A simple package to check the password strength
- 📃 About
- 🤔 How To Use
- 🚀 Technologies
- 🌱 Minimal Requirements
- 🎊 Features
- 🎇 Finished
- 💡 How To Contribute
- 🤗 Contributors
- 👤 Author
- 🔏 License
5 Points: Less than 4 characters
10 Points: 5 to 7 characters
25 Points: 8 or more
0 Points: No letters
10 Points: Letters are all lower case
20 Points: Letters are upper case and lower case
0 Points: No numbers
10 Points: 1 number
20 Points: 3 or more numbers
0 Points: No characters
10 Points: 1 character
25 Points: 3 or more characters
2 Points: Letters and numbers
3 Points: Letters, numbers, and characters
5 Points: Mixed case letters, numbers, and characters
>= 90: Very Secure
>= 80: Secure
>= 70: Very Strong
>= 60: Strong
>= 50: Average
>= 25: Weak
>= 0: Very Weak
import { checkStrength } from '@password-generator/password-check-strength';
import { generatePassword, Preferences } from '@password-generator/package';
const preferences: Preferences = {
length: 12,
useChars: {
pronounceable: false,
lowercase: true,
uppercase: true,
numbers: true,
symbols: true,
const password = generatePassword(preferences);
const result = checkStrength(password);
- Typescript
- NodeJs
- NodeJs
- NPM/Yarn
- Create the algorithm
- Identify special characters automatically
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git commit -m 'feat: My new feature'
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🤓 password-generator [email protected]
- Github: @password-generator
Copyright © 2020 password-generator [email protected]
This project is licensed by MIT License.
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