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Getting Started

Sung Jeon edited this page Aug 1, 2022 · 12 revisions


This document guides you through building and running the Nine Chronicles launcher (a.k.a. 9c-launcher) with the game on your own computer from scratch.
We hope you to easily start participating and/or contribute to NineChronicles from here.


1. Environment

  • Windows 10 or 11 is recommended
  • Linux/macOS also works, but the compatibility is not guaranteed.
    • Also, Apple Silicon devices won't be able to launch the game itself.

2. Requirements

  • Node.js
    • v16 is recommended.
  • yarn

3. Prepare repository

git clone -c core.symlinks=true --recursive
git checkout main # In case you're contributing, skip this
git pull
git submodule update --recursive
yarn install

4. Build 9c-launcher

yarn build-headless && yarn bundle-player
curl -o dist/config.json

The last command downloads the latest configuration of the mainnet, which allows you to use it just like a released launcher.

5. Config and run 9c-launcher

curl -o dist/config.json
yarn codegen
yarn dev


yarn bundle-player does not work

yarn dev exits with 0

Close your existing launcher instance. You may need to find them in the Task Manager to kill it.


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