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Abstract Syntax Tree

johnedquinn edited this page Aug 29, 2022 · 3 revisions

Introduction to the ExprNode AST

It seems the term "AST" is often extended to mean more things than just "Abstract Syntax Tree" and our use of the term is no different. A better term might have been "Abstract Semantic Tree" because our AST was defined with the goal of modeling the intent of the PartiQL source and not the exact syntax. Thus, the original SQL from which an AST was constituted cannot be derived, however the semantics of that SQL are guaranteed to be preserved. One example that demonstrates this is the fact that we model a CROSS JOIN in the same way that we model an INNER JOIN with a condition of TRUE. Semantically, these have the exact same function and so they also have the same representation in the AST.

It is Actually a Tree

Language implementations often use the term "Abstract Syntax Tree" to refer to a data structure that is actually a graph. Our implementation for PartiQL's AST is a tree and not a graph. It contains no cycles and each node can only reference its children.

It's Immutable

No mechanism has been provided to mutate an instance of the AST after it has been instantiated. Modifications to an existing tree must use cloning re-writes--for instance, a visitor pattern that returns a modified version of the input tree can be utilized.

Design Patterns Used with the AST

The AST employs a number of patterns and utilizes certain features of Kotlin to aid with the development process. Without any introduction, the reasoning behind these patterns may not be completely apparent at first glance. What follows is an is an attempt to document those patterns and features.

Inheritance Mirrors The PartiQL Grammar

The top-most type of the AST is org.partiql.lang.ast.ExprNode. Most of the classes of the AST derive from this class. Most child nodes are also of type ExprNode. However, there are several cases where the types of child nodes that are allowed are constrained (or extended) by PartiQL's grammar. For example, not every type of ExprNode can exist as components of a path expression (i.e. a.b.c). Additionally, some path components are allowed that do not make sense outside of the context of a path expression (i.e. a.*.b and a[*].b). If all nodes of the AST inherited from ExprNode it would be easy to accidentally construct ASTs which are structurally invalid. Thus, each grammar context has a different base class.

This pattern enlists the assistance of the Kotlin compiler to ensure that ASTs are constructed in a manner that is structurally valid. This works so well that for the most part, [ExprNodeCompiler][org.partiql.lang.eval.ExprNodeCompiler] needs to include very few structural checks on the AST. Mostly, it is possible to assume that if the compiler allowed the tree to be instantiated, then it is structurally valid. (However, that does not mean it is semantically valid.)

The base classes are:

  • org.partiql.lang.ast.ExprNode, for any expression that is self contained and has a value.
  • org.partiql.lang.ast.SelectListItem, for expressions that may appear between SELECT ... FROM.
  • org.partiql.lang.ast.FromSource, for expressions that are data sources in a FROM clause.
  • org.partiql.lang.ast.PathComponent, for the components of a path expression.
  • org.partiql.lang.ast.SelectProjection, for the type of projection used by a SELECT,SELECT VALUE or PIVOT query. This isn't directly related to the grammar but is convenient to represent in this manner.
  • org.partiql.lang.ast.DataManipulation, for data manipulation expressions that may optionally be wrapped with FROM ... WHERE ....
  • org.partiql.lang.DmlOperation, for the data manipulation operation itself (e.g. INSERT INTO ...)

All base classes of the AST are sealed classes.

To keep the inheritance hierarchy manageable, the inheritance depth does not exceed 1.

Data Classes

Kotlin data classes have several useful properties which aid the developer when working with the AST. Those features are the compiler generated methods shown below.

  • equals(), can be used to compare two nodes--for instance, during unit testing.
  • toString(), highly useful during debugging.
  • componentN(), enables the use of destructuring (see the section on destructuring below).
  • copy(), performs a shallow copy of the node, useful during cloning re-writes.

When-As-Expression over Sealed Type Derived Classes

Kotlin's when can be used as a statement or as an expression.

    sealed class Foo
    class Bar : Foo(val i: Int)
    class Bat : Foo(val n: String)
    class Bonk : Foo(val o: Boolean)
    val foo = //... an instance of Foo ...
    // This a statement because the value is not consumed...
    when(foo) -> {
        is Bar -> { println("It's a bar!" }
        is Bat -> { println("It's a bat!" }
        //A compiler warning is issued because no case for Bonk exists.
    // This is an expression because the value is assigned to variable foo.
    val foo = when(bar) { 
        is Bat -> "It's a bat!"
        is Baz -> "It's a baz!"
        //A compile-time error is generated because there is no case for Bonk -- when branches must be exhaustive.

When when is used as an expression Kotlin requires that the cases are exhaustive, meaning that all possible branches are included or it has an else clause. Unfortunately, the Kotlin compiler issues a warning instead of an error when the result of the when expression is not consumed. We have developed a simple way to gain these compile-time checks for when statements as well. This method involves treating them as expressions.

Consider the following:

    when(expr) {
        is VariableReference -> case {
        is Literal -> case {
        // and so on for all types derived from ExprNode

In order to help make sense of this, the definitions of case and toUnit follow:

    inline fun case(block: () -> Unit): WhenAsExpressionHelper {
        return WhenAsExpressionHelper.Instance

    class WhenAsExpressionHelper private constructor() {
        fun toUnit() {}
        companion object {
            val Instance = WhenAsExpressionHelper()

Every branch of the when expression calls the case() function whose first argument is a literal lambda. case() invokes the lambda and returns the sentinel instance of WhenAsExpressionHelper. This forces when to have a result. WhenAsExpressionHelper then has a single method, toUnit(), which does nothing--its purpose however is to consume of result the when expression.

When case() and toUnit() are used together in this fashion the Kotlin compiler considers the when an expression and will require that a branch exists for all derived types or that an else branch is present.

This helps improve maintainability of code that uses the AST because when a new type that inherits from ExprNode is added then those when expressions which do not include an else branch will generate compiler errors and the developer will know they need to be updated to include the new node type. For this reason, the developer should carefully consider the use of else branches and instead should consider explicit empty branches for each of the derived types instead.

Also note that the use of case() and toUnit() is not needed when the value of the when expression is consumed by other means. For example, the compiler will still require a branch for every derived type in this scenario because the result of the when becomes the function's return value:

   fun transformNode(exprNode: ExprNode): ExprNode = when(exprNode) {
       is Literal -> { // case() is not needed
           //Perform cloning transform
       is VariableReference -> { // case() is not needed
           //Perform cloning transform
       //and so on for all nodes
   } //.toUnit() is not needed


Another potential maintainability issue can arise when new properties are added to existing node types. Knowing the locations of the code which must be modified to account for the new property can be a challenge.

Another way in which the Kotlin compiler can be enlisted to help improve code maintainability is with the use of destructuring. There is also a shortcoming in Kotlin's destructuring feature which we solve almost by accident.

Consider the following:

    when(expr) {
        is VariableReference -> {
            val (id, caseSensitivity) = expr

Unlike some languages, Kotlin's destructuring feature doesn't require that all the properties are mapped to variables on the left side of =. Unfortunately, this means that if a new property is added to VariableReference, the above example of destructuring will not result in an compile error of any kind.

By chance, all of the node types in the AST contain an additional property: metas: MetaContainer. The fact that this is always the last property defined in a node type is intentional. In fact, any and all new properties should be added immediately before the metas: MetaContainer. Consider:

    val (id, caseSensitivity, m) = expr

If a new property is added to VariableReference before metas, the type of varialbe m will be the type of that new property and this will result in compile-time errors from the Kotlin compiler at the locations where m is referenced. This is great for circumstances where m is needed, but there are also many cases where a node's metas are ignored, and if m is unused, the Kotlin compiler will issue a warning. For that scenario use the following:

    val (id, caseSensitivity, _: MetaContainer) = varRef

The _: MetaContainer component here simply causes a compile-time assertion that the third property of VariableReference is of type MetaContainer, resulting in a compile-time error whenever a new property is added.

Arbitrary Meta Information Can Be Attached to Any Node

TODO: leaving this part unspecified for the moment because there is still some uncertainty surrounding the how metas work.

Rules for working with the AST

  • Always add new properties before the metas: MetaContainer of a new property.
  • When using when with a sealed class and branching by derived types as a statement use case() and toUnit() to trick the Kotlin compiler into being helpful.
  • When using when with the derived types of a sealed class, use destructuring in each branch where possible.

This document covers the s-expression based format of the PartiQL AST version 0, which will soon be deprecated in favor of version 1.


The SqlParser implementation generates an AST representation in Ion based on s-expressions.

The general format is as follows:

(name ...)

Where name is the AST node name, which can be one of:

  • (lit <ION VALUE>) - a verbatim (quoted) Ion value.
  • (missing) - The literal MISSING value.
  • (id <NAME SYMBOL> [case_sensitive | case_insensitive]) - a quoted or unquoted identifier.
  • (<OPERATOR SYMBOL> ...) - A binary or unary operator.
  • (select ...) - A SELECT-FROM-WHERE expression.
  • (pivot ...) - Convert a collection into a tuple/struct.
  • (path <VALUE EXPR> <PATH COMPONENT EXPR>...) - A path (which is used for normal dotted name resolution).
  • (call <NAME SYMBOL> <VALUE EXPR>...) - A function invocation.
  • (call_agg <NAME SYMBOL> <QUANTIFIER SYMBOL> <VALUE EXPR>) - An aggregate call.
  • (call_agg_wildcard <NAME SYMBOL>) - An aggregate call with wildcard, specifically for the special form COUNT(*).
  • (struct <NAME EXPR> <VALUE EXPR>...) - A constructor for a tuple/struct that is to be evaluated.
  • (list <VALUE EXPR>...) - A constructor for a list/array that is to be evaluated.
  • (bag <VALUE EXPR>...) - A constructor for a bag that is to be evaluated.
  • (unpivot <VALUE EXPR>) - Treat a struct as a collection.
  • (as <NAME SYMBOL> <VALUE EXPR>) - A name aliasing/binding for a value.
  • (at <NAME SYMBOL> <VALUE EXPR>) - An ordinal or attribute name binding.
  • (cast <VALUE EXPR> (type <TYPE NAME> ...)) - CAST operator.
  • (is <VALUE EXPR> (type <TYPE NAME> ...)) and (is_not <VALUE EXPR> (type <TYPE NAME> ...)) - Type predicate. The type node is the same as that defined for CAST.
  • (simple_case ...) and (searched_case ...) - CASE expression forms.
  • (meta <NODE EXPR> <STRUCT>) - Metadata about an enclosing AST node, from a semantic perspective this is a no-op, but can provide diagnostic context such as line/column position.


Currently, the following unary operators are defined in the form (<OPNAME> <VALUE EXPR>):

  • + - Unary plus.
  • - - Unary negation.

The following binary operators are defined in the form (<OPNAME> <LEFT EXPR> <RIGHT EXPR>):

  • / - Division.
  • % - Division remainder.
  • * - Multiplication.
  • || - String concatenation.
  • like - String pattern comparison.
  • <, <=, >, >=, =, <> - Comparison operators.
  • and, or - Logical operators.
  • union, union_all, except, except_all, intersect, and intersect_all - Set operators.

The following additional operators are defined:

  • (between <VALUE EXPR> <START EXPR> <END EXPR>) - Interval containment.
  • (not_between <VALUE EXPR> <START EXPR> <END EXPR>) - Interval non-containment.

Aggregate Functions

For (call_agg ...), the <QUANTIFIER SYMBOL> is one of all or distinct. In most contexts, (call_agg ...) evaluates similar to (call ...) with the exception that the input arguments are generally collections. Within the SELECT list and HAVING clauses, there are additional, context sensitive, semantics about how aggregate functions work due to legacy SQL compatibility. (call_agg ...) functions are always unary as per SQL rules.

(call_agg_wildcard ...) is a special form that captures the legacy syntax form of COUNT(*)

LIKE operator

The LIKE operator can be a binary or ternary operator depending on the input. The grammar allows for

  1. <EXPR1> LIKE <EXPR2> where <EXPR1> is the value we are matching on, <EXPR2> is the search pattern
  2. <EXPR1> LIKE <EXPR2> ESCAPE <EXPR3> where <EXPR1> is the value we are matching on, <EXPR2> is the search pattern and <EXPR3> is the escape character that might be used inside <EXPR2>

On top of these cases for LIKE we also have the negation NOT LIKE that is treated similarly as the other operators and their negated form.

In the first case LIKE translates to an binary operator

  • (like <NODE EXPR1> <NODE EXPR2>)
  • (not_like <NODE EXPR1> <NODE EXPR2>)

In the second case where an escape expression is provided LIKE translates to a ternary operator

  • (like <NODE EXPR1> <NODE EXPR2> <NODE EXPR3>)
  • (not_like <NODE EXPR1> <NODE EXPR2> <NODE EXPR3>)


The id node may include as its last element a case_sensitive or case_insensitive symbol to indicate if the binding is to be looked up with consideration of the identifier case or not. If not specified, default is

Path Component Expressions

In addition to any normal expression, a path component can be the special form (*) which is the wildcard that is syntactically equivalent to the path component [*] and (* unpivot) which is syntactically equivalent to the path component .*.

Only quoted and unquoted identifiers that are used as path component expressions are enclosed within a case_sensitive or case_insensitive annotating s-exp to indicate if the binding is to be looked up considering identifier case. If not enclosed in such an s-exp, the default is case-sensitive.


Expresssion AST Representation Explanation (path (id foo case_insensitive) (case_insensitive (lit "bar"))) Case insensitive lookup of up field bar within foo.
foo."bar" (path (id foo case_insensitive) (case_sensitive (lit "bar"))) Case sensitive lookup of up field bar within foo.
foo['bar'] (path (id foo case_insensitive) (lit "bar")) Case sensitive lookup of up field bar within foo.
foo[bar] (path (id foo case_insensitive) (id bar case_insensitive)) If bar is a string, case sensitive lookup of the field identified by variable bar within foo. If bar is an integer, lookup of the value at index bar.
foo[1] (path (id foo case_insensitive) (lit 1)) Lookup of the value at index 1 within bar.

Note that in the last three cases above, the path component expressions ((lit "bar"), (id bar case_insensitive) and (lit 1)) are not wrapped in a case_[in]sensitive node because they are expressions that have values. When the value of the path component expression is a string, lookup will be case sensitiive.

SELECT Expressions

The first position of the select node is the projection node which is marked by (project <PROJECT-EXPR>) or (project_distinct <PROJECT-EXPR>) which must be one of:

  • (list <ITEM EXPR>...) - Projection tuple-list, the expression node could have column names defined with an (as ...) node.
  • (value <VALUE EXPR>) - Projects a direct value.

The second position is a (from <SOURCE EXPR>) which is the FROM clause that sources and joins data to operate on.

All other nodes are optional and not positionally defined. Possible nodes:

  • (where <CONDITIONAL EXPR>) - The WHERE clause filter expression.
  • (group ...) or (group_partial ...) - The GROUP BY or GROUP PARTIAL BY clause.
  • (having <CONDITIONAL EXPR>) - The HAVING clause filter expression.
  • (limit <EXPR>) - The LIMIT clause expression.

SELECT *, alias.*

Wildcard projection such as SELECT * or SELECT alias.* is reperesented with the (project_all [<EXPR>]) node).


Query AST Representation
SELECT * FROM foo (select (project (list (project_all))) (from (id foo case_insensitive)))
SELECT foo.* FROM foo (select (project (list (project_all (id foo case_insensitive)))) (from (id foo case_insensitive)))
SELECT* FROM foo (select (project (list (project_all (path (id foo case_insensitive) (case_insensitive (lit "bar")))))) (from (id foo case_insensitive)))

Note that the PartiQL reference parser does not allow a single * without dot notation to be used in combination with other expressions. For example, the following are prevented:

    SELECT *, * FROM foo
    SELECT *, 1 + 1 as c FROM foo
    SELECT *, colunm_a FROM foo
    SELECT *, bar.* FROM foo, bar

FROM Clause

The single <SOURCE EXPR> in this clause is as follows:

  • Any top-level expression, where the source can be aliased with the (as ...) node. The node could also be wrapped with an (at ...) node. If both (as ...) and (at ...) exist they are to be wrapped as (at <NAME SYMBOL> (as ...))
  • A join expression node, has the form (<JOIN OP SYMBOL> <SOURCE EXPR> <EXPR> <COND EXPR>). <EXPR> is a top-level expression node, <COND EXPR> is a join condition similar to the WHERE clause and is optional; not specifying it is as if (lit true) was provided. <JOIN OP SYMBOL> is one of:
    • inner_join
    • left_join
    • right_join
    • outer_join

For implicit cross joins (e.g. FROM A, B) and explicit CROSS JOIN, inner_join without a condition is the way it is represented in the AST.

For example, the clause FROM a, b CROSS JOIN c LEFT JOIN d ON x = y would be translated as:

      (inner_join (id a) (id b))
      (id c)
    (id d)
    (= (id x) (id y))


The (group ...) and (group_partial ...) clause have one mandatory element:

  • (by <VALUE EXPR>...) - the expressions to group by. Each clause may be wrapped in an (as ...) node to alias the group component.

There is an optional second element that binds the group itself as a collection to a name visible in the HAVING clause and the SELECT projection clause. It is specified as:

  • (name <NAME SYMBOL>) - the name to bind the group collections to.

For example, the clause GROUP PARTIAL BY age GROUP AS age_group:

  (by (id age))
  (name age_group)

PIVOT Expressions

The (pivot ...) is very similar to the (select ...) form with the only difference that the first element is not a (project ...) node. Instead, the first node is a (member <NAME EXPR> <VALUE EXPR>) form, where <NAME EXPR> is the computed field name of the struct and <VALUE EXPR> is the computed value.

The semantics of PIVOT are essentially that of SELECT, but with the projection being struct members.

For example, the expression PIVOT value AT name FROM data, translates to:

  (member (id name) (id value))
  (from (id data))

CAST Expressions

The first position of a cast node is the value expression node to be casted. The second position is a type node which consists of a name and integral parameters for said type specification.


  (lit 5)
  (type character_varying 10)

CASE Expressions

There are two supported forms of CASE expressions, the first is the simple_case which is similar to switch in C-like languages, and the second is searched_case which is more like a sequence of if/else if/else branches.

Both forms have at least one (when <VALUE EXPR> <RESULT EXPR>) nodes and an optional (else <RESULT EXPR>) node.

Simple CASE expressions have a common expression at the first position, the result of which are compared to the result of each <VALUE EXPR> in the when nodes.

Example, for CASE name WHEN 'zoe' THEN 1 END:

  (id name)
    (lit "zoe")
    (lit 1)

Another example, for CASE name WHEN 'zoe' THEN 1 WHEN 'kumo' THEN 2 ELSE 0 END:

  (id name)
    (lit "zoe")
    (lit 1)
    (lit "kumo')
    (lit 2)
  (else (lit 0))

Searched CASE expressions have no such common expression and each <VALUE EXPR> in the when nodes are Boolean expressions for the condition.

Example for CASE WHEN name = 'zoe' THEN 1 END:

    (= (id name) (lit "zoe"))
    (lit 1)

Another example, for CASE WHEN name = 'zoe' THEN 1 WHEN name = 'kumo' THEN 2 ELSE 0 END:

    (= (id name) (lit "zoe"))
    (lit 1)
    (= (id name) (lit "kumo"))
    (lit 2)
  (else (lit 0))

Meta Nodes

Meta nodes are no-ops from a semantic perspective. They provide meta-data about node the encapsulate. Meta nodes have a single child node at the first position and a single struct providing the contextual metadata. These nodes can appear anywhere, and currently provide information about source line/column position.

The following fields within a meta node's struct is defined currently:

  • line - The one-based line number of where the enclosed node is located in the program source.
  • column - The one-based column number of where the enclosed node is located in the program source.


  (lit 5)
  {line: 1, column: 1}

The above would indicate the the integer literal 5 was located at line 1, column 1.


  • Support ORDER BY.


By AST in this document we refer to the data structure used to represent an PartiQL query. This is also the version of the AST provided to clients that consume the PartiQL AST.


Abusing Grammar notation

We borrow notation used for grammars to denote data structures and the alternatives for each data structure. You can think of production rule as a sum type, e.g.,

LIST ::= `null` | `(` `cell` INTEGER LIST `)`

defines a linked list of INTEGERs as being one of

  • the empty list, denoted by null, or,
  • the list of 1 or more integers, e.g., (cell 1 (cell 2 null)) is the list holding the numbers 1 and 2 in that order.

Terminals are in lowercase and surrounded with backticks (`). Terminals denote literals.

Non-Terminals are in all caps and denote abstract type names.

The parallel bar | denotes alternatives.

Square brackets [ ] denote optional elements


Ellipsis ... mean 0 or more of the element preceding the ellipsis. We use parenthesis to denote a composite element

  • X ... 0 or more X
  • (op X Y) ... 0 or more (op X Y), i.e., (op X Y) (op X Y) (op X Y)

Referencing the Ion Text Specification

ITS(<type>) refers to the Ion Text Specification for the Ion type passed as an argument. For example, ITS(boolean) means lookup the section on boolean in the Ion Text Specification.

The AST is a valid Ion S-expression, SEXP. For the purposes of this documentation we use the following grammar for Ion and it's SEXP. The grammar should be a refactoring of Ion's grammar that allows us to create more convenient groupings of the Ion Text grammar for our purposes.

            | SEXP
            | LIST
            | STRUCT

ATOM      ::=
            | NUMBER
            | TIMESTAMP
            | STRING
            | SYMBOL
            | BLOB
            | CLOB
            | NULL

BOOL      ::= ITS(boolean)
NUMBER    ::=
            | FLOAT
            | DECIMAL

INTEGER   ::= ITS(integer)
FLOAT     ::= ITS(float)
DECIMAL   ::= ITS(decimal)

TIMESTAMP ::= ITS(timestamp)
STRING    ::= ITS(string)
SYMBOL    ::= ITS(symbol)
BLOB      ::= ITS(blob)
CLOB      ::= ITS(clob)
NULL      ::= ITS(null)

LIST      ::= ITS(list)
STRUCT    ::= ITS(structure)

SEXP      ::= `(` ION_VALUE ... `)`

In the case of SEXP we refer to the name immediately following the SEXP 's open parenthesis as its tag. For example the SEXP (lit 2) is tagged with the symbol lit.

PartiQL AST data definition

Starting with version 1 of the PartiQL AST, each AST must be wrapped in an ast node:

(ast (version 1)
     (root EXP))

If the top-most node of the AST does not have the tag ast then we assume that it is a legacy version 0 AST.

Within (root ...) we represent a valid PartiQL expression as a tree (SEXP) of optionally wrapped nodes called terms.

TERM ::= `(` `term` `(` `exp` EXP `)`
                    `(` `meta` META ...`)` `)`

The wrapper term contains 2 sub SEXP

  • the PartiQL expression or expression fragment being wrapped tagged with exp
  • the meta information for the PartiQL expression or expression fragment tagged with meta

The meta child node of term is optional but usually holds information on the location of the expression in the original query. The definition of META is purposely left open to allow for the addition of meta information on the AST by consumers of the PartiQL such as query rewriters.

The PartiQL implementation shall use the $ prefix for all of its meta node tags. A naming convention such as reverse domain name notation should be used for meta node tags introduced by consumers of the PartiQL AST to avoid naming conflicts.


LOC  ::= `(` `$source_location` `(` `{` `line_num` `:` INTEGER`,` `char_offset` `:` INTEGER `}` `)` `)`

META_INFO ::= `(` SYMBOL `(` ION_VALUE ... `)` `)`

For example:

(term (exp (lit customerId))
      (meta ($source_location ({line_num: 10, char_offset: 12}))
            (type_env ({ customerId : Symbol })))

Captures the literal customerId that appears on line 10 at character offset 12 in the original query. The term's meta information also captures the type environment for this expression. In this example the values bound to customerId are expected to be of type Symbol.

EXP defines the alternatives for an SEXP that that can appear inside a term 's exp tagged SEXP. For readability, any nested term-wrapped sub components of EXP are not shown in this definition.

The term wrapper is optional and so the previous example can be stripped down to the semantically equivalent:

    (lit customerId)

PartiQL AST "Grammar"

EXP ::= 
        `(` `lit` ION_VALUE `)`
      | `(` `missing` `)`
      | `(` `id` SYMBOL CASE_SENSITIVITY `)`
      | `(` `struct` KEY_VALUE ... `)`
      | `(` `list` EXP ... `)`
      | `(` `bag`  EXP ... `)`
      | `(` NARY_OP EXP EXP ... `)`
      | `(` TYPED_OP EXP TYPE `)` `)`
      | `(` `path` EXP PATH_ELEMENT... `)`
      | `(` `call_agg` SYMBOL QSYMBOL EXP `)`
      | `(` `call_agg_wildcard` `count` `)` 
      | `(` `simple_case` EXP WHEN [WHEN ...] [ELSE] `)`
      | `(` `searched_case` WHEN [WHEN ...] [ELSE] `)`
      | `(` `select` SELECT_LIST
                     [ '(' `where' EXP `)` ]
                     [ GROUP_CLAUSE ]
                     [ `(` `having` EXP `)` ]
                     [ `(` `limit` EXP `)` ]

      | `(` `pivot` MEMBER
                    [ '(' `where' EXP `)` ]
                    [ GROUP_CLAUSE ]
                    [ `(` `having` EXP `)` ]
                    [ `(` `limit` EXP `)` ]


TYPE ::= `(` `type` TYPE_NAME [LENGTH [LENGTH]] `)` 
//NOTE: the two optional length arguments above are meant to capture the length or precision and scale
//arguments as defined by the SQL-92 spcification for certain data types.  While space exists in the AST
//for them, they do not apply to the Ion type system and therefore are ignored at during compilation and
//evaluation times.

CASE_SENSITIVITY ::= `case_sensitive` | `case_insensitive` 

KEY_VALUE ::= '(' EXP EXP ')'

TYPE_NAME ::= `boolean` | `smallint` | `int`  | `float` | `decimal`
              | `numeric` | `double_precision` | `character` | `character_varying` | `string` 
              | `symbol` | `varchar` | `list` | `bag` | `struct` 
              | `clob` | `blob` | `timestamp` | `symbol` | `null` 
              | `missing` | `null` | `missing`

TYPED_OP ::= `cast` | `is`

NARY_OP ::= // NOTE:  When used with an arity of 1, the operators +, - and NOT function as unary operators.
          `+` | `-` | `not` | `/` | `*` | `%` 
        | `<` | `<=` | `>` | `>=` | `<>` 
        | `and | `or` | `||` | `in` | `call` 
        | 'between` | `like` | `is`
        | `union | `union_all` 
        | `intersect` | `intersect_all` 
        | `except` | `except_all` 

PATH_ELEMNT ::= `(` `path_element` PATH_EXP CASE_SENSITIVITY `)`
    | `(` `star` `)`
    | `(` `star `unpivot` `)`

MEMBER ::= `(` `member` EXP EXP `)`

QSYMBOL ::= `distinct` | `all`


PROJECT ::= `project` | `project_distinct` 

           | `(` `value` EXP `)`
           | `(` `list` SELECT_LIST_ITEM... `)` 
           | `(` `list` STAR `)` 

    | `(` `as` SYMBOL EXP `)`
    | `(` `path_project_all` EXP `)`

FROM_SOURCES ::= `(` `from` FROM_SOURCE `)`

JOIN_TYPE ::= `inner_join` | `outer_join` | `left_join` | `right_join`

    | `(` `as` SYMBOL EXP `)`
    | `(` `at` SYMBOL `(` `as` SYMBOL EXP `)` `)`
    | `(` `unpivot` EXP `)`

GROUP_FULL ::= `group` 
GROUP_PARTIAL ::= `group_partial`
GROUP_ALL ::= `group_all`
GROUP_BY_EXP ::= EXP | `(` `as` SYMBOL EXP `)`

    `(`  GROUP_KIND
         //NOTE:  the `by` node cannot be wrapped in a term (GROUP_BY_EXPs however *can* be wrapped in a term).
        `(` `by` GROUP_BY_EXP GROUP_BY_EXP... `)` 
         //NOTE:  the `name` node *can* be wrapped in a term
        [ `(` `name` SYMBOL `)` ] ')'
    | `(` GROUP_ALL SYMBOL `)`
WHEN ::= `(` `when` EXP EXP `)`
ELSE ::= `(` `else` EXP `)`


Each example lists:

  1. The query as a string as the title
  2. The version 0 AST
  3. =>
  4. The version 1 AST

The examples show some meta/term nodes based on what meta information is available today. The goal is to annotate all nodes with meta information.

E1 : select * from a

(select (project (*))
    (from (meta (id a case_insensitive)
                    {line:1, column:15})))


    (version 1)
                                (exp (star))
                                (meta ($source_location ({line_num:1,char_offset:8}))))))
                            (exp (id a case_insensitive))
                            (meta ($source_location ({line_num:1,char_offset:15}))))))))))

E2 : select a as x from a

(select (project (list (meta (as x (meta (id a case_insensitive) 
                                         {line:1, column:8 }))
                             { line:1, column:13 })))
        (from (meta (id a case_insensitive) 
                    { line:1, column:20 })))


    (version 1)
                                        (term (exp (id a case_insensitive))
                                            (meta ($source_location ({line_num:1,char_offset:8}))))))
                                (meta ($source_location ({line_num:1,char_offset:13}))))))
                            (exp (id a case_insensitive))
                            (metaJ ($source_location ({line_num:1,char_offset:20}))))))))))

E3 : select x from a as x

(select (project (list (meta (id x case_insensitive)
                             { line:1, column:8 })))
        (from (meta (as x (meta (id a case_insensitive) 
                                { line:1, column:15 })) 
                    { line:1, column:20 })))


    (version 1)
                                (exp (id x case_insensitive))
                                (meta ($source_location ({line_num:1,char_offset:8}))))))
                                        (exp (id a case_insensitive))
                                        (meta ($source_location ({line_num:1,char_offset:15}))))))
                                ($source_location ({line_num:1,char_offset:20}))))))))))

E4 : select AVG( from a

(select (project (list (meta (call_agg avg all (path (meta (id a case_insensitive)
                                                           { line:1, column:12 }) 
                                                     (meta (case_insensitive (meta (lit "price")
                                                                                   { line:1, column:14 })) 
                                                           { line:1, column:14 })))
                             { line:1, column:8 })))
        (from (meta (id a case_insensitive)
                    { line:1, column:26 })))


(ast (version 1)
                                    (call_agg avg all
                                                        (exp (id a case_insensitive))
                                                        (meta ($source_location ({line_num:1,char_offset:12}))))
                                                            (exp (lit "id"))
                                                            (meta ($source_location ({line_num:1,char_offset:14}))))
                                            (meta ($source_location ({line_num:1,char_offset:12}))))))
                                (meta ($source_location ({line_num:1,char_offset:8}))))))
                            (exp (id a case_insensitive))
                            (meta ($source_location ({line_num:1,char_offset:23}))))))))))

E5 : select * from a where a.price > 100

(select (project ( *)) 
        (from (meta (id a case_insensitive)
                    { line:1, column:15 }))
        (where (meta (> ( path (meta (id a case_insensitive)
                                     { line:1, column:23 }) 
                               (meta (case_insensitive (meta (lit "price")
                                                             { line:1, column:25 })) 
                                     { line:1, column:25 })) 
                        (meta (lit 100) 
                              { line:1, column:33 }))
                     { line:1, column:31 })))


(ast (version 1)
                                (exp (star))
                                    ($source_location ({line_num:1,char_offset:8} ))))))
                            (exp (id a case_insensitive))
                            (meta ($source_location ({line_num:1,char_offset:15} )))))
                                                    (exp (id a case_insensitive))
                                                    (meta ($source_location ({line_num:1,char_offset:23} ))))
                                                        (exp (lit "price"))
                                                        (meta ($source_location ({line_num:1,char_offset:25} ))))
                                        (meta ($source_location ({line_num:1,char_offset:23} ))))
                                        (exp (lit 100))
                                        (meta ($source_location ({line_num:1,char_offset:33} ))))))
                            (meta ($source_location ({line_num:1,char_offset:31} ))))))))))

E6 : SELECT a, b FROM data GROUP BY a, b

                            (id a case_insensitive)))))
                        (id data case_insensitive))))
                            (id a case_insensitive)))
                            (id b case_insensitive))))))))

E7 : SELECT a FROM data GROUP BY a as x GROUP BY g

                            (id a case_insensitive)))))
                        (id data case_insensitive))))
                                        (id a case_insensitive)
                        (name g)))))))


Important modifications/additions regarding changes from version 0:

  1. Some nodes had 2 versions one for the node e.g., is and one for the nodes complement (negation) e.g. is_not
    • Removed the complements in favour of a nested (not ..) expression. The nodes affected are like, is,
  2. The * was previously used in multiple places to denote different semantic meanings. This is no longer the case.
    • SELECT * is now denoted with the tag star
    • SELECT exp.* is now denoted with the tag path_project_all
    • exp[*] and exp.* is still denoted with the (*) and (* unpivot) s-expressions. This is unchanged from version 0.
  3. Path elements (arguments after the first in a path expression) are now contained in a path_element node following this pattern: (path_element EXP CASE_SENSITIVITY).


Need to address/flesh out

  1. Order by (
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