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portfolio management

christophe-g edited this page Nov 19, 2016 · 8 revisions

Porfolio Management

The Portfolio Management is designed to monitor user activities for a certain program coverage, and administer accounts and businesses attached to the active coverage. It is accessible from

Only stewards and application administrators have access to portfolio management data.

The Portfolio Management comprises of 4 views:


This view shows the list of businesses registered against the current program coverage. The details provided are the business name, the username and email of the owner of the business, the registration date, its sector, the overall score and the live user status (whether the user is currently on-line, idle or signed out).

In the future, this view will be used to trigger specific actions towards selected businesses (e.g. send messages or push notification, get the list of all email adressse, export all business data).

overview of all businesses.overview of all businesses registered under the active program coverage.

To view detailed information about a business, click on the business name.

detailed information about a business.detailed information about a business - the business scorecard

The business detail view displays detailed information about the business, the Business Case Memorandom (yet to activate) and the business scorecard.


Not yet developed.

Stewards will be assigned businesses for more in depth monitoring and follow-up. Tools for preforming this will be available from this view.

Online Users

This view lists users that are currently online and using the application. In the future, this real-time information could allow a richer type of interaction between users and stewards (e.g initiate online chat, push notification, ...).

A second tab displays the latest connection time for users belonging to this program coverage.

who is onlinelive view of who is online

Recent Events

This view lists recent events relevant to the active program coverage (e.g. new users assigned to the program coverage, score card being completed). It is aimed at monitoring the level of activity for this program coverage.

recent eventslive list of recent events

Current status and Potential further development

There is still a lot of potential improvement for the portfolio management, in terms of data content, application processes and interactivity. The realtime nature of preignition infrastructure open doors to rich and dynamic interaction between application users. Stay tuned!