Cookbook for asyncmachine-go contains numerous copy-pasta snippets of common patterns.
// TODO update to v0.8.0
- Cookbook
- ToC
- Activation handler with negotiation
- De-activation handler with negotiation
- State to state handlers
- Common imports
- Common env vars
- Debugging a machine
- Simple logging
- Custom logging
- Minimal machine init
- Common machine init
- Wait for a state activation
- Wait for a state activation with argument values
- Wait for a state de-activation
- Wait for a specific machine time
- Wait for a relative state tick
- Wait for a specific state tick
- Synchronous state (single)
- Asynchronous state (double)
- Asynchronous boolean state (triple)
- Full asynchronous boolean state (quadruple)
- Input
state - Self removal state
- State context
- Step context
- Event handlers
- Channel responses via arguments
- Equivalent of
write withdefault
- Custom exception handler
- Verify states at runtime
- Typesafe states pkg template
- State Mutex Groups
- Transition-aware handler
- Batch data into a single transition
// negotiation handler
func (h *Handlers) NameEnter(e *am.Event) bool {}
// final handler
func (h *Handlers) NameState(e *am.Event) {}
// negotiation handler
func (h *Handlers) NameExit(e *am.Event) bool {}
// final handler
func (h *Handlers) NameEnd(e *am.Event) {}
// all state-state handlers are final (non-negotiable)
func (h *Handlers) FooBar(e *am.Event) {}
func (h *Handlers) BarFoo(e *am.Event) {}
func (h *Handlers) BarAny(e *am.Event) {}
func (h *Handlers) AnyFoo(e *am.Event) {}
// always called as a transition from Any state to Any state
func (h *Handlers) AnyEnter(e *am.Event) bool {}
// always called for accepted transitions
func (h *Handlers) AnyState(e *am.Event) {}
import (
amhelp ""
am ""
arpc ""
amtele ""
# enable simple debugging
# eg long timeouts, stack traces
# export telemetry to a real debugger
# address of a running am-dbg instance
# set the log level (0-4)
# detect evals directly in handlers
# use in tests
$ am-dbg
import amtele ""
// ...
ready, err := amtele.TransitionsToDBG(ctx, mach, "")
# use AM_DEBUG to increase timeouts of NewCommon machines
// max the log level
// level based dispatcher
mach.SetLogger(func(level LogLevel, msg string, args ...any) {
if level > am.LogChanges {
customLogDetails(msg, args...)
customLog(msg, args...)
// include some args in the log and traces
mach.SetLogArgs(am.NewArgsMapper([]string{"id", "name"}, 20))
import am ""
// ...
ctx := context.TODO()
states := am.Struct{"Foo":{}, "Bar":{Require: am.S{"Foo"}}}
// state machine
mach := am.New(ctx, states, &am.Opts{
ID: "mach1",
import (
am ""
// task gen-states Foo,Bar
ss "repo/project/states"
// ...
ctx := context.Background()
mach, err := am.NewCommon(ctx, "mach1", ss.States, ss.Names, nil, nil, &am.Opts{
LogLevel: am.LogChanges,
// create a wait channel
when := mach.When1("FileDownloaded", nil)
// change the state
mach.Add1("DownloadingFile", nil)
// wait with err and timeout
select {
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
return am.ErrTimeout
case <-mach.WhenErr(nil):
return mach.Err
case <-when:
// FileDownloaded active
See also:
// define args
args := am.A{"id": 123}
// crate a wait channel
when := mach.WhenArgs("EventConnected", args, nil)
// wait with err and timeout
select {
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
return am.ErrTimeout
case <-mach.WhenErr(nil):
return mach.Err
case <-when:
// EventConnected activated with (id=1232)
// crate a wait channel
when := mach.WhenNot1("DownloadingFile", args, nil)
// wait with err and timeout
select {
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
return am.ErrTimeout
case <-mach.WhenErr(nil):
return mach.Err
case <-when:
// DownloadingFile inactive
// create a wait channel
when := mach.WhenTime(am.S{"DownloadingFile"}, am.Time{6}, nil)
// wait with err and timeout
select {
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
return am.ErrTimeout
case <-mach.WhenErr(nil):
return mach.Err
case <-when:
// DownloadingFile has tick >= 6
// create a wait channel
when := mach.WhenTick("DownloadingFile", 2, nil)
// wait with err and timeout
select {
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):z
return am.ErrTimeout
case <-mach.WhenErr(nil):
return mach.Err
case <-when:
// DownloadingFile tick has increased by 2
// create a wait channel
when := mach.WhenTickEq("DownloadingFile", 6, nil)
// wait with err and timeout
select {
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
return am.ErrTimeout
case <-mach.WhenErr(nil):
return mach.Err
case <-when:
// DownloadingFile has tick >= 6
Ready: {},
DownloadingFile: {
Remove: groupFileDownloaded,
FileDownloaded: {
Remove: groupFileDownloaded,
Connected: {
Remove: groupConnected,
Connecting: {
Remove: groupConnected,
Disconnecting: {
Remove: groupConnected,
Connected: {
Remove: groupConnected,
Connecting: {
Remove: groupConnected,
Disconnecting: {
Remove: groupConnected,
Disconnected: {
Auto: 1,
Remove: groupConnected,
See also:
var States = am.Struct{
ConnectEvent: {Multi: true},
func (h *Handlers) ConnectEventState(e *am.Event) {
// called even if the state is already active
func (h *Handlers) FwdStepState(_ *am.Event) {
// removes itself AFTER the end of the handler
// like defer, but with a queue
h.Mach.Remove1("FwdStep", nil)
// ... handler
func (h *Handlers) DownloadingFileState(e *am.Event) {
// open until the state remains active
ctx := e.Machine.NewStateCtx("DownloadingFile")
// fork to unblock
go func() {
// check if still valid
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return // expired
// create a ctx just for this select statement (step)
ctx, cancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
select {
case <-mach.WhenErr(ctx):
return mach.Err
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
return am.ErrTimeout
case <-mach.When1("Foo", ctx):
case <-mach.WhenArgs("Bar", am.A{"id": 1}, ctx):
// dispose "when" listeners as soon as they aren't needed
events := []string{"FileDownloaded", am.EventQueueEnd}
ch := mach.OnEvent(events, nil)
for e, ok := <-ch; ok; {
if e.Name == EventQueueEnd {
// buffered channels
req := &myReq{
resp: make(chan []string, 1),
err: make(chan error, 1),
// sync push to the handler
mach.Add1("GetPeers", am.A{"myReq": req})
// await resp and err
select {
case resp := <-req.resp:
return resp, nil
case err := <-req.err:
return nil, err
case <-mach.Ctx.Done():
return nil, mach.Ctx.Err()
func (p *PubSub) GetPeersState(e *am.Event) {
p.Mach.Remove1(ss.GetPeers, nil)
req := e.Args["myReq"].(*myReq)
// ...
// buffered
req.resp <- out
// vanilla
select {
case p.newPeers <- struct{}{}:
// canceled
// asyncmachine
res := p.mach.Add1("PeersPending", nil)
if res == am.Canceled {
// canceled
type Handlers struct {
func (h *Handlers) ExceptionState(e *am.Event) {
// custom handling logic
// ...
// call the parent error handler (or not)
See also:
package sim
import (
ss "URL/states/NAME"
am ""
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
m := am.New(ctx, ss.States, nil)
err := m.VerifyStates(ss.Names)
if err != nil {
// generate using either
// $ am-gen states-file Foo,Bar
// $ task gen-states-file Foo,Bar
package states
import am ""
// S is a type alias for a list of state names.
type S = am.S
// States map defines relations and properties of states.
var States = am.Struct{
Start: {},
Heartbeat: {Require: S{Start}},
//#region boilerplate defs
// Names of all the states (pkg enum).
const (
Start = "Start"
Heartbeat = "Heartbeat"
// Names is an ordered list of all the state names.
var Names = S{Start, Heartbeat}
var States = am.Struct{
Connected: {Remove: groupConnected},
Connecting: {Remove: groupConnected},
Disconnecting: {Remove: groupConnected},
// Only 1 of the group can be active at a given time.
var groupConnected = am.S{Connecting, Connected, Disconnecting}
func (h *Handlers) ClientSelectedEnd(e *am.Event) {
// clean up, except when switching to SelectingClient
if e.Mutation().CalledStatesHas(ss.SelectingClient) {
var queue []*Msg
var queueMx sync.Mutex
var scheduled bool
func Msg(msgTx *Msg) {
defer queueMx.Unlock()
if !scheduled {
scheduled = true
go func() {
// wait some time
defer queueMx.Unlock()
// add in bulk
mach.Add1("Msgs", am.A{"msgs": queue})
queue = nil
scheduled = false
// enqueue
queue = append(queue, msgTx)
switch mach.Switch(ss.GroupPlaying...) {
case ss.Playing:
case ss.TailMode:
func (h *Handlers) HelpDialogEnd(e *am.Event) {
diff := am.DiffStates(ss.GroupDialog, e.Transition().TargetStates)
if len(diff) == len(ss.GroupDialog) {
// all dialogs closed, show main
func (s *Sim) MsgRandomTopicEnter(e *am.Event) bool {
p := s.pickRandPeer()
if p == nil || len(p.simTopics) == 0 {
// not enough topics
return false
randTopic := p.simTopics[rand.Intn(len(p.simTopics))]
if len(s.GetTopicPeers(randTopic)) < 2 {
// Not enough peers in topic
return false
// pass the topic
e.Args[""] = randTopic
return len(s.topics) > 0
if d.Mach.Any1(ss.GroupDialog...) {
d.Mach.Remove(ss.GroupDialog, nil)
return nil
import ""
// ...
opts := &am.Opts{}
traceMach(opts, true)
mach, err := am.NewCommon(ctx, "mymach", ss.States, ss.Names, nil, nil, opts)
// ...
func initTracing(ctx context.Context) {
tracer, provider, err := NewOtelProvider(ctx)
if err != nil {
_, rootSpan = tracer.Start(ctx, "sim")
func traceMach(opts *am.Opts, traceTransitions bool) {
machTracer := telemetry.NewOtelMachTracer(s.OtelTracer, &telemetry.OtelMachTracerOpts{
SkipTransitions: !traceTransitions,
Logf: logNoop,
opts.Tracers = []am.Tracer{machTracer}