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Ørjan Jacobsen orjanj
Cybersecurity enthusiast | IR @Telenor | MSc INFOSEC student | holds BSc Cyber Security | volunteering as FSD @gathering.

@TelenorNorway Oslo, Norway

Joan JoanEsMarti
Administrador de Sistemas

Richard Uren elricho

Teleport Corp Pty Ltd Gold Coast, Australia

Mahendra Paipuri mahendrapaipuri
Sort of jack of all trades, master of none. Love contributing to OSS. Currently, working as a Research Engineer at CNRS in Paris

CNRS Paris

Jonathan Philipos jaeko44
Founder of - @virtengine

@VirtEngine Sydney

Julian Pistorius julianpistorius
Organic Software Gardener 🍅

Indiana University & Exosphere Project Tucson, Arizona