Ground truth dataframe consists of all the information corresponding to the images in the dataset e.g. camera, joints, vertices, ground truth fit path etc. Download the validation Camera dataframe (with SMPL joints and vertices/with SMPLX joints and vertices) from AGORA Downloads and store in demo/gt_dataframe folder. Details about different fields of the dataframe are as follows:
imgPath : Name of the image
X, Y, Z : Location of the scan in world coordinates
Yaw: Rotation of the scan along y axis
camX, camY, camZ, camYaw : Location of the camera in world coordinates
gender : gender of the scan
kid : adult or kid flag
occlusion : percentage of occlusion
isValid : If the occlusion is in range 0-90, isValid is True else False.
gt_path_smpl, gt_path_smplx : SMPL and SMPLX ground truth for each scan
gt_joints_2d : projected 2d SMPL or SMPLX keypoints/joints in image
gt_joints_3d : 3d SMPL or SMPLX joints in camera coordinates
gt_verts : 3d SMPL or SMPLX vertices in camera coordinates
Note that the above dataframe has gt_joints_2d field corresponding to 3840x2160 image resolution. The corresponding projection for 1280x720 is easy to generate using:
df_720[['gt_joints_2d'] = df_4k['gt_joints_2d']*(720/2160)
Note that the Camera dataframe (with SMPL joints and vertices/with SMPLX joints and vertices) already contains the joints/vertices.
If you just want to project the joints and vertices using the SMPL/SMPL-X parameter file and Camera information then you need to run project_joints
executable. Please check Project Joints and Vertices.