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Java Resources

The Lab repository can build the legacy Java applications Molecular Workbench and Energy2D we are converting to HTML5.

Building these Java applications allows developers to more easily compare the operation of the HTML5 versions of these applications to the Java versions running in the browser as applets.

Additionally the Lab framework uses a sensor applet to connect with USB sensors from Vernier. The jars for this applet and a javascript library for communicating with the applet come from the Lab Sensor Applet Interface project. The Lab framework pulls in the distribution repository through a submodule. This distribution repository provides the built and signed jars.

Working with sensor applet Java code within local Lab build

  1. Clone lab-sensor-applet-interace
  2. Build it (see the readme of that project)
  3. delete submodule folder lab/vendor/lab-sensor-applet-interface-dist
  4. create a symlink ln -s lab-sensor-applet-interface/dist lab/vendor/lab-sensor-applet-interface-dist

Now everytime you rebuild the sensor applet jars or javascript, and then make is run on the Lab project you local Lab server should include the new jars and new javascript.

Running the Classic Java Molecular Workbench and Energy2D as Applications

After building the Java resources the Java applications Molecular Workbench and Energy2D can be run as applications from the command line:

  1. Molecular Workbench

  2. Energy2D


Java Code-Signing Certificate and Keystore

A self-signed Java certificate is included with the Lab repository: config/lab-sample-keystore,jks with a password and private key password of abc123 however for production use you will want to use a keystore with a publically-recognized Java code-siging certificate from a company like Thawte.

To build the Jar resources for the probeware using either the self-signed certificate provided with the Lab repository or one of your own first create the file config/config.yml by copying config/config.sample.yml and editing appropriately.

cp config/config.sample.yml config/config.yml

The :java: section of the config.yml yaml file looks like this:

# password and alias for Java siging certificate.
  :password: abc123
  :alias: lab-sample-keystore
  :keystore_path: config/lab-sample-keystore.jks

If you have a keystore already accessible via an alias replace lab-sample-keystore with the alias for your existing keystore. If your keystore is stored in your home directory in the file .keystore then you do should leave the :keystore_path empty.


The self-signed lab-sample-keystore,jks keystore was generated with the Java keytool command as follows:

$ keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -keystore config/lab-sample-keystore,jks -alias lab-sample-keystore -storepass abc123 -validity 360 -keysize 2048
What is your first and last name?
  [Unknown]:  Stephen Bannasch
What is the name of your organizational unit?
  [Unknown]:  Lab Project
What is the name of your organization?
  [Unknown]:  Concord Consortium
What is the name of your City or Locality?
  [Unknown]:  Concord
What is the name of your State or Province?
  [Unknown]:  Massachusetts
What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
  [Unknown]:  US
Is CN=Stephen Bannasch, OU=Lab Project, O=Concord Consortium, L=Concord, ST=Massachusetts, C=US correct?
  [no]:  yes
Enter key password for <lab-sample-keystore>
	(RETURN if same as keystore password):

$ keytool -selfcert -alias lab-sample-keystore -keystore config/lab-sample-keystore.jks
Enter keystore password:

Building the Java Resources

Run make jnlp-all to erase, build, package, sign and deploy all the Java resources.

The first time this task is run it:

  1. Creates a java/ top-level directory and checks out the required Java projects into this directory.
  2. Builds each of the projects
  3. Copies the jar resources into the public/jnlp/ directory packing and signing them as needed.

Later if you have made updates in the Java source code or need to re-build and deploy for any reason you can run:

script/build-and-deploy-jars.rb --maven-update

If one of the maven projects fails to build because a dependency could not be found try running the command again with the --maven-update argument:

script/build-and-deploy-jars.rb --maven-update

Details about each Java project, where the repository is located, what branch is compiled, the specific compilation details are all contained in this Ruby file: config/java-projects.rb

The specification indicates whether the Java Jar resource will be directly downloaded or whether the source code will be checked-out and compiled to create the Jar.

Java Projects Build Strategies

The :build_type option is used to specify the Java Projects Build Strategy. Five different kinds of build strategies are available. Each strategy includes additional build information in the :build option.

The :maven, :custom, and :ant build strategies all expect to be able to get the source code to build projects from git repositories.

Most of Concord Consportium's open source Java codebase is published at our public Subversion repository: however all of the legacy Java code the Lab project references is also mirrored to separate git repositories at:

The trunk branches in the git mirrors we maintain such as: concord-consortium/otrunk always represent the latest code checked into the Subversion trunk branch.

We have made small changes to the Molecular Workbench codebase and we are maintaining these in the master branch of the git mirror here: concord-consortium/mw.

  1. :maven

    An example that has been removed from the java-projects.rb:

     'sensor-applets' => { :build_type => :maven,
                           :build => MAVEN_STD_CLEAN_BUILD,
                           :repository => 'git://',
                           :branch => 'master',
                           :path => 'org/concord/sensor/sensor-applets',
                           :has_applet_class => true,
                           :sign => true },

    The master branch of the sensor-applets repo will be checked out into ./java/sensor-applets and be built using Maven. Because the sensor-applets jar is used with native libraries, it must also be signed.

    Deploying both signed and unsigned jars

    Concord's Molecular Workbench also uses the :maven build strategy however when running it as a Java Web Start jnlp it needs to be signed while normally when run as an applet it should be unsigned.

     'mw'             => { :build_type => :maven,
                           :build => MAVEN_STD_CLEAN_BUILD,
                           :repository => 'git://',
                           :branch => 'master',
                           :path => 'org/concord/modeler',
                           :main_class => "org.concord.modeler.ModelerLauncher",
                           :has_applet_class => true,
                           :sign => true,
                           :also_unsigned => true }

    By setting both the :sign and :also_unsigned options to true two jars will be deployed:

    • jnlp/org/concord/modeler/mw.jar
    • jnlp/org/concord/modeler/unsigned/mw.jar
  2. :ant

  3. :custom

    For Energy2D a :custom build strategy is used and the command line invocation necessary is in the MANUAL_JAR_BUILD constant.

     'energy2d' => { :repository => 'git://',
                     :branch => 'trunk',
                     :path => 'org/concord/energy2d',
                     :build_type => :custom,
                     :version => '0.1.0',
                     :build => MANUAL_JAR_BUILD,
                     :has_applet_class => true,
                     :sign => false }

    In this case MANUAL_JAR_BUILD has been defined as:

     MANUAL_JAR_BUILD = "rm -rf bin; mkdir bin; find src -name *.java | xargs javac -target 5 -sourcepath src -d bin"
  4. :copy_jars

  5. :download

    An example that has been removed from java-projects.rb

     'goio-jna'       => { :build_type => :download,
                           :url => '',
                           :version => '1.0-20121109.222028-22',
                           :path => 'org/concord/sensor/goio-jna',
                           :sign => true }

The script that runs the checkout-build-pack-sign-deploy can either operate on ALL projects specified or on a smaller number.

Running script/build-and-deploy-jars.rb with no arguments operates on all projects listed in config/java-projects.rb.

Optionally you can specify one or more projects to operate on. This builds just mw:

script/build-and-deploy-jars.rb mw

The Jar resources deployed to the public/jnlp directory include a timestamp in the deployed artifact so unless you specifically request an earlier version you will always get the latest version deployed.