Hello, I'm trying to send datagram packets between client and server. Currently, datagrams can be send from client to server, but not from server to client. How can Source code of test application (save as "application.cpp")#include <chrono>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <picoquic.h>
#include <picoquic_packet_loop.h>
#define PICOQUIC_SAMPLE_ALPN "sample_alpn"
bool g_is_server = false;
int sample_default_callback(picoquic_cnx_t* cnx,
uint64_t stream_id, uint8_t* bytes, size_t length,
picoquic_call_back_event_t fin_or_event, void* callback_ctx, void* v_stream_ctx)
switch (fin_or_event) {
case picoquic_callback_stateless_reset:
std::cout << "picoquic_callback_stateless_reset" << std::endl;
case picoquic_callback_close:
std::cout << "picoquic_callback_close" << std::endl;
case picoquic_callback_almost_ready:
std::cout << "Connection completed, almost ready." << std::endl;
case picoquic_callback_ready:
std::cout << "Connection confirmed." << std::endl;
case picoquic_callback_datagram:
std::cout << "picoquic_callback_datagram: received data: " << bytes << std::endl;
case picoquic_callback_prepare_datagram:
std::cout << "picoquic_callback_prepare_datagram" << std::endl;
auto buffer = picoquic_provide_datagram_buffer_ex(bytes, length, picoquic_datagram_not_active);
if (buffer == nullptr) {
std::cerr << "error" << std::endl;
return -1;
std::string msg = "Hello ";
if (g_is_server)
msg.append("from Server");
msg.append("from Client");
memcpy(buffer, msg.c_str(), msg.length());
case picoquic_callback_datagram_acked:
std::cout << "picoquic_callback_datagram_acked" << std::endl;
case picoquic_callback_datagram_lost:
std::cout << "picoquic_callback_datagram_lost" << std::endl;
case picoquic_callback_datagram_spurious:
std::cout << "picoquic_callback_datagram_spurious" << std::endl;
std::cout << "default " << fin_or_event << std::endl;
return 0;
static int sample_loop_cb(picoquic_quic_t* quic, picoquic_packet_loop_cb_enum cb_mode,
void* callback_ctx, void * callback_arg)
if (callback_ctx == nullptr) {
return 0;
void sample_sleep()
while (true)
int main(int argc, char** argv)
bool is_server = false;
std::string server_name = "";
int server_port = 4443;
std::string sni = "test.example.com";
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
std::string arg(argv[i]);
if (arg == "-s") {
is_server = true;
g_is_server = true;
} else if (arg == "--server") {
server_name = argv[i + 1];
} else if (arg == "--port") {
server_port = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
uint32_t max_nb_connections = is_server ? 8 : 1;
char const* cert_file_name = is_server ? "ca-cert.pem" : nullptr;
char const* key_file_name = is_server ? "ca-key.pem" : nullptr;
uint64_t current_time = picoquic_current_time();
picoquic_quic_t *quic = picoquic_create(max_nb_connections, cert_file_name, key_file_name, nullptr,
PICOQUIC_SAMPLE_ALPN, sample_default_callback, nullptr,
nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, current_time, nullptr,
nullptr, nullptr, 0);
if (quic == nullptr) {
std::cerr << "Could not create quic context" << std::endl;
return -1;
picoquic_enable_sslkeylog(quic, 1);
auto inital_tansport_data = const_cast<picoquic_tp_t *>(picoquic_get_default_tp(quic));
inital_tansport_data->max_datagram_frame_size = 65535;
picoquic_set_default_tp(quic, inital_tansport_data);
picoquic_cnx_t* cnx = nullptr;
picoquic_packet_loop_param_t param = { 0 };
int ret = 0;
struct sockaddr_storage server_address;
if (is_server) {
param.local_af = AF_INET;
param.local_port = server_port;
} else {
int is_name = 0;
ret = picoquic_get_server_address(server_name.c_str(), server_port, &server_address, &is_name);
param.local_af = server_address.ss_family;
cnx = picoquic_create_cnx(quic, picoquic_null_connection_id, picoquic_null_connection_id,
(struct sockaddr*)&server_address, current_time, 0, sni.c_str(), PICOQUIC_SAMPLE_ALPN, 1);
if (cnx == nullptr) {
std::cerr << "Could not create connection context" << std::endl;
return -1;
if (!is_server) {
ret = picoquic_start_client_cnx(cnx);
auto th = picoquic_start_network_thread(quic, ¶m, sample_loop_cb, &cnx, &ret);
if (th == nullptr) {
std::cerr << "Could not start network thread" << std::endl;
if (ret == 0)
return -1;
return ret;
for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
if (th->thread_is_ready) {
else {
picoquic_mark_datagram_ready(cnx, 1);
std::thread sample_wait(sample_sleep);
return 0;
Source code of "CMakeLists.txt"cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.18)
project(application VERSION 0.0 LANGUAGES CXX)
GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/private-octopus/picoquic.git
GIT_TAG master
ExternalProject_Get_Property(picoquic install_dir)
file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${install_dir}/include)
add_library(pico_core STATIC IMPORTED)
set_property(TARGET pico_core PROPERTY IMPORTED_LOCATION ${install_dir}/lib/libpicoquic-core.a)
target_include_directories(pico_core INTERFACE ${install_dir}/include)
add_dependencies(pico_core picoquic)
add_library(pico_tls_core STATIC IMPORTED)
set_property(TARGET pico_tls_core PROPERTY IMPORTED_LOCATION ${install_dir}/lib/libpicotls-core.a)
target_include_directories(pico_tls_core INTERFACE ${install_dir}/include)
add_dependencies(pico_tls_core picoquic)
add_library(pico_tls_fusion STATIC IMPORTED)
set_property(TARGET pico_tls_fusion PROPERTY IMPORTED_LOCATION ${install_dir}/lib/libpicotls-fusion.a)
target_include_directories(pico_tls_fusion INTERFACE ${install_dir}/include)
add_dependencies(pico_tls_fusion picoquic)
add_library(pico_tls_crypto STATIC IMPORTED)
set_property(TARGET pico_tls_crypto PROPERTY IMPORTED_LOCATION ${install_dir}/lib/libpicotls-minicrypto.a)
target_include_directories(pico_tls_crypto INTERFACE ${install_dir}/include)
add_dependencies(pico_tls_crypto picoquic)
add_library(pico_tls_ssl STATIC IMPORTED)
set_property(TARGET pico_tls_ssl PROPERTY IMPORTED_LOCATION ${install_dir}/lib/libpicotls-openssl.a)
target_include_directories(pico_tls_ssl INTERFACE ${install_dir}/include)
target_link_libraries(pico_tls_ssl INTERFACE OpenSSL::SSL)
add_dependencies(pico_tls_ssl picoquic)
find_package(OpenSSL REQUIRED)
add_executable(application application.cpp)
target_link_libraries(application PUBLIC pico_core pico_tls_core pico_tls_crypto pico_tls_fusion pico_tls_ssl)
For the server to start To start the server run |
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Replies: 2 comments 9 replies
Once you have created the quic context, i.e., after the call to The API
Section 3 of RFC 9221 suggests setting the maximum datagram size to 65535, indicating that the application will accept any datagram size, as long as it fits inside a packet. Of course, that does not mean that you can send datagrams of any size: they have to fit inside the packet size, which is constrained by the path MTU. The queuing API The three step process is a legacy of an earlier design, which required that |
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I basically did the same in the code provided in my initial question auto inital_tansport_data = const_cast<picoquic_tp_t *>(picoquic_get_default_tp(quic));
inital_tansport_data->max_datagram_frame_size = 65535;
picoquic_set_default_tp(quic, inital_tansport_data); (I replaced that part with your suggestion, but nothing changed.) With these three lines, datagrams can be sent from client to server. But for some reason it doesn't work in the other direction. |
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I am looking at your code, and I can see two issues:
, you set the continuation s…