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💱 Laravel package for

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Simple Laravel package for integrating with currency rates.


  • PHP 7.1 or higher
  • Laravel 5.8 or higher


You can install the package via composer:

composer require orkhanahmadov/laravel-currencylayer

Publish package migration and config files:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Orkhanahmadov\LaravelCurrencylayer\LaravelCurrencylayerServiceProvider"

Set your access key in .env file:


You can find your access key in Currencylayer Dashboard.


After publishing configuration file it will be available in config directory as currencylayer.php

It has following settings:

  • access_key - access key, by default uses value from .env file
  • https_connection - if set to true all calls to currencylayer API endpoint will be over HTTPS, instead of default HTTP


You can type-hint Orkhanahmadov\LaravelCurrencylayer\Contracts\CurrencyService to inject it from container:

use Orkhanahmadov\LaravelCurrencylayer\Contracts\CurrencyService;

class CurrencyController
    public function index(CurrencyService $currencyService)
        $currencyService->live('USD', 'EUR');

Anywhere outside container you can create instance of the service with app() helper:

$currencyService = app('currencylayer');
$currencyService->live('USD', 'EUR');

You can also use provided facade:

\Currencylayer::live('USD', 'EUR');

Available methods

All methods save rates to database table when fetched.


Method fetches live rates from

$currencyService->live('USD', 'EUR');

First argument is source currency, second argument is converted currency. You can also pass instance of Orkhanahmadov\LaravelCurrencylayer\Models\Currency as a source currency.

use Orkhanahmadov\LaravelCurrencylayer\Models\Currency;

$usd = Currency::where('code', 'USD')->first();
$currencyService->live($usd, 'EUR');

To get live rates for multiple currencies, pass multiple currency codes:

$currencyService->live('USD', 'EUR', 'CHF', 'BTC', 'RUB');
// or
$currencyService->live('USD', ['EUR', 'CHF', 'BTC', 'RUB']);


Method fetches rates for given date from

$currencyService->rate('USD', '2019-01-25', 'EUR');

First argument is source currency, second argument is date, third argument is converted currency. You can also pass instance of Orkhanahmadov\LaravelCurrencylayer\Models\Currency as a source currency argument and instance of Carbon\Carbon as a date argument.

use Carbon\Carbon;
use Orkhanahmadov\LaravelCurrencylayer\Models\Currency;

$usd = Currency::where('code', 'USD')->first();
$today = Carbon::today();
$currencyService->rate($usd, $today, 'EUR');

To get rates for multiple currencies, pass multiple currency codes:

$currencyService->rate('USD', '2019-01-25', 'EUR', 'CHF', 'BTC', 'RUB');
// or
$currencyService->rate('USD', '2019-01-25', ['EUR', 'CHF', 'BTC', 'RUB']);


Package comes with 2 commands:

php artisan currencylayer:live - fetches live rates and outputs the values. First argument is source currency, second and next arguments are target currencies:

php artisan currencylayer:live USD EUR CHF

This will fetch live rates for USD to EUR and USD to CHF.

php artisan currencylayer:rate - fetches rates for given date and outputs the values. First argument is source currency, second argument is date, third and next arguments are target currencies:

php artisan currencylayer:rate USD 2019-01-25 EUR CHF

This will fetch rates for 2019-01-25 for USD to EUR and USD to CHF.


Package comes with 2 database models:

  • Orkhanahmadov\LaravelCurrencylayer\Models\Currency - stores each fetched currency codes
  • Orkhanahmadov\LaravelCurrencylayer\Models\Rate - stores rate for each currency exchange based on timestamp

Currency model has rateFor() method you can use to get currency rate. First argument is target currency code or can be instance of Currency.

use Orkhanahmadov\LaravelCurrencylayer\Models\Currency;

$usd = Currency::where('code', 'USD')->first();
$rate = $usd->rateFor('EUR');
// or
$eur = Currency::where('code', 'EUR')->first();
$rate = $usd->rateFor($eur);

This will fetch latest USD to EUR rate.

You can also pass date or Carbon\Carbon instance as a second argument to get rates for that date:

use Carbon\Carbon;
use Orkhanahmadov\LaravelCurrencylayer\Models\Currency;

$usd = Currency::where('code', 'USD')->first();
$rate = $usd->rateFor('EUR', '2019-01-25');
// or
$today = Carbon::today();
$rate = $usd->rateFor('EUR', $today);


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.