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META Ether xEarth

Louis Gituhi louisgituhi
Full-stack web developer figuring his way out in stuff :)


KR. Laboratories krlabs
Information Technology Research and Development Labs

KR. Laboratories Lviv, Ukraine

Vincent Ruge schwince
Working on bioinformatics with @floralink 🍃 and puzzling my head over an all-in-one solution along the way... 😵‍💫

@floralink Eberswalde, Germany

Jules Amonith examosa
Programming is my love language.

@churchcommunitybuilder Lewisville, NC

Beaver PragmaticBeaver
Developer & TTRPG crazed author from Germany


Emily Zt-freak
.NET developer, graphic designer, activist, big dumbass.

@ZtModArchive The Netherlands

Joda Stößer SimJoSt
Motivated by weird problems & sleek solutions Working on, learning with and bootstrapping #BuildInPublic

@codersfail Remote, based in Germany

Zwei bestZwei
major in CyberSecurity [email protected]


Oleg Chensky olegchensky

Chensky IT-Services Düsseldorf

David Auer dreua

Mainz, Germany

Mehmet Keçeci WhiteSymmetry
Physicist (Completed the dissertation phase of the Ph.D. in Physics) <M|ehme|t><K|eçec|i> #FreeGaza


Davi Fernandes Alves da Silva Davizex
Software Engineering Student at UFC (Federal University of Ceara)

Recife, Permanbuco

m4schini m4schini
CS Student (also doing professional IOT and cloud native software engineering on the side) Volunteering at @Jugendhackt @AlpakaInfraCrew

Sol 3

Aaron Joest joest-it

Oldenburg, Germany

Rainer Strobo bo11ox
half owl, half ape


dogfriend d0gfriend
Auf einmal da. Woher? Warum? Wen juckts? Es ist einfach so. Göttlich.


Nohbdy Ahtall NohbdyAhtall
Radical Ecological Egalitarian - Bigot Blacklister - Hierarch-Dismantler - Reverse-Lethality - C++ <3 GDScript - Veteran - Disabled - Polyamorous - Omnisexual

@GPDMCC Phoenix, AZ

Rohan P Suresh rohanps630

Elsys Intelligent Devices Pvt Ltd, Trivandrum Kerala, India

Evgeniy Letenkov eletenkov
DevOps Engineer

@eletenkov Russian

Kurisu soma-kurisu
🗡️Code as katana Deploy as incense🌸 Digital Ronin. Wield PCBs like ancestral Blades|Meditate on Kernel Panics|Ship software with the serenity of a zen master


merle mrlbke

farbenmeer Hamburg

Alexander Berezin funbotan
Life is a joke, and the meaning of life is to get the pun.


Tilman Tilmanfs95

@TekNoiseLab @hydrop-water-systems Germany

Marvin marvinborner

@effekt-lang @lars-ctf

Lena mittens-codes
🏳️‍🌈|🏳️‍⚧️|161|📆 23|📍Niederbayern|🖌️ ISFP|🚑 RettSan|⛑ CERT|👾 Häckse @Nerdbergev|⚠️ Im new to this shit so please be patient with me
Simon Rieger simono41
Softwareentwickler und IT-Consultant 🐧🏳‍🌈 Kurzgefasst: Taktisch Praktisch Gut 🥇 #Geek, programmer, tech enthusiast 👍 ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Aris bugsysop
Lost in cyberspace… a long time ago


jimenarsss jimenaRL
Alegría y Rebelión

Iakeri Project Paris + Santiago