Here is a small showcase with explanation of each language feauter like:
- variables
- blocks
- ifs
- loops
- functions Example programs can be found in (this folder)[/examples]
- strings
- booleans
- numbers (all numbers are treated as f64)
- nil
// booleans
var b1 = true;
var b2 = false;
// strings
var s1 = "string example";
// numbers
var n1 = 2;
var n2 = 2.3;
// nil
var n = nil;
print is a built in special keyword that allows user to print to standard output
- can be parsed only as a statement
print <expression>;
print "Hello, world!";
mathematical and boolean expressions are supported.
Supported math operators: +
, -
, *
, /
Supported boolean operators: and
, or
Supported comparision operators: ==
, !=
, <
, >
, <=
, >=
Also language support two main unary operators: -
, !
1 + 2 * 3 // evaluates to `7.0`
3 * 4 < 15 // evaluates to `true`
!(1 < 2) // evaluates to `false`
lets user to declare variables
- can be parsed only as a statement
var <ident> = <expression>;
var <ident>; // here the value is `nil`
var test = "test string";
lets user to define scoped set of statements
- can be parsed as statement or expression
- last non statement value is parsed as return expression
{ <set_of_statements> <return_expression> }
is optional here if the block ends with an expression it becomes its return value. It also works fo fn
blocks if the funtion does not return early it returns the default block return value so either the last expression or nil
var test = "test string";
var block_value = {
1 + 2 + 3
- can be parsed as statement or expression
- its block can have return value
- returns value of a block
- can have else statement
if(<condition_expression>) <yes_block> else <no_block>
yes and no expressions should be blocks, else is completly optional
if we use if as expression and else block is not present it will return nil
in else case
if (1 < 2) { print "yes"; }
var if_value = if (1 < 2) {
} else {
- can be parsed as statement or expression
- its block cant have return value
- can return value by
break <expression>;
- can be stopped with
- can be continued with
- returns
by default
for(<init_statement>;<condition_expression>;<step_statement>) <loop_block>
while(<condition_expression>) <loop_block>
for(var i = 1; i < 3; i = i + 1) {
print i;
var for_val = for(var i = 1; i < 3; i = i + 1) {
if (i == 2) {
break i;
if we want for loop to return value we can use break
with epxression right after it, otherwise for loop will return nil