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James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Nikhil Bhirud nbhirud
Python, AWS developer.

Charlotte, NC

masx200 masx200
自学大前端和后端 javascript /typescript /node.js/python/html/css/golang/deno/kotlin/java
GreenYoshi (Wang Han) 2659170494
I come from Fujian Economic School and am currently a Grade 22 e-commerce major. Like programming, music and other activities.

Fujian Economic School China,Fujian

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
rithishsamm rithishsamm
amateur programmer and life long learner. Solutions Architect - AWS by profession, Designer and developer by passion.


Dez Surfndez
Entreprenuer, Educator, and life long developer/programmer/all around tech enthusiast. :) @NVIDIA @Epic @unreal @Developers


Sergey Mutin mutin-sa

Plettenberg Bay, South Africa

kanyezik kanyezik
Full Stack Developer Indonesia