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Guilherme.Rodrigues Guiavr

Zyte São Paulo - Brazil

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Jaseem PK jaseemabdulla
Full-Stack Web Developer | Turning Code into Creative Solutions.🚀

Bengaluru, India

Rizwan Shoukat rizwanshoukat3324
Data Analyst 📈 | Power BI Developer | Data Science enthusiast

Bytewise LTD Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan

Jesse Johnson jessejjohnson
Father, husband, and software developer who loves playing hockey and a good frozen lemonade

Huntington Beach, CA

Ehsan U. Ehsan-U
Backend | Web Scraping | Automation

Jauharabad, Pakistan

Kevin Lloyd Bernal BurnzZ
💼 @Canva; Prev: ML Engineer @zytedata . 👨‍🎓 MS CS @gatech.

@Canva Australia

Tyler Durden tylerdurden4285
The first rule of GitHub is you do not talk about GitHub.
Jimmy Corrigan JayCorri
I am a data scientist. I help entrepreneurs scale their business using social media advertising, AI and automation.

San Diego

Eshwaran Venkat cricksmaidiene
Rogue Leader of Red Squadron Delta

@dotlas | UC Berkeley Bangalore, India

Evgeniy R evgrezanov
Senior "spaceships based on WordPress" full-stack developer

@Different-Marketing Thailand

Jorge Vasquez jorgevz
Software Engineer with a passion for building valuable products and solutions.

New York City

zima_blue 🏌🏿‍♂️ nderitugichuki
I'm a data scientist specializing in Python, SQL, and machine learning, with a keen interest in Scala. I focus on building scalable data solutions.


ipuke ipukeone
german fulltime procrastinator - founder of shit life syndrome :):


Ramom Filho RamomFilho
Python - Javascript - PHP Developer

Omie - @omiexperience São Paulo, SP, Brazil

MaixAmigo kapamelia
Make it & Share it
Arun Jain arunjain9988

@Flipkart Gwalior, India

Vivek vivekkushalzyte

@zytedata @scrapinghub

Vivek Kushal vivekkushal
Software Engineer


Franco Gil realFranco
I found a SQL injection once!

Senior SWE @ Santander SCIB Malaga - Spain

ThunderMind ThunderMind2019
Software Company

@ThunderMindtech Lahore, Pakistan

JeffMint🚀 Minty-cyber
🛠 Software Engineer || ⚙️ Building Backend Architecture with Python and Go || Building cool stuff with ML and AI 🚀

PentaTech IT Solutions Ghana

Alexandre Ferreira alexandresgf

@GrindLabs Salvador Bahia Brasil

Mitesh Pandav MiteshPandav

London, United Kingdom

Preston Smith PrestonII
I code, design & build | Head of BIM Operations @Integrated-Projects

@greySMITH-BIM New York, NY