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Hassanayn Kashmal hassanayn
Software Developer Dar es Salaam

Profu mobamangu
Security ex apart


Abubakar Omar abuu94
I'm humble remain Abubakar
Maksym champion10874
Full Stack Developer | AI Engineer
Kemmie Mtagwaba kemmie515
I am a UI/UXdesigner.

Youth for Children innovation hub. Dar es salaam

Lupyana Mbembati lupyana
Software developer @irabudev Secretariat @pycontanzania

@irabudev @SubcodeAfrica @Rashal-energies @pythontanzania Tanzania

Joshua Mabina joshuamabina
Tech + Africa

inalipa Africa

Casto E MALIMALI castomalimali Suspended
Forward To Technical solution


Clemency Kimambo clemencykimambo
Back-End Developer

in progress... dar es salaam

Abdul Ukwaju Mikwaju
👋 Hi, I’m Abdul Ukwaju 💻 I’m currently learning mobile development using Flutter 📱 Passionate about building efficient and user-friendly mobile apps
Yusuph Abasi yuyahcodes

Oceanware Limited Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Arnold I Simony Ab543559
Software Developer, IT Project Manager and IT Consultancy

Unganika Technologies Dar es salaam

Abdulaziz Sadi kitindi
Software Engineer | AI | ML in Education | Computer Science instructor @aiss & Founder @ vectarlabs | Building Sustainable Solutions

vectarLabs Dar es Salaam

jack kweyunga jackkweyunga
love building stuff

SEEDE Dar es salaam - Tanzania

Eddie Gulay eddiegulay

@Louella-Company Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania Republic of

Peter Jidamva peterjidamva
Problem Solver

Azampay Ilala,Dar es salaam

pycontanzania pycontz
PyCon Tanzania Github Admin

PyCon Tanzania Tanzania

Wombura Kimacha Kimacha

Humanitarian Openstreetmap Team Tanzania Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Loran Yousef loranYousef
Python full Stack Developer

Germany - Dortmund

Yosia Lukumai yosiaLukumai
(React,Node, Golang), Computer Vision, Embedded Systems, IOT (expert). (PCB +ARM + AVR + ESP_IDF)

Arusha, Tanzania

Zachée Niyokwizera ZacheeNiyokwizera
Full Stack Software Developer


Hassan Issa Hassan navilindo
The purpose of software engineering is to control complexity, not to create it.

BaseKumi Tanzania

Noah decolnz
networkpro/devops pips

Binary Institute (BIT), PyCon Tanzania Tanzania

Emmanuel Evance mtuchi
Technologist @OpenFn

OpenFn Tanzania

0xA bl4ckbo7
Security Research & Development

The Internet

Joan Henry jhenry081
Club Captain and Computer Science Study Group Manager @Codecademy

Codecademy Dar es Salaam, Tanzania