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Kunwu Lyu kwlyu

Northfield, Minnesota

Nick Dulvy NickDulvy
I seek to lift the lid on the oceans and census the life hidden beneath. I combine Darwin’s toolbox with big-data to solve global environmental challenges.

Simon Fraser University Vancouver

Yilin Chen yilinchen98
PhD Student in Statistics Research - KCL


Myka Youngapelian MykaYoungapelian
Epidemiology, Phylogenomics, and HIV at the Robert Koch Institute. Prior: Utrecht University, University Medical Center Utrecht, and Portland State University.

Robert Koch Institute Berlin, Germany

Reza Dastranj RezaDastranj

Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic

Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


John Simon simonjo2

CIncinnati Children's Medical Center Cincinnati, Ohio

Christine Adr ChristineAdr
biostatistician, postdoctoral researcher at LMU Munich, Germany

LMU Munich Munich, Germany