All notable changes to pre-ignition will be documented in this file. Versioning used semanting Semantic Versioning at the beginning of its developpment cycle. This approach has proven to be difficult to follow with a continuous depolyment. Now we are using those rules of thumb to decide on our versionning rules:
- increment the major version (e.g. from 3.2.9 to 4.0.0) when we introduce breaking changes in public API
- increment the minor version (e.g. from 1.3.2 to 1.4.0) when we add important new features
- increment patch version (e.g. from 1.3.211 to 1.3.212) every time we deploy a new release (it can be a mix of bug fix and minor new features)/
We are using this tool to generate part of automated changelog.
- Animated new logo
- New landing page with interactive map
- Online-Offline indicator
- New public/private API for querying live data
- survey print layout off for long text
released : 2017-04-03
- buttons that induce server interaction show when waiting for server answer (e.g. check email or verify terms)
- First version of terms of service
- Add validity for counting a question as completed (e.g. comment are valid only if length > 10)
- Add connection detector (only display when offline)
- New way to handle and respond to global variable changes (redux library)
- upgrade url routing (new version of app-route)
- Remove currency information from
. Instead add one additional parameter likelocaleCurrent
- More advanced editing for questions (domainRange, ...)
- Augment metadata for filled-in questionnaire (business id in particular)
- Review Navigation (follow best practices from app-route in (shop app)[]).
- Decide on better workflow dataModel (workflow belongs to program Coverage - what is the relationship between workflow and questionnaire )
- Replace and remove currentUser by user.
- Improved entrepreneur space (archive feature, pinned, selection tool, drag/drop, flip )
- Improved performance via service worker on production
- Grid in portfolio shows % of filled-in questinnaires
- Problems with question values not being set under android tablet
- The error message on logout is cryptic
- Section not marked as completed even whe they are
released : 2017-03-15 alpha release: 2016-12-24 beta release: 2017-01-16
Focus: New entrepreneur-app whith revised process and content mgmt for business inclusion into a specific program (e.g. AbB)
- new sub app for entrepreneurs: entrepreneur's space. It is be the main entry-point for entrepreneurs wishing to apply to a program.
- Install and implement automatic testing infrastructure - travis, saucelabs, WTC (help testing if things break when we update the application)
- New stepper tool built
- Scoring for AbB Fit questionnaire
- BCM questionnaire
- Guide users through a series of steps before entrepreneur space is accessible
- Build questionnaire structure fully dynamically (no hard-coding any more)
- Allow live modification of questionnaire (incl. in Bangla)
- Agri/AbB specific section only activated when a business it linked those program
- Build Facebook OAuth for allowing users to log-in with their facebook account
- New web component for handling localized data (e.g. currency amount) (
- Integrate Business profile under entrepreneur space
- Implement verify email workflow (actually send email to email address, with a link to validate email)
- Integrate new Fit Criteria questionnaire
- Guidance for options (e.g. type of business registered)
- Visualize all comments under admin
- New message for reloading new version (instead of instructing users to crtl + F5)
- Google Analytics
- upgrade to new version of Firebase API (v.3 - very big update, enable better querying of the db, uploading of documents).
- all local data (appCurrent) are now stored in the dB and cached on client for proper use when connectivity is lost
- Improved analytics
- Integration of Redux to manage application state and synchronise it with peristent layer
- New survey engine - surveys are now only data - no hardcoded stuff
- simplify workflow and program coverage handling
- replace user binding with
- simplify handling of user account
- Core refactoring (massive) so as to be able to be better prepared for HTTP2 and use polymer CLI detail of the changes
- Finalize review of scoring values
- Format number for Money/Currency
- Add information on how to use sliders
- Migrate business logic from client to Firebase functions (in particular, account creation and workflow)
- Lookup from firebase not working properly (e.g. default workplan). First need to upgrade to Firebase SDK 3.0
- Survey navigation button killing url routing sync. (url route and view were not in sync anymore)
- Make sure the app is building with firebase SDK 3
- Fix theme issues with new firebase SDK
- Autofill email values
- Database update triggers way too many events (FirebaseExtended/polymerfire#166 and PolymerElements/app-storage#83)
- Fix firebase race conditions when a path referencing the database changes dynamically (FirebaseExtended/polymerfire#167)
- Prevent lazy import of elements when they are already registered
- naming discrepancy between keys coming from the database ($key) and generated by the app (key)
- Prevent values to be updated when we change the language (e.g. the reference to the database location changes for language lookup)
- Update language dialog appear the second time we log-in
- Questionnaire progress not reset when section change
- Login issue
- User creation issue
Released: 2016-11-19 Focus: prepare for production app
- Online presence tool (e.g. track user presence in realtime, session, online and offline status)
- Coverage manager - user with rights to administer/follow-up accounts and data associated to a specific program coverage (e.g. ABB Bangladesh)
- Portfolio management page (incl. BCM, notes on the company)
- Event for coverage (e.g. new connection, new busineses, ...)
- See who is online for a specific coverage
- Improve login experience : update view when we are actually trying to login
- show user status in coverage (online/offline/idle)
- Store coverage information (e.g. ABB_BGD) on client the first time they enter the app
- Integrate program coverage into questionnaire preliminary checks and workflow (e.g. ask 'where are you using preigition if this info is missing')
- View Survey comments under user profile
- Load data on analytics (not automatically)
- Tool to remove user and user data
- Migrate and test data to new production domain
- Have a way to show that we are using the test database
- New Gitlab repository with public access for release notes and bug reporting.
- First version of help/guidance on how to operate the application (mainly program coverage section)
- New business profile page
- Checks prior to the survey are now a separate web-component (survey-check)
- Changed the way we register membership (user belonging to admin or dev group)
- Improve/simplify main homepage
- Improve accessor for lookup items (new web-component lookup-accessor that build an accessor function)
- Review dropdown-menu binding with database
- Finalize screening questions
- Improve the way feedback are stored in the dB (and security/index rules)
- Better way to indicate missing fields
- Integrate Questionnaire review / feedback
- Attach scoring to Business and not the questionnaire itself
- Problem with finance section not marked as completed
- Debt-option not working well
- New section are not being stored in the db (need to consolidate mech for checking initial data)
- Cursor focus and scroll after profile verification completion
- Navigation menu is inactive sometimes at startup
- click on menu with href link sometimes does not activate the relevant link (when clicking on borders)
- Business verification process not updated in the workflow indicator
- Team section does not complete event when all questions are answered
- Investment section look weird
- Questionnaire Navigation (with paper-fab) activates sections that are disables (e.g. social impact or environmental impact)
- Sort on table with accessor function is not working (paper-datatable)
- favicon not linking to the correct one
- Problem when login : need to click twice
- Survey Feedback not saved
- x-scroll is active on main home page
- Wrong number of input in feedback
- Redirection after login not always working
- Firebase permission error after create account
- manifest.json not served on (problem with SSL cert.)
Released: 2016-11-02
- Program coverage in admin/settings
- Coverage stewardship
- Possibility to identify program coverage from the url (e.g
- Preliminary work for portfolio management
- Improved ways of handling business <-> coverage <-> programm <-> coverage Steward relationship
- New section for Environmental impact
- use domain for redirecting surveys. Status: (Firebase does not support sub-domain for multi-tenant application yet)[!searchin/firebase-talk/subdomain$20tenant%7Csort:relevance/firebase-talk/UpKNSDsICgc/9hCXbXe8BQAJ]
Released: 2016-10-29
- Added possibility to have a printer-friendly version of the questionnaire
- Database lookup on collection added multiple times
Released: 2016-10-19
- Clicking on a business row in analytics now opens the scorecard
- required fields passed as required="false" are now recognized as falsy.
Released: 2016-10-18
Focus: analytics
- First go at analytics as screening SME tools
- new multivariate analysis library (multi-verse)
- new multivariate analysis library (multi-chart)
Released: 2016-09-30
- View weight not working anymore
- Edit question from survey not working anymore (we now only have a rapid edit tool from the survey itself, the rest of the survey edit is done via the admin panel)
- Redirect after create group is not correct
Released: 2016-09-16
- Maximum call stack error when going from
Released: 2016-09-16
Focus: workflow, admin panel (user membership, survey building tool), various bug fix.
- First version of survey workflow (workflow building tool, attaching workflow to survey and workflow indicator when user fills-in the survey)
- First version of surveys building tools (surveys, section and questions. Drag and drop features for constructing surveys and sections structure)
- Versioning of sections and surveys through survey build (e.g. snapshot of a survey at a given time. This enable tracking changes in the questions or section composition)
- Better way to handle translation of questionnaires and translated resources.
- Standardize storing of resources and locale (database object containing translated versions of text).
- Ability to filter list of survey items (surveys, sections, ...)
- Add Program object. Programs are a way to group users under different preignition schemes (e.g. ICCO ABB, VSO, ...)
- Users membership management for admin users (app access right driven by user memberships, e.g. only access to questionnaire, or able to see analytics)
- Ensure that non authenticated users cannot access protected pages.
- Add default 404 page on application page (admin and main app).
- better client-side data verification mechanism
- de-normalize survey questions. Questions belong to a large question pool and survey section link to this pool.
- Better handling of locale data (all data that might exist in more like one language like survey label)
- Better management of url rooting
- dropping an item (in workflow) creates an error
- scorecard text no appearing
- unable to select items from survey menu
Released: 2016-08-07
- fallback route when no url can match
- Handle 2 different version of d3.js (dc.js - used for analytics is not compatible with the latest version yet!)
- Youtube thumbnail are now fetched over https
- App freeze when user change language
- Navigation from login to main app not working (lazy load on main-app.html not triggered)
- Loading overlay not disappearing when loading app from login page
- User cannot create a new account
Released: 2016-08-02
- More compact build (gaining 50% of file size)
Released: 2016-08-01
- Theme switcher : allow the user to choose its theme for the application
- User info when the application is not the same version as last session
- Page for "more info", "connect with investors"
- Implementation of service workers for better experience in offline and spotty network situation.
Core refactoring (massive) so as to be able to be better prepared for HTTP2 and use polymer CLI detail of the changes
Homepage infographics improved (hovering effect, step number in the title)
Cleaner use of url for routing (use full url instead of hash )
Released: 2016-07-27 Focus on questionnaire.
- Homepage infographic on how it works
- Refine scoring mech: Some questions might lead to 2 scores (e.g. net profit for which we might have %increase score and absolute value score)
- Implement domainFactor for calculating score where we the domain depend on user-data (e.g. a score that depend on the reporting currency )
- New type of scoring scales (e.g. log scale) for non-linear value questions (e.g. profit where a difference between 2000 and 5000 is more important than 200000 and 230000).
- weight mechanism: change maximum score for a section if certain criteria are not filled-in (red-flag questions)
- View live scoring for testing the tool
- Progress bar at the top reflecting percentage completion of section
- Build matrix layout
- New way to edit questions directly on the questionnaire (click + Shift key)
- Improve edit question features (scale, domain, rangeFactor, tooltip and scaleType)
- Reporting currency in profile (readonly value once set). Numeric entries use this currency to display the unit of measure.
- screening question for some section (e.g social impact)
- [screening question at the beginning of the questionnaire (only display appropriate survey when some criteria are fulfilled)
- Video page, with filters according to video tags. Video metadata saved on the database, with youtube id as firebase key
- Thumbnail on video (#58)
- Options for direct feedback on question.
- Separate the survey app from analytics
- Scorecard : customized text for each section according to actual score
- New webComponnet for question container (it will handle hte business logic for calculating score, validation and section completeness)
- New webComponnet for for sliders (augment paper-slider so as to have the same behavior as paper-input )
- Add a new matrix component - implementing data-binding
- Homepage
- More elegant (and more flexible) way to check section completed and calculate score - we loop through the dom and not through survey model.
- Tooltip on question instead as on question options. Tooltip active only when hovering over (i) icon (#59)
- feedback more visible (directly on the section, rather than as a button on the questionnaire)
- Styling problem in the survey, e.g. matrix radio button is not styled properly
- Re-organize certain fields as matrix (e.g. turnover over years ...)
- We no longer load all survey data at once (causing performance issues), but only section data - when it is needed
- survey data are no longer stored under their surveyId (e.g. pre-ignition). Now they all go to the same global bucket.
- Revised version of questionnaire implemented
- Ripple effect on Menu
- Ripple effect on Video
- Use button instead of link for password recovery
- Screen width threshold for collapsing drawer menu (now 992px)
- Integrate new version of d3 (v.4) and create optimized bundle.
- Radio button not picking the correct key for setting value
- Total number of questions not always properly calculated
- Governement skills options are in the right format
- Question within questions not accessing their config values
- Firebase query against country and district fired too early (path not fully set)
- Error message toast not closing
- Some option keys not found when setting data
- Minified menu not setting tabs
- Width of drawer menu inconsistent in fixed mode (jumping width)
- components not having focus and creating an error
- New user are logged-in once a new account has been created
- e-mail saved on profile when user logs-in with email/psw
- language preference problems are solved (late bind with profile)
- Firebase error when trying to load data too early is corrected (en-bn language lookup)
- User profiles are created when a new account is created
- workflow before fill in the questionnaire bug (not working for new users, profile not being created)
- new user have problems fill-in the questionnaire just after their first login (trying to access the survey causing maximum call size stack exceeded)
- Business location dropdown not properly instantiated
Released: 2016-06-23
- Improved workflow before being able to start the questionnaire (need to be logged-in, need to check email address, need to agree on terms of services)
- Load performance improved (mainly due to the change on video wrapper, preventing youtube PAI to be loaded for all videos)
- improved weighting for question answers relative to others (e.g. percentage increase)
- personalized scorecard
- Video wrapper
- Business profile
- Small logo app for voting
- Language management
- Possibility to edit questions directly from the app
- Questionnaire definition is now in the database
- Use of domain
- Server version of Firebase (now using Firebase 3.0 - upgrade client side not yet implemented)
- Homepage improvement
- New theme with modern colors
- Logo
- Split of data between survey data and business data
- Scrollbar freeze
- Questions are in the correct order
- Firebase OAuth problems (not being able to login on the preignition domain)
Released: 2016-06-12 First working version of the app
- First version of questionnaire
- Login/logout with email/password and gmail account
- Simple homepage
- Scoring algorithm
- Score card
- Questionnaire feedback
- Video added to the questionnaire
- Main template for the app based on
- Routing based on
- Profile Page
- Modified colors for a more modern theme
Released: 2016-02-11 Pre-ignition Prototype
- Basic analytics based on dummy data,
- Basic questionnaire
- we are using
chlogm = !sh -c 'git log $1...$2 --pretty=format:\"- %s [view commit]( \" --grep="#log"' --reverse
to generate the detailed changelog.