  • Arcade

    • Properties are observable attributes (supports primitive, list, and dict). A Listener can be bound with
  • All arcade.gui.UILayouts now support size_hint, size_hint_min, and size_hint_max.

    • arcade.gui.UIBoxLayout
    • arcade.gui.UIAnchorLayout
    • Arcade.gui.UIGridLayout PR1478
  • Added color-consistent assets to arcade.resources.gui_basic_assets.

  • Provide GUI-friendly color constants in arcade.uicolor.

  • Replace deprecated usage of arcade.draw_text.


  • Added a Rect type, making working with axis-aligned rectangles easy.
    • Provides functions to create a full Rect object from four values.
    • Provides methods to move and scale the Rect.
    • Provides methods to compare against the Rect with 2D points and other Rects.
  • Added AnchorPoint helpers and aliases for Vec2s in the range (0 - 1).
  • Added several helper methods for creating Rect objects.
    • LRBT(left, right, bottom, top)
    • LBWH(left, bottom, width, height)
    • XYWH(x, y, width, height, anchor = AnchorPoint.CENTER)
    • XYRR(center_x, center_y, half_width, half_height) (this is mostly used for GL.)
    • Viewport(left, bottom, width, height) (where all inputs are ints.)
  • Several properties in the library now return a Rect:
    • Window.rect
    • BasicSprite.rect
    • OrthographicProjectionData.rect
    • UIWidget.rect
    • Section.rect
  • The drawing functions draw_rect_filled() and draw_rect_outline() can be used to draw a Rect directly.

Misc Changes

  • arcade.experimental has been split into two submodules, experimental and future.
    • future includes all incomplete features we intend to include in Arcade eventually
    • experimental is any interesting code that may not end up as Arcade features.
  • arcade.color_from_hex_string changed to follow the CSS hex string standard.
  • Made Pyglet's math classes accessible within Arcade.
  • Arcade's utility math functions have more robust typing.
  • Added Point, Point2, Point3 type aliases for tuples and vectors.
  • Added Sequence types for all three Point aliases.
  • Added a Color object with a plethora of useful methods.
  • Windows Text glyphs are now created with DirectWrite instead of GDI.
  • Removal of various deprecated functions and parameters.
  • OpenGL matrix uniforms are now supported properly
  • OpenGL uniforms now accept buffer protocol objects
  • Sprite's visible flag is now handled correctly
  • now supports a view argument.
  • OpenGL examples moved to examples/gl <> from "experiments/examples"


  • Created BasicSprite, the absolute minimum required for an Arcade sprite most users will do well sticking with Sprite.
  • Sprite.draw has been completely removed. It was a wasteful and slow way to render a sprite. Use an arcade.SpriteList or arcade.draw.draw_sprite.
  • Sprite.visible no longer overrides the sprite's alpha, allowing for toggling transparent sprites.
  • Sprite.face_towards has been removed as it did not behave as expected and is not strictly for sprites.
  • Sprite.collision_radius has been removed as it is no longer used in collision checking. Sprites now only rely on their hitbox.
  • The arcade.Sprite.__init__ has been changed to remove all references to texture loading. Use arcade.load_texture and arcade.load_spritesheet for more complex behavior.
  • arcade.Sprite.angle now rotates clockwise following standard game behavior. It may break common linear algebra methods, but reversing the resulting angles is easy.

Controller Input

Previously, controllers were usable via the Arcade.joysticks module. This module is still available in 3.0. However, most people can treat it as depreciated. It is an alias to Pyglet's joysticks sub-module. There is now an arcade.controller module that is an alias to Pyglet's new Controller API. This change should make a more comprehensive choice of controllers usable with Arcade. The joystick module may still be helpful if you need specialty controllers such as racing wheels or flight sticks. The example code now uses the new controller AP.


  • Complete removal of the old PIL-based text system. In 2.6, we switched to the newer Pyglet-based system, but there were still remnants of the PIL implementation—namely, the arcade.create_text_sprite function. There's no API breaking change, but if you are using the function, it would be worth reading the new docs, as there are some different considerations when using a custom arcade.TextureAtlas. This function is faster than the old PIL implementation. Texture generation happens almost entirely on the GPU now.
  • The arcade.text_pillow module no longer exists.
  • arcade.text_pyglet has been renamed arcade.text.
  • arcade.draw_text and arcade.Text now accept a z parameter that defaults to 0. Previous text versions had the same default.


  • arcade.draw_commands has been renamed arcade.draw.
  • Added arcade.draw.draw_lbwh_rectangle_textured which replaces the now-deprecated arcade.draw_commands.draw_lrwh_rectangle_textured. Usage has stayed the same as it was misnamed.


  • Support for OpenGL ES 3.1 and 3.2. 3.2 is fully supported, and 3.1 is only supported if the driver provides the EXT_geometry_shader extension. It is part of the minimum spec in 3.2, so it is guaranteed to be there. Arcade only needs this extension to function with 3.1.
  • For example, the Raspberry Pi 4/5 only supports OpenGL ES 3.1 but provides the extension, making it fully compatible with Arcade.
  • Textures now support immutable storage for OpenGL ES compatibility.
  • Arcade is now using Pyglet's projection and view matrix. All functions setting matrices will update the Pyglet window's view and projection attributes. Arcade shaders are also using Pyglet's WindowBlock UBO.
  • Uniforms are now set using glProgramUniform instead of glUniform when the extension is available, improving performance.
  • Fixed many implicit type conversions in the shader code for broader support.
  • Added front_face property on the context for configuring the winding order of triangles.
  • Added cull_face property to the context to configure what triangle faces to cull.
  • Added support for bindless textures.
  • Added support for 64-bit integer uniforms.
  • Added support for 64-bit float uniforms.


  • Now supports tiles defined as a sub-rectangle of an image. See Tiled 1.9 Release Notes for more information on this feature.
  • Changed the key "type" to "class" to stay in line with Tiled's API.
  • You can now define a custom texture atlas for SpriteLists created in a TileMap. You can provide a default with the texture_atlas parameter of the arcade.tilemap.Tilemap and arcade.tilemap.load_tilemap. The new texture_atlas key of the layer_options dict lets you control it per layer. The global TextureAtlas will be used by default (This is how it works pre-Arcade 3.0).
  • Fixed animated tiles from sprite sheets.

Collision Detection

  • Collision detection is now even faster.
  • Remove Shapely for collision detection, as Python 3.11+ is faster without it.

Shape Lists

  • New buffered Arcade.create_triangles_strip_filled_with_colors.
  • arcade.shape_list now contains all items that can rendered using an arcade.ShapeElementList.


  • Example code page has been reorganized.
  • has been updated.
  • Improved background_parallax example.
  • More detailed information on how Arcade's event loop works.
  • The platformer tutorial has been overhauled.


  • These features are all in active development, and their API can change anytime. Feedback is always appreciated.
  • Started on a system for drawing large background textures with parallax scrolling. These don't use an arcade.TextureAtlas so they aren't batched, preventing your Atlas' from being filled with massive images.
  • Started on an event-based input system, which includes improved Enums for key, mouse, and controller inputs. Using the InputManager, you can define custom actions that can rebound at run time and have multiple valid keys.
  • Added a method to bootstrap arcade.clock.Clock, adding functionality to add sub-clocks that their parent will tick. This makes it much safer to manipulate the time of particular game objects.
  • A new subclass of arcade.BasicSprite that used pyglet.math.Vec2 for most of its properties. It has a heavy performance hit but is much nicer to work with.
  • The experimental lighting features have been promoted to the future, but their implementation is very volatile. If you have ideas for what you'd like from a lighting module, please share them on Discord.


Contributing to a release comes in many forms. It can be code, documentation, testing, or providing feedback. It's hard to keep track of all the people involved in a release, but we want to thank everyone who has helped in any shape or form. We appreciate all of you!

The Arcade Team

We would also like to thank the contributors who spent their valuable time solving issues, squashing bugs, and writing documentation. We appreciate your help; you helped get 3.0 out the door!

Notable contributors

  • DarkLight1337 helped the team untangle type annotation issues for cameras

  • Mohammad Ibrahim was a massive help with the GUI and various other parts of the library.

  • ryyst completely revitalized the Arcade Docs.


Finally, thank you to the Pyglet team! Pyglet is the backbone of Arcade, and this library wouldn't be possible without them.

3.0.0 changes span from Dec 31, 2022 – Jan 25, 2025 (756 days!!)