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189 lines (136 loc) · 6.2 KB

File metadata and controls

189 lines (136 loc) · 6.2 KB

Info for Contributors

  1. Setup
  2. Running
  3. Testing
  4. Application Bundle Creation
  5. Settings and Configuration

Setup with uv

Dependencies are managed strictly using uv, and the uv.lock lockfile is checked into source, to ensure a reproducible environment for all developers. The lockfile also dictates the exact dependencies that will go into the bundled application.

To get started, make sure you have uv installed, then run

git clone
cd pymmcore-gui
uv sync

That will create a virtual environment at .venv in the root directory, and install all dependencies. Note: uv sync will also install python for you if necessary, so you don't need to have it installed before running the command.

At any time, you can re-run uv sync to ensure that your current environment matches the requirements specified in uv.lock.


The lockfile itself shouldn't be manually edited, but if you need to modify the constraints of the dependencies, you should do so as usual in pyproject.toml, and then run uv lock to update the lockfile, then commit it and open a PR.

Pre-commit hooks

We use pre-commit to run code checks on CI. These checks are defined in .pre-commit-config.yaml. If you want to catch errors locally before pushing to github, you can install the pre-commit hooks with:

pre-commit install

To run the tests manually at any time, you can use:

pre-commit run --all-files

Activating the virtual environment (optional)

If you want to activate the virtual environment to run commands directly (without preceding everything with uv run), run:

On windows:


On linux/mac:

source .venv/bin/activate

Python version support

The "primary" version of python that we target at any time is defined in .python-version. This is the version that will be installed by uv if it's not already present on your system. We also test against all versions greater than the minimum version defined in pyproject.toml under the [project.requires-python] section.

Running the GUI

To run the GUI, just run

uv run mmgui

(or... just mmgui if you've activated your virtual environment)


This script is defined in pyproject.toml under the [project.scripts] section.


You can run the tests with

uv run pytest

(or... just pytest if you've activated your virtual environment)

Creating a bundled application

We use PyInstaller to freeze the application into a single, double-clickable executable. The configuration for PyInstaller is defined in app/mmgui.spec.


For details pyinstaller and the mmgui.spec file, see the PyInstaller documentation.


To create a bundled application locally , run

uv run pyinstaller app/mmgui.spec

Or, if you have just installed, you can use the bundle task defined in justfile:

just bundle

This will create a double-clickable application in the dist/ directory.

On CI (for distribution)

The bundled application is also created on CI using GitHub Actions (it runs on every push to main, and even for pull-requests). The workflow is defined in .github/workflows/bundle.yml.

You can download the latest build artifacts from main branch here

For a list of all bundles created (including those from PRs), see the GitHub Actions page for the bundle workflow. Click on any given run, and you'll see the artifacts produced by that run at the bottom.

Settings and Configuration

We use pydantic-settings to manage settings for the application.

Loading of user preferences and settings is done in pymmcore_gui/, from the following sources, in order of decreasing precedence:

  1. Values passed directly to the Settings() constructor (highest precedence)

  2. Environment variables starting with PMM_

  3. User settings stored in a USER_DATA_DIR/settings.json file. (lowest precedence). USER_DATA_DIR is determined in a platform-specific way using platformdirs.user_data_dir with the appname pymmcore-gui.

    • Windows: C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Local\pymmcore-gui\pymmcore-gui
    • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/pymmcore-gui
    • Linux: ~/.local/share/pymmcore-gui

Additional sources could be added in the future (e.g. a system-wide settings, in addition to user-specific settings). See documentation for pydantic-settings for more information.

Settings Schema Versioning

The settings schema is versioned, and the version is stored in the settings. We aim to be backwards-compatible with older settings files (i.e. we should always be able to load settings from an older version of the schema) and, when possible, forward-compatible (i.e. we should be able to load settings from a newer version of the schema, even if we don't understand all the new fields).

One must bump the schema version for any breaking changes. Breaking changes include:

  • Renaming or removing a setting
  • Changing the type of a setting
  • Adding a new required setting (without a default value). Note: all settings should have a default value... so this should not happen.