Series of helper mixin while developping Preignition with lit-element:
- DoNotSetUndefinedValue: prevent property setting when value is undefined. This is usefull for not overriding child components default values when parent have not set those properties.
- SelectMixin: use d3-selection in component shadowRoot
- DefaultValueMixin: allow to declare default values in properties (similar to Polymer)
- RelayTo: allow to automatically relay properties from parent to child, without declaring the binding in template.
- CacheId: cache element having an
for easier reference. Usage borrowed from Polymer.
This webcomponent follows the open-wc recommendation.
npm i preignition-mixin
import { DefaultValueMixin } from '@preignition/preignition-mixin';
class DefaultElement extends defaultValueMixin(TestElement) {
static get properties() {
return {
value: {type: String, value: 'test'}
import { SelectMixin } from '@preignition/preignition-mixin';
class SelectElement extends selectMixin(TestElement) {
window.customElements.define('select-element', SelectElement);
const el = html`<select-element></select-element>`;
const title = el.selectShadow('#title')
npm run test