int **zl_compile**(
unsigned char **hardcode,
unsigned long *hard_code_size,
char *code,
char **warning_msg,
char **error_msg,
unsigned char **const_sect,
unsigned long *const_size,
unsigned char **data_sect,
unsigned long *data_size,
unsigned char **reloc_sect,
unsigned long *reloc_size,
unsigned char **import_sect,
unsigned long *import_size,
unsigned char **export_sect,
unsigned long *export_size,
unsigned char **map_sect,
unsigned long *map_size
- hardcode [out]
Compiled byte-code
- hard_code_size [out]
Size of byte-code
- code [in]
Source code
- warning_msg [out, optional]
This parameter can be NULL.
- error_msg [out, optional]
This parameter can be NULL.
- const_sect [out, optional]
.const section. If this parameter NULL, then section merged with hardcode.
- const_size [out, optional]
This parameter can be NULL.
- data_sect [out, optional]
.data section. If this parameter NULL, then section merged with hardcode.
- data_size [out, optional]
This parameter can be NULL.
- reloc_sect [out, optional]
.reloc section. If this parameter NULL, then section merged with hardcode.
- reloc_size [out, optional]
This parameter can be NULL.
- import_sect [out, optional]
.import section. If this parameter NULL, then section merged with hardcode.
- import_size [out, optional]
This parameter can be NULL.
- export_sect [out, optional]
.export section. If this parameter NULL, then section merged with hardcode.
- export_size [out, optional]
This parameter can be NULL.
- map_sect [out, optional]
.const section. If this parameter NULL, then section merged with hardcode.
- map_size [out, optional]
This parameter can be NULL.
Embedding to your application
#include " zl.h" // interpreter
#include " zl_compiler.h" // compiler
unsigned char *byte_code;
unsigned long byte_code_size;
unsigned char *const_sect;
unsigned long const_size;
unsigned char *data_sect;
unsigned long data_size;
unsigned char *import_sect;
unsigned long import_size;
unsigned char *reloc_sect;
unsigned long reloc_size;
unsigned char *export_sect;
unsigned long export_size;
unsigned char *map_sect;
unsigned long map_size;
unsigned long *modules;
unsigned long stack[ZL_STACK_SIZE];
unsigned long regs[REG_COUNT];
if (!zl_compile(/* out */ &byte_code, &byte_code_size, /* in */ source_code, &warning_msg, &error_msg,
&const_sect, &const_size,
&data_sect, &data_size,
&reloc_sect, &reloc_size,
&import_sect, &import_size,
&export_sect, &export_size,
&map_sect, &map_size
// Initialize registers and set entrypoint
zl_init (0 , byte_code, stack, regs, const_sect, data_sect, reloc_sect, import_sect);
// Fill .import section with external function addresses
zl_load_functions (import_sect, (zl_map_section *)map_sect, map_size / sizeof (zl_map_section), fn_list, &modules);
// Fill .reloc section with addresses of external variables
zl_set (reloc_sect, (zl_map_section *)map_sect, map_size / sizeof (zl_map_section), " ext_variable" , &ext_variable);
zl_set (reloc_sect, (zl_map_section *)map_sect, map_size / sizeof (zl_map_section), " ext_name" , &ext_name);
// Execute from entrypoint
zl_call (regs);
zl_unload_modules (modules);
zl_free (byte_code, const_sect, data_sect, reloc_sect, import_sect, export_sect, map_sect);
zfree (error_msg);
zfree (warning_msg);
#include " zl.h" // interpreter
#include " zl_compiler.h" // compiler
unsigned char *byte_code;
unsigned long byte_code_size;
unsigned char *const_sect;
unsigned long const_size;
unsigned char *data_sect;
unsigned long data_size;
unsigned char *import_sect;
unsigned long import_size;
unsigned char *reloc_sect;
unsigned long reloc_size;
unsigned char *export_sect;
unsigned long export_size;
unsigned char *map_sect;
unsigned long map_size;
unsigned long *modules;
unsigned long stack[ZL_STACK_SIZE];
unsigned long regs[REG_COUNT];
if (!zl_compile(/* out */ &byte_code, &byte_code_size, /* in */ source_code, &warning_msg, &error_msg,
&const_sect, &const_size,
&data_sect, &data_size,
&reloc_sect, &reloc_size,
&import_sect, &import_size,
&export_sect, &export_size,
&map_sect, &map_size
// Guide entrypoint to main function
zl_init (zl_offset (" main" , (zl_export_section *)export_sect, export_size / sizeof (zl_export_section)), byte_code, stack, regs, const_sect, data_sect, reloc_sect, import_sect);
zl_load_functions (import_sect, (zl_map_section *)map_sect, map_size / sizeof (zl_map_section), fn_list, &modules);
zl_set (reloc_sect, (zl_map_section *)map_sect, map_size / sizeof (zl_map_section), " ext_variable" , &ext_variable);
zl_set (reloc_sect, (zl_map_section *)map_sect, map_size / sizeof (zl_map_section), " ext_name" , &ext_name);
// Push function arguments to stack and call main(argc, argv);
zl_push (regs, dw (argv));
zl_push (regs, dw (argc));
zl_call (regs);
// Free stack
zl_pop (regs, 2 );
zl_unload_modules (modules);
zl_free (byte_code, const_sect, data_sect, reloc_sect, import_sect, export_sect, map_sect);
zfree (error_msg);
zfree (warning_msg);
Example 3 - Minimal (all sections merged with byte_code)
#include " zl.h" // interpreter
#include " zl_compiler.h" // compiler
unsigned char *byte_code;
unsigned long byte_code_size;
unsigned char *import_sect;
unsigned long import_size;
unsigned char *map_sect;
unsigned long map_size;
unsigned long *modules;
unsigned long stack[ZL_STACK_SIZE];
unsigned long regs[REG_COUNT];
if (!zl_compile(/* out */ &byte_code, &byte_code_size, /* in */ source_code, NULL , NULL ,
import_sect = (unsigned char *)((unsigned long )hardcode) + *(unsigned long *)(&hardcode[43 ]);
import_size = *(unsigned long *)(&hardcode[48 ]);
map_sect = (unsigned char *)((unsigned long )hardcode) + *(unsigned long *)(&hardcode[63 ]);
map_size = *(unsigned long *)(&hardcode[68 ]);
zl_init (0 , byte_code, stack, regs, NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL );
zl_load_functions (import_sect, (zl_map_section *)map_sect, map_size / sizeof (zl_map_section), fn_list, &modules);
zl_call (regs);
zl_unload_modules (modules);
zl_free (byte_code, NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL NULL , NULL );
zfree (error_msg);
zfree (warning_msg);
import __cdecl print (char * );
import __stdcall int MessageBoxA (unsigned long , char * , char * , unsigned long ) from "user32.dll" ;
extern unsigned long ext_var ;
extern char * ext_name ;
function int main (int argc , char * argv [])
print ("Hello, world!\n" );