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Hugo Matheus hugomatheuss
PHP, Symfony, Laravel, Docker, Linux.
Erivan Luciano EriSL
Systems Analyst and Linux Evangelist

Objetivo Sistemas Brazil, Salvador, Bahia

Lucas Ronchi lucas0headshot
FullStack Dev & ADS Student. Day by day using: PHP, JS & SQL. Learning: NodeJS, Laravel & React.


João Ricardo joaoricardofp
🚀 Fullstack Developer | 🔬 Scientific Researcher


Adryel Dearo zdearo
Laravel & Livewire

São João da Boa Vista

André Domingues andrefelipe18
I wasn't old enough to open my eyes and I already knew the laravel architecture. Laravel | Livewire | Nuxt Enthusiast

Lins - SP

Er Galvão Abbott galvao

Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil

Lucas Vieira lucasvieira2902
Eterno estudante apaixonado por tecnologia.

Web Technology Penha, Brazil

Carlos André carlosandre-dev
Learning Ruby and Ruby on Rails


Bruno da Cunha Felipe azumamagus
🎓 Developer 🐱‍👤 Information Security Enthusiast 🧙 Dungeon Master (D&D 5e)

@Sossystem Bauru

Ricardo Kovalski ricardokovalski
Software Engineer. Open Source Code. ❤️ 👪 🎮

Qive Canoas, RS, Brasil

Endrick Endrickk
Formado em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas.

Maringá - PR, Brasil

Fernando "ferox" dos Santos ferox
Desenvolvedor FullStack PHP e Laravel/Drupal

@justdigital @LibreCodeCoop @LaravelFaber @cronotopo @institutoasw João Pessoa, Brasil

Romes Filho romesdev
Software engineer & researcher | M.Sc. in Computer Science and graduated in Computer Science.

Corebiz Ceará, Brasil

Víctor Ballestrini vballestrini

Nelogica Porto Alegre - RS

Michel Melo michelmelo
PHP Developer

Michel Melo Portugal

Allisson Araujo allissonaraujo
Analista de Sistemas e Pós Graduado em Desenvolvimento de Software.


Newton Cutrim newtoncutrim

São Luis, Brasil

João Ricardo Lima jRicardoLima
Programador Back end. Conhecimentos nas seguintes linguagens e frameworks. PHP,Javascript, Laravel,Vuejs, Bootstrap, Primevue, Bootstrap,Mysql.

Primavera Do Leste - Mato Grosso - Brasil

Gabriel Duarte jdgabriel
NodeJS | GraphQL | Typescript | Prisma

Ipatinga, MG

André Ribeiro andribber
PHP Developer Working with Laravel and PostgreSQL

Betim - MG

Gesiel Lucas Ferreira gesiellucas
Check my skills & knowledge on Stack Share 😃

@Luacolaborativa Belo Horizonte, Brasil.

Fernando Lira lira
👨🏽‍💻 Software Engineer, Systems Analyst, programmer, gamer, ex-podcaster at @devoradores, talking bullshit and the like.

@mercadolibre at @mercadopago São Paulo, Brasil

Jadiel Santos jadielsanttos
Desenvolvedor Backend | PHP | Laravel

Anhanguera Educacional

Lucca Ceresa Zimmermann luccazii
FullStack developer ;)

Verema Networking Brazil - Garibaldi, Rio Grande do Sul

Tarcísio Santos tarcisiodev1
Developer and Researcher of Web Solutions 🐘

Aracaju - SE, Brazil

Pedro Igor pedroigorsf
Busy your mind with positive thoughts

GPM Soluções Brasil

Lucas Quadros olucassquadross
Fullstack Developer | IT Instructor
Ewerton Motta EwertonMotta

Rio de Janeiro - Brasil

Mário Lucas mariolucasdev
Desenvolvedor Fullstack PHP

PHPay | Sixtec | PokerWeb Araripina-PE