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José Antonio Córdoba Gómez pepitoenpeligro
Platform Engineer and DevOps at Cepsa Chemicals

Keepler Data Tech Granada / Cádiz

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

TheJonstone✓ TheJonstone
I manage services 🔗 and websites 💻 for several end customers, companies & organisations including the operational support (2nd ⚙️ & 3rd 🛠️ Level).

Wolfsburg, Germany

Hi. there!

Wuhan University of Technology

David Enke davidenke

@zalari Dresden, Saxony, Germany

Andreas Döbeling ADoebeling
Business Analyst & Project Manager for Web and UI Projects in digitalization.

@DOEBELING | Projektbüro Erlangen, Germany

YNSRC ynsrc
Electrical-Electronics Engineer

atwork Savar, Dhaka

Jean-Baptiste Maillet jbmaillet
PSIRT technical leader, embedded OSS

Paris, France

Dennis Modder (LHIND) lhind-dennis
IT Consultant @ LHIND

Lufthansa Industry Solutions Oldenburg (Germany)

Tom tnmdynamiq

Dynamiq Technologies, Inc


@volkswagen Istanbul

Lukas Pellny yourfavluk
Backend Java Developer

Bechtle AG @BechtleIT Germany, Bonn

Marcos themrhoffmann

Leve Educação Florianópolis, SC, Brasil

Felipe C. phlbrz
SRE - Site Reliability Engineer / Platform Engineer / DevOps / SWE - Software Engineer.

TJDFT Brasilia - DF, Brazil

Shubham Shursen Ghogare Shubhg1498
MSc Commercial Vehicle Technology at RPTU, Kaiserslautern | ADAS | Robotics | Control engineering | Photographer| Amateur Botanist


Mao mao1910
Not a Full-Stacker


Bastian Lampe bastilam
Research Scientist at the Institute for Automotive Engineering (ika)

@ika-rwth-aachen Aachen

perception | autonomous driving | mobile robotics
Philip Henning shokinn
Just an other geek. Interested in Servers, Networking and everything which is blinking.


Phillip Rhodes mindcrime

Fogbeam Labs Chapel Hill, NC

Jorge Martín García jmar008
Business Intelligence Developer

Volkswagen Group Retail Spain