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CTDS - University of Chicago

Andrew Prokhorenkov m0nhawk

University of Chicago Chicago, IL, USA

Guglielmo Cerri GuglielmoCerri
Senior Data scientist

Avvale Italy

Luke W. Johnston lwjohnst86
Research software engineering, data engineering, diabetes epidemiology, Python and R user, R coding instructor, open science advocate

@steno-aarhus Copenhagen, Denmark

Chris Thomas chris-c-thomas

@Argonne-National-Laboratory Chicago, IL

Garvil Shah Garvil007
AI Enthusiast and ICPC Regionalist with Hands-On Experience in Python and Advanced Model Development
Deep Learning & RL & Angular

Taiwan Taichung

Sebastian Tecsi sebastiantecsi
Sitecore Technology MVP 2018-2021 Sitecore Consultant & Developer & Architect, MSP alumni

Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania, Romania

ritikBhandari ritikBhandari
I'm not perfect but I make my way out ;)

JustPoll Gurgaon, India

Nicholas Ferraz nikoferraz
Software Engineer with 7+ years of professional experience. Focused mostly on Python backend. I'm enjoying learning Rust.

University of Chicago USA

Ray raydai

New Orleans

Mohamed Awnallah mohamedawnallah
Open Source Data Engineer exploring new frontiers and touching the stars with the power of data. ✨ GPG key: 3AB41BED6DC9C9188A65C5965D55706029E9B87E


Emanuele Addis acwazz
Software Developer - DevOps Specialist / Currently employed 🤖

Rome, IT

Liu Hui devhliu
Medical Imaging


Emma Dyer emmachancellor
Computational Biology PhD Student

Harvard University Boston, MA


CTDS - University of Chicago

Kyle Hernandez kmhernan
Director of Bioinformatics

Belay Diagnostics Chicago, IL

Prakhar Rathi prakharrathi25
Data Scientist and Machine Learning Researcher. Keen interest in Financial Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing

American Express New Delhi, India

Sara selgebali


Steven Brown sbrown-iu
Principal Data Manager, Department of Biostatistics and Health Data Science, Indiana University

Indiana University Indianapolis

Kozo Nishida kozo2
PyData Osaka organizer, Bioconductor Community Advisory Board, Software Carpentry Japanese Team

Tokyo, Japan

Atharva Rane atharvar28
Software Developer In Test - CTDS-PlanX

University Of Chicago

Jingcheng Yang yjcyxky
[Past - Cardiothoracic Surgeon] - [Present - Software Developer] - [Future - Data Scientist]

Fudan University; Massachusetts General Hospital Anywhere

Devanshu Sinha ArthrowAbstract
ML and Qubit Enthusiast interested in opportunities to contribute to real-world problems.

New Delhi, India