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Paul Prae praeducer
I’m a solutions architect with a specialization in artificial intelligence. I build interactive systems that augment cognitive abilities and scale impact. #AI

Amazon Web Services Atlanta

anyex-net anyex-net
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


23' MSCS@NYU Tandon 19' BEng. of CS@SJTU

New York City

Rebly Megib Tabuni anjastabuni
I'am Full-Stack Developer

Jayapura -Papua

Soler索莱尔HO SolerHo
The past is irreversible, but the future can be changed.

China, Shanghai

iukkeopaa iukkeopaa
Slow is fast and People who like to toss and explore
Andrew Seif andrewseif
This GitHub is a diary of my Journey to being a ✨Software Engineer✨


Rich Hatch RichHatch

MyFitnessPal Austin, TX

Les Vogel lesv
my past includes an orchard in Cupertino and a very large seller of advertising.

Honolului, HI

Jay jamieduk
Join the


God of meme stocks manhhungdt06
Financial Data Analyst

Financial Data Analyst Hanoi

Basit Mustafa 24601
studying for the turing test

CTO @ Procurement Sciences Telluride, CO

wuyinghao wyh267

Ant Group Beijing,China

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Max Dupley QuadDarv1ne
🔎 VK: ☕ Twitch: 🎉ℳ - Student on MPEI University (degree) -

QuadD4rv1n7 Odintsovo, MO

Liguo Zhang zwbrealm
currently a MSC of ZJU

Zhejiang University Hangzhou

Trần Trung Trực tructransecure
Mỗi ngày mới là một trải nghiệm mới cho cuộc sống

Ngân Trâm - The Kitchen Lab Vietnam