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Deepak Silaych DeepakSilaych
git COMMITS to me


Postdoc Associate

University of Minnesota Minneapolis

Chioma Onyido Omabekee
Machine Learning Engineer & Open-Source Contributor: Currently building Machine Learning models to classify and predict cancers using R and Python.


Rohit Padala RohitPadala
ECE major at BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus with a minor in Computing and Intelligence.


Víctor Rodríguez Bouza vrbouza
Postdoctoral Fellow

EMBL's European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) Cambridge (UK)

Andrea Vittorio Pozzi avpozzi
PhD student at @EvolEcolGroup, Cambridge University.


Max Brown Euphrasiologist
I like plants. 👾 Lecturer and Researcher at Anglia Ruskin University.
Jim Downie prototaxites
Senior Bioinformatician at the Sanger Institute - Tree of Life Assembly

Wellcome Sanger Cambridge, UK

IBCHGenomics IBCHgenomic
Bioinformatics, Genome Analysis, Deep Learning Poland

DENG Ziqi dengzq1234
I develop tools and snippets for phylogenetic analysis and structural biology

CBGP madrid

Muneeb Nasir muneebdev7
Biotechnologist | Bioinformatician | AI & ML enthusiast | Automation in Bioinformatics | @nextflow-io Nextflow Ambassador

Islamabad, Pakistan

Fernando Cruz gitcruz
Genomics Data Analyst

CNAG (National Center for Genomic Analysis) Barcelona, Spain

Javier del Campo fonamental

Institute of Evolutionary Biology (CSIC - UPF) Barcelona, Spain

Dmytro edgeemer
PhD student at a bioinformatics lab with a great passion for Data Science.

Dalhousie University

Zijun Xiong ZijunXiong
Research scientist for genomics, transcriptomics, epigenetics

BGI Shenzhen, China

Enterprise ngogiaphat
Run for my life !!!!!!

Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City Ho Chi Minh City

Elisa Ramos ramoseks
Post Doctoral Researcher at Universität Basel | Comparative genomics | Molecular Evolution

Universität Basel Basel

Sandra Babirye SandraBabirye
Genomics | Bioinformatics | Artificial intelligence/Machine learning

Kampala Uganda

Tyler Chafin tkchafin
Wellcome Sanger Institute | Tree of Life

Wellcome Sanger Institute Cambridge, UK


Cambridge, UK

Shaun Regenbaum Shaun-Regenbaum
Bioinformatics, Data Science, Embedded Systems, Web Dev, Talmud, and more. JS, Julia, and other J languages. Python too.

@402s Atlanta

André Cunha cunhaandre
PhD Student @ Universidade de São Paulo

@csbl-br São Paulo

Ibra Lujumba harbi811
Early-career bioinformatics scientist
Daniel_Adediran Dexwel
Daniel is a genomic scientist, interested in using computational techniques to gain insight and answer biological question from cancer genome data.

Helix Biogen Institute Nigeria

Ankit Mukherjee AnkitMukherji
Computational Biologist
Federico López-Osorio flopezo

Queen Mary University of London London, UK

Naser Elmi naserelmi
Bioinformatician, Data Analysis, Product Owner

@Cimorgh-IT Tehran, Iran

Renato Augusto Corrêa dos Santos SantosRAC
Ph.D. in Genetics and Molecular Biology | Bioinformatician. Post-doc researcher in Brazil (LabBCES, CENA, USP).

Universidade de São Paulo Piracicaba, SP (Brazil)

pythseq pythseq
IR-CNRS (Bioinformatician) France

Katie Herron kherronism
PhD student @ University College Dublin

University College Dublin Dublin, Ireland

Lucas Canesin lcanesin
(Bio)Data Scientist
Cristóbal Gallardo gallardoalba
Abschluss in Wissenschaft des Lebens. M.Sc. in Technologie des Lebens und Erziehungswissenschaften. Rattennest, das heißt, Philosophiestudent.

Freiburg, Germany

Brandon Pickett pickettbd