diff --git a/TeX/elstob-package.pdf b/TeX/elstob-package.pdf index 1f561f9..b5443d5 100644 Binary files a/TeX/elstob-package.pdf and b/TeX/elstob-package.pdf differ diff --git a/TeX/elstob-package.tex b/TeX/elstob-package.tex index 52a040e..1f1b38f 100644 --- a/TeX/elstob-package.tex +++ b/TeX/elstob-package.tex @@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ \newcommand{\lltech}{Lua\LaTeX} \setmonofont{Fira Mono}[Scale=MatchLowercase,Numbers=Lowercase] \setsansfont{Fira Sans}[Scale=MatchLowercase,Numbers=Lowercase] -%\newcommand{\fspec}{fontspec} \newcommand{\fspec}{{\sffamily fontspec}} \usepackage{supertabular} \usepackage[table,dvipsnames]{xcolor} @@ -37,9 +36,21 @@ \definecolor{GunMetalGray}{RGB}{42,52,57} \definecolor{BrickRed}{RGB}{146,18,6} \definecolor{RViolet}{RGB}{70,18,87} +\definecolor{myRed}{rgb}{0.5,0,0} \newcommand{\bluerow}{\rowcolor{myLightBlue}} \usepackage{titlesec} \titleformat{\section}[hang]{\Large\color{GunMetalGray}}{\thesection.}{1em}{} +\usepackage{fancyhdr} +\pagestyle{fancy} +\footskip = 30pt +\headsep = 30pt +\renewcommand{\headrule}{} +\fancyhead[L]{} +\fancyhead[C]{} +\fancyhead[R]{} +\fancyfoot[L]{} +\fancyfoot[C]{} +\fancyfoot[R]{} \newcommand{\src}[1]{{\color{BrickRed}\texttt{#1}}} \linespread{1.1} \title{Elstob} @@ -53,6 +64,11 @@ \section{Introduction} +\pagestyle{fancy} +\fancyhead[CE]{\scshape\color{myRed} {\addfontfeatures{Numbers=OldStyle}\thepage}\hspace{10pt}% +\addfontfeature{Letters=UppercaseSmallCaps}\leftmark} +\fancyhead[CO]{\scshape\color{myRed} {elstob}\hspace{10pt}{\addfontfeatures{Numbers=OldStyle}\thepage}} + This package supports Elstob, the variable font for medievalists (and others). The package requires \lltech, since {\ltech} is the only flavor of {\TeX} that supports variable fonts. Elstob is not in CTAN, so you must @@ -350,7 +366,7 @@ \section{Selecting Alternate Styles} The result: {\eSixPtMedium a short phrase}. To add features to any of these styles, use the style name -(without the prefixed “e” and with “Features” appended) +(without the prefixed \textbf{e} and with \textbf{Features} appended) as a package option. To change the size features for the style, do the same, but with \textbf{SizeFeatures} instead of \textbf{Features} appended. For example: @@ -415,16 +431,6 @@ \section{Other Commands} \textbackslash textcv takes an additional required argument ({\color{BrickRed}\verb|\textcv[num]{num}{text}|}— the text to which the feature should be applied. -Character Variant features can also be selected with mnemonics, listed in Table 2. For example, a feature for -lowercase \textbf{g} can be expressed as - -\begin{center} -{\color{BrickRed}\small\verb|\textcv[1]{\ecvg}{g}|} -\end{center} - -\noindent yielding \textbf{\textcv[1]{\ecvg}{g}}, one of the phonetic characters devised by -the Middle English poet Orm. - \begin{table}[ht] \centering \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|} @@ -443,4 +449,22 @@ \section{Other Commands} \caption{Mnemonics for Character Variants} \end{table} +Character Variant features can also be selected with mnemonics, listed in Table 2. For example, a feature for +lowercase \textbf{g} can be expressed as + +\begin{center} +{\color{BrickRed}\small\verb|\textcv[1]{\ecvg}{g}|} +\end{center} + +\noindent yielding \textbf{\textcv[1]{\ecvg}{g}}, one of the phonetic characters devised by +the Middle English poet Orm. + +\vspace*{\fill} + +\begin{center} + \itshape This document is set in 12pt Elstob with Weight 350, Optical Size Adjustment -2, and Italic Slant 12.\\ + The font used for code is Fira Mono,\\ + and the sans serif font is Fira Sans. +\end{center} + \end{document}