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Eyüp findux
just another engineer
Meiliang Dong DamianSheldon
A software engineer who effort to achieve financial freedom!

Changsha, China

Fabio Molinari molyland

A TLC - Aethra Telecommunications Ancona

龍共每文 yssource

YS Source /home/yssource@shanghai

Jack peng SandWind

SandWind studio Chengdu Of Sichuan of china

虫子樱桃 czyt

@x-gopher /dev/ttycode

Darklinux DarklinuxFr
Hello, I am forty-three years old, I live in Meaux en Seine et Marne, about forty minutes from Paris by train. I discovered computer science, through the school


Patryk Cieślak patrykcieslak
I am a researcher working in the field of underwater robotics, focused on control design and simulation for I-AUV.

Girona, Spain

boxiu technology boxiu
Boxiu Open Source

boxiu technology ltd guangzhou,china

Dong beyond2002
An embedded software engineer over 20 years.

Brisbane, QLD, AU

Santiago Bernhardt sbe-arg
Security and Automation.

New Zealand

marmoo mamuyun
Spring is coming.
Libiver Jerry leezhm Shanghai.China.

Dmitriy Borisov borikinternet

Freelancer Russia, Moscow

WangNing sweetquiet
Mobile Robot Enthusiasts

CIMC Co., Ltd. Shenzhen China

Rui Barreiros rbarreiros
Systems designer, Sound engineer, Musician and producer, occasionally contributes and develops software !


Octave Schlumberger Werneni

Looking for a job Paris