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Jimmy Smits jimmysmits

@Deloitte Amsterdam

Velimir Đurković djvelimir
Highly experienced Senior Software Engineer. Proficient in a range of technologies including .NET, Java, Angular, JavaScript, and TypeScript.

Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Himanshu Yadav yhimanshu22
I am a passionate developer. Always try to develop something new.


Brijesh Singh brijeshiitg
Research Scholar at Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Indian Institute of Technology Assam, India

Sean P. Myrick V19.1.7.2 seanpm2001
I'm an experienced programmer, with the intent to make the world a much better place, and protect freedoms of the Internet. I am skilled in Python, and web dev.

Self-employed; looking for tips Walla Walla Washington, USA, Earth, Milky way, <Universe>

Juan Angel Lopez Diaz Chicook
developing a new decentralized project for the entire community.
TK tk1312
Red Team | Penetration Tester

ThevenRex ThevenRexOff


Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


ζ(s) = ∑ₙ₌₁^∞ 1/nˢ. AdepojuJeremy
building hyperstitions:

Aetherix.AI USA

Daejung Kim daejungkim
Software Engineer

LG Electronics Inc.

Nat NatMiji
Software Engineering Student at Academy Xi

ASX Sydney

Tyler M. Neher tylermneher
@neherdata - Owner // University of Central Florida // Reach for the stars //

@neherdata Tinton Falls, New Jersey, United States

Dr.AbdulQawi Almohamadi abdulqawiqaid
Medical Consultant at UIC

United Insurance Company Yemen

Saravanan G chefgs

Self Employed Chennai, India

Gianni Hong kkpan11
Coder. Book lover. Enthusiastic cyclist. T1D.

Taipei, Taiwan

Chindriș Mihai Alexandru chindris-mihai-alexandru
memento mori

Siemens Romania Cluj-Napoca

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Jacob Hands jahands
Helping build a better Internet @cloudflare


Bünyamin Ergen bunyaminergen
AI Research Scientist

Winston-Salem, North Carolina, United States

Gary Adams ga-142
It's a library, only the stupid or the evil are afraid of those.
Thomas Ayissi thomas-ayissi
#Developper : C#, JS, PHP , .NET, Angular, Symfony


Anil Rajole rajoleanil75
A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for


Mitesh Dandade Mitesh411
Sr Automation Engineer

Classified Location