asyncmachine-go is a declarative control flow library implementing AOP and Actor Model through a clock-based state machine.
is a network-native REPL and CLI to manage one or many asyncmachines. Combined with
and a dedicated state machine, it can act as a debugging agent, showing results in the debugger, while
accepting commands in the REPL. It's also very useful to modify live systems without restarting them, including
filtered group operations.
- Download a release binary
- Install
go install
- Run directly
go run
asyncmachine-go is a declarative control flow library implementing AOP and Actor Model through a clock-based state machine.
- mutations: change the state of connected state machines.
- checking: filter connected state machines and inspect them.
- waiting: wait on multiple states or machine time of a single state machine.
- CLI: all commands can also be called via CLI, eg in a bash script, including waiting methods.
- readline shell: not just a simple REPL, supports inputrc keybindings.
- aRPC: connect to any aRPC endpoint.
- helpers: easily enable a REPL for existing state machines with a oneliner.
- multi-client: connect to as many state machines as you want.
- group mutations: perform mutations on large groups of state machines.
arpc ADDR [flags]
arpc [command]
- REPL from an addr
$ arpc localhost:6452
- REPL from a file
$ arpc -f mymach.addr
- CLI add states with args
$ arpc localhost:6452 -- add mach1 Foo Bar \
--arg name1 --val val1
- CLI add states with args to the first machine
$ arpc localhost:6452 -- add . Foo Bar \
--arg name1 --val val1
- CLI wait on 2 states to be active
$ arpc localhost:6452 -- when mach1 Foo Bar
- CLI add states to a group of machines
$ arpc localhost:6452 -- group-add -r ma.\* Foo Bar
add Add states to a single machine
group-add Add states to a group of machines
group-remove Remove states from a group of machines
remove Removed states from a single machine
when Wait for active states of a single machine
when-not Wait for inactive states of a single machine
when-time Wait for a specific machine time of a single machine
inspect Inspect a single machine
mach Show states of a single machine
time Show the time of a single machine
cheatsheet Show cheatsheet
exit Exit the REPL
help Help about any command
list List connected machines
script Execute a REPL script from a file
status Show the connection status
Additional Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
-d, --dir Load *.addr files from a directory
-f, --file Load addresses from a file
-h, --help help for arpc
Use "arpc [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ arpc list --help
List connected machines
arpc list [flags]
list -a Foo -a Bar --mtime-min 1631
-a, --active stringArray Filter by an active state (repeatable)
-d, --disconn Show disconnected (default true)
-f, --from int Start from this index
-h, --help help for list
-I, --id-partial string Substring to match machine IDs
-p, --id-prefix string Prefix to match machine IDs
-r, --id-regexp string Regexp to match machine IDs
-s, --id-suffix string Suffix to match machine IDs
-i, --inactive stringArray Filter by an inactive state (repeatable)
-l, --limit int Mutate up to N machines
-T, --mtime-max uint Max machine time, e.g. "1631616000"
-t, --mtime-min uint Min machine time, e.g. "1631616000"
-m, --mtime-states stringArray Take machine time only from these states (repeatable)
-P, --parent string Filter by parent ID
-z, --states Print states (default true)
-Z, --states-all Print all states (requires --states)
$ arpc add --help
Add states to a single machine
arpc add MACH STATES [flags]
$ add mach1 Foo Bar \
--arg name1 --val val1 \
--arg name2 --val val2
--arg stringArray Argument name (repeatable)
-h, --help help for add
--val stringArray Argument value (repeatable)
$ arpc when-time --help
Wait for a specific machine time of a single machine
arpc when-time MACH STATES TIMES [flags]
when-time mach1 -s Foo -t 1000 -s Bar -t 2000
-h, --help help for when-time
-s, --state stringArray State name (repeatable)
-t, --time stringArray Machine time (repeatable)
Enable a REPL per each state machine:
import arpc "" // ... // create an address file in ./tmp/MACH-ID.addr arpc.MachRepl(mach, "", "tmp", nil)
arpc -d tmp
The REPL should start and connect to all addresses from the
Go back to the monorepo root to continue reading.