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CCAT is a system built for the Formula Student team BCN eMotorsport in order to classify and keep track of the cones detected from a global 3D map.

To fulfill this purpose, CCAT implements a sensor fusion model. It registers the bounding boxes obtained from the neural network that processes the camera images to the cones detected on the 3D map that LiDAR odometry provides.

CCAT must obtain a vector of classified cones. Each cone should have a type $t_{ccat}$ according to the class of cone they belong to. According to FSG DE 6.2.4 and as shown in Fig. 1, possible types are big orange $(BO)$, small orange $(SO)$, small yellow $(Y)$ and small blue $(B)$. In order to also represent the case where cone type is unknown (due to camera range or uncertainty), type unknown $(UNK)$ will also be a possible type.

CCAT cone types
Figure 1: CCAT cone types

In addition, CCAT will make sure (as far as possible) that the cones it outputs agree with the ground truth. To do so, it will track every cone over time to robustly assign them a unique $id_{ccat}$.

We will set/change the decisions on the set of tracked cones only when a certain confidence is reached since, later, other algorithms will take these cones (and identify them through the $id_{ccat}$) and that will decide which path will the car take.


  • An observation vector from the global 3D map, this includes the cone position (centroid) $p_{obs}, (\mathbb{R}^3)$, a detection confidence $\alpha_{obs}$ and the cone's point cloud $pcl_{obs}$.
    This is: { $(p_{obs},\alpha_{obs},pcl_{obs})$ }.
  • Car \textbf{location} and \textbf{heading}, a pose 6D vector.
    This is: $(x, y, z, \phi, \theta, \psi)$.
  • Left and right camera detected \textbf{bounding boxes} of cones, including the type of cone and confidence.
    This is: { $(x_{bb_0}, y_{bb_0}, x_{bb_1}, y_{bb_1}, t_{bb}, \alpha_{bb})$ }.

Note: In order to synchronize the data afterwards, all input messages are timestamped.


  • Classified cone vector with class confidence and each cone will have a unique id (between iterations).
    This is: { $(p_{ccat},t_{ccat},id_{ccat},\alpha_{ccat})\mid p_{ccat} \in \mathbb{R}^3, t_{ccat} \in (Y,B,SO,BO,UNK)$ }


In order to achieve the desired functionalities, the system pipeline is divided into modules to improve code readability and ensure maintainability. As shown in Fig. 2, there are 5 different modules, each one performs a very specific task and is designed to not have any dependency with other modules.

CCAT pipeline
Figure 2: CCAT pipeline module structure


The Manager module acts as a master module; its job is to manage all incoming data and call inner pipeline with the appropriate-synchronized data.

  • Synchronize all input data.
  • Call inner pipeline modules with valid data only when necessary.
  • Runs all Matcher modules in parallel with OpenMP.
  • Allow real-time camera extrinsic parameters calibration on rosbag.
  • Allow one camera only operation, e.g. a camera gets disconnected.
  • Allow LiDAR only operation, e.g. all cameras get disconnected.


This module preprocesses all data that arrives in each iteration. The aim of this module is to filter and clean the data so all the other modules can use it directly.

  • Convert car's pose to a transformation matrix to later transform all cones to car's local frame. Make the inverse of this matrix (transform global-local is wanted) and invert $y$ coordinate.
  • Cluster in $O(n\log n)$ all incoming 3D map observations recursively using a threshold $d_{clust}$ such that if the distance between two points is lower or equal to $d_{clust}$, they will get grouped into the same cluster. Cluster position will be the mean of all clustered cones position.


The Accumulator module is a fictitious module, created as part of the Tracker module. It is a necessary step between Preprocessing and Matcher(s) since we want to match all observations (historic and new). This module relates and adds current iteration's observations to the historical (accumulated since the beginning).

  • Accumulate LiDAR observations with existing tracked cones such that for every new observation $obs_i$ with position $p_{obs_i}$:
    • If there is an existing cone $c_j$ with position $p_{c_j}$ and $dist(p_{obs}, p_{c_j}) \leq d_{acc}$, it is assumed that $obs_i$ is another observation of $c_j$. In this case, only the position is updated (latest data is more representative).
    • Otherwise it is assumed that $obs_i$ is the first observation of a new cone. In this case, a new cone with position $p_{obs_i}$ is created on the system.
  • Give every cone a unique id: Every time a new cone is observed, a new id is given (an increment of last id given).
  • Transform every cone's position from global into local (with the use of car's location and heading).


The Matcher module is responsible for the projections and matchings between the camera bounding boxes and the system's cones. In addition, it also keeps camera parameters (intrinsics and extrinsics) and allow real-time extrinsics calibration.

  • Transform every cone's local position into camera space through the camera extrinsic parameters.
  • Transform every cone's camera position into image space through the camera intrinsic parameters (pinhole model).
  • Remove all cones whose position is not in-frame (behind the car or not caught on camera).
  • For each projected cone, match it with the closest camera bounding box within a maximum distance threshold $d_{match_{max}}$ using a $k$-d tree in $O(\log n)$.
  • Save a list of cone updates, that is a list containing all cone $id$s and:
    • matching distance $(d_{match})$ and matched type $(t_{match})$ if the cone has a matching.
    • global distance to closest matched cone $(d_{cl_{match}})$ otherwise.

Result can be visualized in Fig. 3.

CCAT left and right image projections and matchings
Figure 3: CCAT left and right image projections and matchings


The Merger module is in charge of merging the output of the two Merger modules. This is necessary because the two Matchers can output the same cone due to the small zone of overlap between the two cameras; i.e. the same cone can be detected by the two cameras.
Tasks: Merge all Matchers' output into one single list such that there are no two cones with same $id$.

  • If multiple cones with same $id$ are found, the one with a smaller matching distance $(d_{match})$ will prevail.


The Tracker module is the only module in which cones are stored between iterations. The objective of this module is to keep track of all observations and decide which one should be output and the type of it.

  • Store all cones. That is all historical observations.
  • For every cone, decide whether or not it is an existing cone and its type.
  • Convert all data into ROS message data (serializable and readable by another node).


The result is quite impressive. As shown in Fig. 4 on the left and right hand side there are the projected images at real time and at the center the cone markers being updated.

CCAT projections and markers
Figure 4: CCAT left projections, markers and right projections